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  1. Bluto

    Down ith anchor babies!

    good call P, your a smart one we defend borders and the people within all over the world (with a deadly force authorization), damn shame we wont defend our own. if the appropriate thread ever appears, ill tell you about the time my team and i found a group of nomadic bedouin people murdered...
  2. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    yes they are, and i believe the word that would best define your statement is known as "politics"
  3. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    man, you lost me, ive never asked to be thanked, why would i, i liked my job, maybe a little too much
  4. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    no, im not talking about a few stupid fucks flying planes into buildings, im talkin about a sovereign nation floatin a nuke into new york harbor and detonating it
  5. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    i never said anything about terrorists, and i know exactly who you being defended from. a pearl harbor can happen again
  6. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    now that i know your true feelings about those who defend and protect you, i would hope your only referring to me as a pawn, and not those who have gave their lives in defending the usa
  7. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    thats where your wrong, i volunteered, like my father, grandfather, and his father before him. all of my family has joined the military, and my son is now defending your right to call me and others ignorant.
  8. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    explain please
  9. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    that "saying" is an oath i swore too when i volunteered to join the military, to defend our nation and its people, and so you can voice your opinion on protecting criminals who our country
  10. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    and you dont know shit
  11. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    some of us never forget ... :peace:
  12. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    i knew who you were talkin too, but im callin ya out johnny, tell us all what is going on in this country
  13. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    perhaps i dont, would you please enlighten me
  14. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    no one, all countries have criminals, but why do we need to let them come here and kill, they do just fine at that in mexico i seen the video of the mexican flag flying above our very own stars and stripes, i seen the illegals flying our flag upside down. all that shit might be ok for you, but...
  15. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    illegals kill americans on home soil all the time, so no, i dont think its the same at all
  16. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    my country has been invaded, kuwait was invaded, were you not proud of me when i was killing the invaders of our friends in the middle east?
  17. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    i say shot em as soon as their foot hits this side of the border, i got paid to go to kuwait and kill people (good times) this time i will do it for my home soil, just give me the green light and i will sign back up and dial in the cross hairs 1 more time (no charge) :peace:
  18. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

  19. Bluto

    USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........

    A small city on the edge of Nebraska will now join Arizona as the center of an immigration debate sweeping across the nation. That after voters approved a ban on hiring or renting property to illegal immigration. The Associated Press late Monday showed that 57 percent of voters approved a...
  20. Bluto

    when should i start lookin for male / female?

    checked plants this morning, all have survived transplant 1 of the bigger plants took a hit from bugs sprayed plants this morning w/ Liquid Fence & Sevin Spray Liquid Fence is all natural but, there needs to be a warning stating that this shit smells like rotten ass