Recent content by TheBrutalTruth

  1. TheBrutalTruth

    "Francisco's Money Speech"...

    "Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants: money will not give him a code of values, if he's evaded the knowledge of what to value, and it will not provide him with a purpose, if he's evaded the choice of what to seek. Money will not buy intelligence for...
  2. TheBrutalTruth

    Why Universal Healthcare would be GOOD!

    Insurance is supposed to pool risks, not to guarantee that any moron will get healthcare. It is unjust to the other holders of insurance to insist that they be forced to subsidize at their expense the medical care of some one that is not a risk, but a guaranteed loss. Your arguments are flawed.
  3. TheBrutalTruth

    Do People Have The Right To Organize And Shut Down Town Hall Discussion?

    No, because those others are still capable of finding another way of speaking to their representative, email, phone calls, regular mail, or fax, that would allow them to express their opinions. There is no deprivation of anothers rights, except in the case of the action pursued by democrat thugs...
  4. TheBrutalTruth

    So You Want Your Country Back?

    Trust academia to miss the point completely in stating that his policies are those of a Nazi (Socialists/Fascists) or of Socialism (USSR/Communists). Trust an imbecile to be so confused as to believe that there is actually a difference between Nazism and Socialism, and to believe that when the...
  5. TheBrutalTruth

    Do People Have The Right To Organize And Shut Down Town Hall Discussion?

    Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Are you so stupid as to neglect the very fact that their right to speak is guaranteed by the Constitution, or are you just being a leftist muppet and allowing the hands of other leftist imbeciles to guide your actions, and your words, which are not the...
  6. TheBrutalTruth

    Not a right

    Not a right By : TheBrutalTruth (2009-08-20 15:06:07)
  7. TheBrutalTruth

    Fires in california? its the marijuana growers

    Yes, we would, :-)
  8. TheBrutalTruth

    So You Want Your Country Back?

    Sounds like they are taking a page out of the union playbook, or the GM playbook, or the Oldman "Sucking" Sachs playbook, or the democrat playbook. Besides, of the two, I think the jobs that UHC provides are infinitely more important than insuring the uninsured, many of which are uninsured by...
  9. TheBrutalTruth

    So You Want Your Country Back?

    I do believe that it is the right of a corporation to request that its employees fight to hold their jobs, and not be left unemployed by a colossal disasterous plan being pushed by imbecilic bureaucrats who have no interest in the true well being of the nation, but only being re-elected to their...
  10. TheBrutalTruth

    Apoplithorismosphobia In short, Krugman, and the others like him, suffer from an irrational fear of deflation that is not grounded in real economic principle and ignores the fact that it was the inflationary policies of banks, and governments, that routinely...
  11. TheBrutalTruth

    Spectacular video of a cruise missile slamming into the Pentagon!

    Well what you believe is irrelevant (just as my own personal beliefs are) unless you can prove your assertion, then your belief can only be compared to a child's belief in the tooth fairy.
  12. TheBrutalTruth

    You had no right to close my 911 thread

    Well, I can only ponder, should we feel comfortable filing people that believe in the efficiency, and glory of the state, and its ability to correct all the problems it has caused under conspiracy theorists, psychopaths, or fanatics? Oh, wait, I guess after reading that the real question is...
  13. TheBrutalTruth

    British officials tells right wingers in America to stop lying

    Actually, I believe part of the problem is that due to government intervention in the housing market it is impossible to be certain that the people in any neighborhood actually have the same ideals. What is a working class neighborhood may find itself engulfed by urchins uprooted from their...
  14. TheBrutalTruth

    Spectacular video of a cruise missile slamming into the Pentagon!

    You over estimate how difficult it is to fly a plane, and you have to remember that the terrorists did take flying lessons.
  15. TheBrutalTruth

    "The larger the gun, the more menacing the situation,"

    Honestly? I'd be hoping that they'd be shitting their pants in fear. I'd also be hoping that amongst those grievances would be demands that the IRS be abolished, the DoE (both Education and Energy) be abolished, the Income Tax, Pay Roll Tax, and Estate Tax be abolished, along with the whole...