USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


no one, all countries have criminals, but why do we need to let them come here and kill, they do just fine at that in mexico

i seen the video of the mexican flag flying above our very own stars and stripes, i seen the illegals flying our flag upside down.

all that shit might be ok for you, but do you really expect me to be cool with that?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member

I rationalized quite child was in kindergarten. ENGLISH would have been enlightening. Yes, I prefer my child to learn the Englsih language PRIOR to being introduced to SOLELY the spanish language.

Yeap, I'm putting my child at a disadvantage and I'm a terrible parent.......HORRIFIC.
You honestly have no idea whats going on in this country do you? are you blind? Weather you like it or not spanish is quickly becoming the united states second language.
So go ahead with thinking you and your oh so mighty monolingual english family will come out to be anything more than roofers or landscapers.


Well-Known Member
You honestly have no idea whats going on in this country do you? are you blind? Weather you like it or not spanish is quickly becoming the united states second language.
So go ahead with thinking you and your oh so mighty monolingual english family will come out to be anything more than roofers or landscapers.

keep 'em comin'. :clap:


......oh please, stfu
(I'm being very nice):blsmoke:
And I'm being nice when I say you should grow a fucking brain, it's not like the Mexicans are getting rich at your expense, they're getting the minimal money needed to supply for their families, yes illegally, big deal. 20 bucks says everyone on this website breaks laws (unless there’s some official guideline of which ones your supposed to follow that I don't know about). Go after the ones giving the illegals employment, give them harsher sentences for breaking minimum wage laws and aiding with them living in the country (through employment or whatever). But I guess it's easier to only ignore the laws that effect you and expect everyone else to abide the laws that effect them, even if its against their interests, right? Ya fuckin hypocrite.


I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
some of us never forget ... :peace:


that "saying" is an oath i swore too when i volunteered to join the military, to defend our nation and its people, and so you can voice your opinion on protecting criminals who our country


thats where your wrong, i volunteered, like my father, grandfather, and his father before him.

all of my family has joined the military, and my son is now defending your right to call me and others ignorant.


Active Member
the US military, killing brown people in asia to ensure your right to talk bad about people

sorry the only thing defending my freedom is the constitution and the people