Is the press giving the president a free pass?


Well-Known Member
when the wheel was invented, some asshole probably patented it and charged a fee for using his Idea. Like all good inventions, the Haves eventually get control and charge the have-nots for using it. Aint Capitalism great?? The perfect form of commercialism to satisfy the greediest assholes on earth.
Wow, isn't it cool when you get a chance to see the stupidity of your rivals up close and personal... no microscope needed here folks... no translation needed... just straightforward, in your face dumb.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the inventor of the technology actually DESERVES to be compensated for his idea/invention? Every time you open your refrigerator, drive your car, ride your bike, turn on your air conditioner, sleep on your mattress, take your medication, etc, how about you quietly and reverently say a quick little thank you for capitalism. Or, like I predict you will, go on hating the very people whose genius provides you with the technology and advantages you exploit daily.


New Member
Good post above me (waves)...

And isn't that why med man hates the free and open markets in which ideas compete against one another. MedMan doesn't have any ideas. A boatload of contempt and jealousy, but no ideas.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
so with out capitalism there are no inventions or progress that makes no sense. and there is a difference between capitalism and out right greed many that are infected with greed use capitalism as an answer for any and all unjust business they conduct. its getting worse and worse in that regard in america.


New Member
so with out capitalism there are no inventions or progress that makes no sense. and there is a difference between capitalism and out right greed many that are infected with greed use capitalism as an answer for any and all unjust business they conduct. its getting worse and worse in that regard in america.
No one said capitalism is the only way to get things invented, but if you study the SCALE of inventions and patents it is not even close.

When man is freed from restraint it simply shoots off the charts. Most of the world simply steals our tech and info and plays catch up. Something the Russians found out too late...... listen up.....capitalism is the most aligned with our human nature. The farther away you get from capitalism the more inefficient things become.


In Russia the food producing areas were just not getting it done. Profits were meager compared to the work and the farmers ended up stealing from the farms to feed their families (human nature, take care of you and your family first). So the Russian govt. told the farmers that they could have a small plot all to themselves. They promptly started spending oodles of time on THEIR land and not on the govt. land. Human nature.....capitalism lets you take care of your family first and then spreads outwards.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
of course i agree people will work hard for personal gain as opposed to someone else's. but there is a trend of companies in america really abusing the system of capitalism i dont know what the answer to this problem is but it must be addressed self regulation in big business has begun to fail.


New Member
The abuse stemmed from the Govt. It all flows downward....... Replace the Congress if you want to see real change.

I've said it before....the next election cycle, vote every incumbent out....I don't care what party they are them all.


Active Member
The abuse stemmed from the Govt. It all flows downward....... Replace the Congress if you want to see real change.

I've said it before....the next election cycle, vote every incumbent out....I don't care what party they are them all.
That's exactly what needs to be done. Also, NEVER vote for a REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT ever again. Both party's are completely corrupt.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
well of course we have not lived in a democracy for a long long time look at the electoral college and the fact that campaign contributions are legal what a joke.


New Member
I don't mean to get on ur case Bicycle...:mrgreen: BUT....

The electoral college helps PRESERVE our democracy, not the other way round.
It keeps big urban areas or states from running rough shod over the smaller, less represented cities and states. Without the electoral college, mob rules.....that is a recipe for disaster....


A national candidate runs on the platform that any city with a population over 5 million ppl should not have to pay fed taxes ever again. the brunt should be picked up by the smaller cities and states. Well this sounds great to the big cities and they vote overwhelmingly for him...see the scenario possibilities?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i understand the concept of how it is supposed to work but again it puts the say of many in the hands of far to few imo.


New Member
No, it gives the small states a way to resist the big ones..... ask someone from Delaware if they would like to be rid of the electoral college. The founding fathers were about the shrewdest dudes around at the's a great idea.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
well they need to change how representatives of states are chosen and increase the number per state because all people are not being represented properly.


New Member
I think if you took a poli sci would enjoy the heck out of it and you would see that the current system while not perfect is about the best thing ever utilized by any nation.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
you may be right i dont know for certain what the best approach is humans have yet to figure that out it seems as no system is perfect for all.


Active Member
Joseph Stalin - "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything". The problem is that people don't participate in their LOCAL elections anymore. People need to stop worrying about the presidency, and start getting involved in your LOCAL politics.!


New Member
That's all well and true.....

Our system is not perfect, but no system will ever be. Man is not perfect just like nothing on Earth is perfect, and never will be. that is not how nature works. Nature doesn't seek perfection, only what is good enough for the moment.

Right now, our system is ...good enough. Not to say our system can't degrade. It's happening right now....