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  • Hey Woodsmaneh,

    I've given your coco/WC/sunshine mix combo a go and everything seems to be sweet. I'm a first timer and it really saved my ass after my first couple of weeks which were suspect at best. I just had a few questions for you:

    1) In your post " 100% organic coco grow" you said you gave them a blast of 60% nuts from weeks 2-6, just wondering if that's 2-6 of flowering or of the total grow?
    2) Do you use the Calmax/Grozyme/Liquid Karma throughout the entire grow or just at certain stages? I've been feeding with 35% of recommended for all three and it seems to be doing the trick and was planning on transitioning to the Pureblend Pro soil during my last week of veg?
    3) My water is pH'd to 5.8 for feeding but the soil is reading around 7.0, just curious if this was normal and if that sounds reasonable?

    Thanks for your help in advance, hope you don't mind all the quesitons, and thanks for turning my first grow around, greatly appreciated,

    fatty macgee
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