A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?


Well-Known Member
See4, you're making a fool out of yourself trying to stick up for your UncleBuck alter ego.

But please proceed
$35k+ and single with no deductions, including standard...you get taxed 25%.

End of story. Go home. Read a book.


New Member
Hillary 2016 :dunce:

Money, Money, Money, Money, MONEY!

WASHINGTON — CLINTON nostalgia is being replaced by Clinton neuralgia.

Why is it that America’s roil family always seems better in abstract than in concrete? The closer it gets to running the world once more, the more you are reminded of all the things that bugged you the last time around.

The Clintons’ neediness, their sense of what they are owed in material terms for their public service, their assumption that they’re entitled to everyone’s money.

Are we about to put the “For Rent” sign back on the Lincoln Bedroom?

If Americans are worried about money in politics, there is no larger concern than the Clintons, who are cosseted in a world where rich people endlessly scratch the backs of rich people.

They have a Wile E. Coyote problem; something is always blowing up. Just when the Clintons are supposed to be floating above it all, on a dignified cloud of do-gooding leading into 2016, pop-pop-pop, little explosions go off everywhere, reminding us of the troubling connections and values they drag around.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

So because one party (coercive government) passes a law requiring somebody to provide a service to another party regardless of their ability to pay and then forces others with no involvement to pick up the slack you think the situation is "corrected" ? How does TRANSFERRING the cost to the people that didn't incur the debt fix anything? Hmm, lets apply this wonderful solution to other kinds of exchanges...

Cheesus Rice goes into Wendy's and orders some slop and doesn't pay, but a law was passed that Wendy's must treat his hunger whether he can pay or not. So Cheesus skips out of there (carefully avoiding the piles of fetid dung on the floor). Cheesus fires up one of his girly harleys and roars off home to share his loot with his blowup doll wife. In the meantime, DUE TO THE LAW, the same law makers "fixed" the situation, by saying Uncle Buck and all of the other Wendy's Care people have to pick up the slack and now must pay to subsidize Cheezy's burger habit.

The result is, cheezy just goes back everyday and keeps ordering the food and not paying for it, he loves it! THANKS GOVERNMENT!!!...What he does with the slop and his blowup doll wife is not part of this story however.

It sounds like the problem, was CREATED by the government, when they intervened in the business of private people and private service providers. Their "solution" forces uninvolved people to pay for something they didn't use. No good solution transfers the debt from the debt creator to uninvolved parties. A private business run by government edict is no longer private is it, comrade?

Do you kick your cat when Uncle Buck shits on the floor ?


New Member
the poor pay a proportionately larger amount of taxes:income than the 1%..
$35k+ and single with no deductions, including standard...you get taxed 25%.

End of story. Go home. Read a book.
it's no wonder you dolts hate the rich, you guys have no clue about how our federal income tax is structured.
Anyone that complains about the amount of taxes other people pay, should really know much they pay themselves, quite pathetic to be honest.


New Member
$35k+ and single with no deductions, including standard...you get taxed 25%.

End of story. Go home. Read a book.
me: paid 22% last time i was a full timer making about $28k.

romney: makes $20 million: pays 13%.

Face it Bucky, you got caught in another lie, people that make 30K a year don't come close to paying 25% in federal income taxes. A little advice, stick to topics on unemployment or gay marriage, something you have a little more experience in.



New Member
$35k+ and single with no deductions, including standard...you get taxed 25%.

End of story. Go home. Read a book.
Face it Bucky, you got caught in another lie, people that make 30K a year don't come close to paying 25% in federal income taxes. A little advice, stick to topics on unemployment or gay marriage, something you have a little more experience in.
That is not what we are disputing. You must be trolling, because nobody is this fucking stupid.
We? Get with the program sparky, you got your ass handed to you.


Well-Known Member
Keep trying to change the subject Buckie, the fact is. you got owned.
i agree.

taking $1,140 out of a $4,560 paycheck is a form of getting owned, but gainful employment is gainful employment.

netflix started going downhill right after they cleaned house.