You know you're stoned, when??????

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ok i`ll share....

one day while out at a drift event, a couple of us got together and had a smoke in the pits, so in the next session i span my clutch and couldn`t get any good from the standard 1.6 ae i was drifting, not too bad had a spare as its common with standard clutch plate, whipped out the box and replaced it (i tought) put everything back in only to discover i had put it in back to front.... needless to say it had to come out again, and i got a steel clutch plate right after....

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
lol..........really like. like wasn't enough. that's quite a list.............
I was actually surprised at how short it is, it feels like it should be much longer. The "will I pass Drug/Piss test" list would probably be too many characters to post though lol.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
When u spend an hour lookin for the phone thats in your hand
All the while narrating the saga to a stone friend...via the very phone you are searching for.

Yea bro, I can't find that shit anywhere. I JUST had it.

Maybe you left it in your car?

I'll go check. Wait a minute, where are my keys?

Maybe they are with your phone?


Maybe they are in your pocket?

Maybe, let me check. Hang on, I gotta set the phone and my keys down to get a free hand...


Well-Known Member
When u spend an hour lookin for the phone thats in your hand
NO,,,,,,, when you walk around trying to figure out where you left the pipe after the last hit, and finally figure out it's in the hand opposite your lighter.

Weather still nice out there? Windy, sunny and 70's?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I tend to think some of these kinds of "extreme actions" are more a result of the mentality of the individual, not the cannabis. It's only cannabis.


Well-Known Member
When you're having a session with your iolite and the phone rings in your answer the iolite.


Active Member

im know im totally bongsmilie when,,,

one minute ill be looking in the fridge for a beer or something, then going off somewhere, only to find ive lost my beer, so , thinking man didnt you just open a beer, i open another one, walk into another room, eventually after the weed wares off, i find two or three luke warm beers in various rooms, of the house, or out side.

im sure when stoned i must think i'll be right back to pick it up, then just grab a new can after not really looking for it

:wall: ferkin stonner


I Never Get That Blitzed, But I Do Lose Things A Lot, Just Because My ADD Goes Into Hyper Drive And I Have Literally No Attention Span. ;p


Active Member
you know your wasted when, you like posting random, crap, like this, instead of talking to real humans, that are asking you shit,

then i say, nothings funny, start cracking up as they ask whats so, funny, = wasted


Well-Known Member
when you make this same thread that seems to come up maybe once every two months instead of posting in the old thread that is the exact same thing?