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  • Hey I saw your post about being a designated grower for pateints with a card. I ave my MMAR card and am interested in getting a grower. I mostly use Kush as it works the best for my chronic pain. What stains do you have? What are pricing? how can I get this started as soon as possible? Thank You
    Hello I did all the steps you told me everything was fine. I wanted to ask how long theycan stay in the jar without opening? Please personal message. Thank you!
    Also I'm running co2 and as such my temps average around 84f, which I believe has helped keep the problem at bay. Should I increase the temps further? I have plants in several different stages in the same room.
    Hey I have a big lady with a little bit of powdew forming mainly at the base and stem of some of my yellowing leaves. I'm six weeks into flowering, and so far I've pretty much just been removing infected leaves as I find them. I was considering using a light spray with diluted milk, and possibly some potassium silicate to raise the ph. Does this sound good?
    Yo man was reading through one of your posts and noticed you were talking about sulphur. I have had recent inccident in the past 24 hour. Where my plants have been exposed to Sulphur uselly used for pest controll. The top half of my 2 plants have been effected badly, and look in a bad shape.

    Would you know the best course of action to take, to help give the plants a fighting chance??
    Hey man . Are you possibly a fellow Ottawaninan ? XP ..
    long time lurker of these forums but recently joined .
    I would just cut the burnt part off and keep going. Plants in the wild get broken all the time and survive, no big deal. As for the gell I would skip that, gel has a hormone in it that your flowering plant does not need during flower. Glad to help. By the way when you have some plants taller than the others just squeeze the stem and roll it between your fingers till you feel the fibers crush than slowly bend it over to a 45 and leave it. In a couple days it will grow a knuckel and be fine. This is a super crop trick. If you look at some of my post you can see how well it works.
    hey i love reading your threads there very informative you seen to know your stuff. i have a question i need some help with and i was hoping you could help me answer it. recently i had to leave town and left my girl to care for my plants and when she switched them into the light room she put the two larger ones on the lower hanging light and burnt my terminal colas pretty bad now they look like crap with brown leaves and burnt pistils a guy at my local garden shop told me to cut off the burnt and kinda paint the remaining buds with a cloning gel. have you ever heard of this technique. he said its kinda like us using neosporin. and also what do you think is gonna happen with these plants are they screwed. thank you for any help you may give i will trust and use any advise you have.
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