USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


Well-Known Member
This is why I would condone a labotomy......seriously, PURE CRAP you post.
Your whole bs line "it doesn't affect me, so f-k any other it does" is P A T H E T I C, period, point blank.
......and the ONLY reason they would become the majority is because we do NOT enforce our immigration law and are spoon feeding it to them ON A SILVER PLATTER.
......oh, and you're a racist.:blsmoke:
who said it didn't effect me? i learned spanish in high school BECAUSE i worked in housekeeping at a hotel and a kitchen in restaurant. guess what? i was soon working at the front desk of that hotel, translating between housekeeping and front desk, and setting daily agendas for housekeeping. it also served me well later in life when i followed my dad briefly into construction before moving north, and in some of the odd jobs i do nowadays.

by the way, the hispanics who will soon become the majority will do so LEGALLY for the most part. i know how much that must irk you, but it is true. get ready for it, it is already happening.

quit your bitching, crack a book, and get learning. unless, of course, you are too lazy and complacent to further your education or increase your marketability in the workforce, something i would not doubt from a MAILBOX CHECKER.


Well-Known Member
Border patrol agents should not be shooting people. Americas drug war should be abolished, it is one of the main reasons activity on the border is so violent - because of the drug cartels.

Some posters are missing the point completely and are only trying to argue about the minor differences that don't really matter. I could point fingers, but it's pretty obvious who it is...

Focus on the bigger picture.
Do tell us lil P...what are they "supposed" to be doing? Should they shrug their shoulders and patiently await the next illegal crossing in hopes they listen and finally respect our immigration law?
Obama suing Arizona and now mexico (as if they had a right).....that's not enough for you?

Minor differences?........surely your way of side stepping the topic at hand.
They are going to flock here.......drug cartel or not.

Yes, "some" posters are entirely missing the point.

Patrick Bateman

Active Member
Nope, I'm not prejudiced against any soul because of the color of their skin. You are completely lost.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
Your thoughts on what's happening on the border were what?
I think that we all know what happens when you give police more power than they can or should be trusted with

On the other hand there is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed

Dems need to grow some balls, quit thinking about November and get the ball on immigration reform rolling

Also, Mexico's criticism of Arizona's new law is an excellent example of logical fallacy

They appear to have forgotten about their own, brutal laws pertaining to foreigners in their country without identification


Well-Known Member
I think that we all know what happens when you give police more power than they can or should be trusted with

On the other hand there is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed

Dems need to grow some balls, quit thinking about November and get the ball on immigration reform rolling

Also, Mexico's criticism of Arizona's new law is an excellent example of logical fallacy

They appear to have forgotten about their own, brutal laws pertaining to foreigners in their country without identification you're talking.
But it's been both democrats and republicans threatening to deal with this one way or the other for years now--neither is doing a thing.


Well-Known Member
As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than all other countries in the world combined.[1] Since the liberalization of immigration policy in 1965,[2] the number of first- generation immigrants living in the United States has quadrupled,[3] from 9.6 million in 1970 to about 38 million in 2007

Many cities, including Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Detroit, Jersey City, Minneapolis, Miami, Denver, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine, have adopted sanctuary ordinances banning police from asking people about their immigration status.[10]

---free to mock, free to overturn every law, and free to victimize those who fought for the FREEDOM.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Oh gawd, I'm not even reading are f'ing insane.
First sentence, blah......blah, are not worthy.
Lil P, at least give it a few minutes rest, damn.
i'm insane?:roll: claims the mailbox checker who objects to her son learning spanish in an increasingly hispanic country...reality check on aisle 34, please.

you are so insanely far off the deep end that not only do you blame ALL of your shitty life problems on illegals, but you also persist in thinking that padawan and i are one in the same. we are not, you are wrong, come up with a new theory.

i'm sorry you are so oppressed. perhaps if you stopped blaming the people trying to better themselves in life and became one of them yourself you'd be happier. but i understand, it is fun to sulk and self-pity and pretend like all your problems someone else's is easier to ignore the true problem that way - YOU.


Well-Known Member
As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than all other countries in the world combined.[1] Since the liberalization of immigration policy in 1965,[2] the number of first- generation immigrants living in the United States has quadrupled,[3] from 9.6 million in 1970 to about 38 million in 2007

Many cities, including Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Detroit, Jersey City, Minneapolis, Miami, Denver, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Portland, Maine, have adopted sanctuary ordinances banning police from asking people about their immigration status.[10]

---free to mock, free to overturn every law, and free to victimize those who fought for the FREEDOM.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you forgot to put the whole thing in there....

Sanctuary cities

Main article: Sanctuary city
Several US cities have instructed their own law enforcement personnel and other city employees not to notify or cooperate with the federal government when they become aware of illegal immigrants living within their jurisdiction.
Many cities, including Washington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco,[92] San Diego, Austin, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Detroit, Jersey City, Minneapolis, Miami, Denver, Aurora, Colorado, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Portland, Maine, and Senath, Missouri, have become "sanctuary cities", having adopted ordinances banning police from asking people about their immigration status.[93][self-published source?]

Most of these cities claim that the benefit illegal immigrants bring to their city outweigh the costs.


Well-Known Member
you can't even rationalize WHY you would be upset that your son is getting relevant education, all you can do is come up with some lame ass comeback.

congrats at putting your son at a disadvantage, or at the very least advocating for such. you are a bad parent and a poor role model


i say shot em as soon as their foot hits this side of the border, i got paid to go to kuwait and kill people (good times)

this time i will do it for my home soil, just give me the green light and i will sign back up and dial in the cross hairs 1 more time (no charge)


Well-Known Member
:roll: at "felonious MJ growing"
:::::::::oh, the SHAME::::::::::

But perhaps, the most troubling and telling reason behind the growing epidemic of child molestation at the hands of Mexican illegal aliens, is the fact the age of sexual consent throughout much of Mexico is 12.

The only other nation in the world which boasts such a disregard for childhood innocence is Zimbabwe, where the age of consent is also 12.

Do you feel that America Must Accept Increasing Multiculturalism and End Racism? - Yahoo! Answers
Hey asshole check this out

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
i say shot em as soon as their foot hits this side of the border, i got paid to go to kuwait and kill people (good times)

this time i will do it for my home soil, just give me the green light and i will sign back up and dial in the cross hairs 1 more time (no charge)
and this is what the military does to you folks!


my country has been invaded, kuwait was invaded, were you not proud of me when i was killing the invaders of our friends in the middle east?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
my country has been invaded, kuwait was invaded, were you not proud of me when i was killing the invaders of our friends in the middle east?
You honestly think iraq invading kuwait is the same as some Mexicans jumping the border for a better life?


Well-Known Member
you can't even rationalize WHY you would be upset that your son is getting relevant education, all you can do is come up with some lame ass comeback.

congrats at putting your son at a disadvantage, or at the very least advocating for such. you are a bad parent and a poor role model
I rationalized quite child was in kindergarten. ENGLISH would have been enlightening. Yes, I prefer my child to learn the Englsih language PRIOR to being introduced to SOLELY the spanish language.

Yeap, I'm putting my child at a disadvantage and I'm a terrible parent.......HORRIFIC.