Recent content by HIGHlife22

  1. HIGHlife22

    400w winter soil grow ~PICS~

    Come on in, and take a seat.
  2. HIGHlife22

    woken up by police at 145am 5-6-09

    WOW....I can't wait for shit to be like that here in Michigan. We just got are medical act passed a couple months ago, but it's going to take a while for the cops to get used to the new law. :blsmoke:
  3. HIGHlife22

    Gas rip off again ... $2.80 what to fight back?

    The US is the worlds largest consumer of oil. WE don't control the gas prices, the global elite do. Come from behind??? Obama was the mainstreams front liner from the start. Obama is a direct blood relative of both George Bush's. You have been DUPED. FOOLS eeeewwwwwwwww...
  4. HIGHlife22

    Is the press giving the president a free pass?

    Nicely said. No perfect system will ever come out of the minds of imperfect men. :blsmoke:
  5. HIGHlife22

    Is the press giving the president a free pass?

    Joseph Stalin - "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". The problem is that people don't participate in their LOCAL elections anymore. People need to stop worrying about the...
  6. HIGHlife22

    Gas rip off again ... $2.80 what to fight back?

    We are all slaves to the pump. The reason gas prices drooped was because of the election. They wanted people to have a lil warm fuzzy feeling as they ushered in the new dictator. :wall:
  7. HIGHlife22

    Obama Haters Unite

    Barack Obama is a blood relative to both George Bush's. The NWO agenda will continue. :evil:
  8. HIGHlife22

    Is the press giving the president a free pass?

    That's exactly what needs to be done. Also, NEVER vote for a REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT ever again. Both party's are completely corrupt.
  9. HIGHlife22

    Why is Communism bad?

    Communism and Socialism are the same thing.
  10. HIGHlife22

    Question about intake/exhaust placement

    Your logic has not deceived you. Also if your using co2 you will want to turn off your intake/exhaust when you have it running.
  11. HIGHlife22

    This is Dave Wood from Holland........right? If not, my bad bro.

    This is Dave Wood from Holland........right? If not, my bad bro.
  12. HIGHlife22

    nnooo way.......It's a small fuckin world my friend. I just stumbled onto your cfl big screen...

    nnooo way.......It's a small fuckin world my friend. I just stumbled onto your cfl big screen grow, and was like hhhmmmm I wonder if this is my my old friend Dave Wood. Crazy shit! Whats been up man? Kelso
  13. HIGHlife22

    Are you from Michigan???

    Are you from Michigan???