Pipe Dream
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  • hey man i am going to do a polyploid grow if you want to fallow me on this grow that would be the shit and if its female or male i am cross breeding
    read your pms....i am an idiot sometimes:) Toxic gasses are known to be emitted by some tents. I think maybe the PVC is a problem I'm not sure though.
    Right on . The panty hose idea crossed my mind, I feel like Im on the right track =^) The one pictured is a smaller sized tent that the one Im getting, you just looked at it im sure. The one Im getting is on amazon. ill post a journal when I get started. I feel confident I will eventually figure it out.....from what I read trial and error is the best way to learn to grow. Thanks for your help. One more Q? the inside of the grow hut comes in either PVC or mylar....Im leaning toward the PVC what cha think?
    I have a Q?: Im going with a 24"x48"x60" grow hut...I plan on getting a 400 watt switch able ballast and a190 CFM 4" fan/filter combo. Im a noob so please take it easy on me. My Idea was to go with a set up similar to the one pictured except I want to run a passive intake system maybe just some duct leading fresh air in from my window. The question is , will the 400 Watt light be overkill for my small space? and what is the ideal number of plants I can fit in a space like this? I plan on going with some indicas and Im gona go with soil & Is the passive intake Idea a good one? Im scared that bugs can come in threw the duct....
    Right on , when Im able to send PM's Ill send you links of what I have in mind. Im a new MMJ card holder and not quite sure about laws and such. Thanks for your help.
    Im working on it, luckily I have all the right connections Im just a procrastinator lol Im looking and shopping around but this is the month I get this ball rolling. I have some drawings of some Ideas I drew up Ill try and up load the check um out and let me know what you think. Im torn between just reconstructing my closet or buying a grow hut...fuck Im bit by the bug bad dawg cant stop wanting to learn. Do you think its safe to order from amazon I want a 400 watt ballast hood and light kit but kind of weary.

    im still trying to find the other blog that specifically swore by it, but this guy uses 20-20-20 in his video as well. The only difference between his and mine is that his box is "Petes professional' and it says with micronutes.. could that be a subsitution?
    Hi. I have Opium, Durban Poison, OG Blueberry, and NY Diesel. I have a few left that are rooted & ready, and it doesn't take me long to make more. I treat all my clones with a root growth accelerator.

    It wont let me post pics here, but in 5 days (80% of the time) I get roots up to 3" or 4".

    Let me know if you need anything.
    Hey thanks man, I wish I knew what strain it was also. I have been growing it for a few years and just had my best harvest yet. I actually got a little over 6 ounces from one plant and averaged 4.5 from each. Anyways thanks for the kind words and good luck in your grows.
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