starbucks wont send our troops coffee????


New Member
How is Starbucks "anti-Christian"? I mean directly? I thought that they were merely "pro-stuff that pisses dominionists off". That doesn't qualify. cn
I noticed you were absent when Chesus accused the Family Research Counsel and Eagle Forum for their stance on being pro traditional family values, why is that?

So I think the better question is, how is Chic-Fil-A guilty of the same supposed crime, I mean directly?


Well-Known Member
I noticed you were absent when Chesus accused the Family Research Counsel and Eagle Forum for their stance on being pro traditional family values, why is that?

So I think the better question is, how is Chic-Fil-A guilty of the same supposed crime, I mean directly?
Statements on homosexualityThe Family Research Council's Senior Researcher for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg stated on NBC's Hardball that gay behavior should be outlawed and that "criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior" should be enforced.[SUP][17][/SUP] More recently, Sprigg has publicly suggested that repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy would encourage molestation of heterosexual service members.[SUP][18][/SUP] When asked about Sprigg's comments regarding the criminalization of same-sex behavior, FRC President Tony Perkins said that criminalizing homosexuality is not a goal of the Family Research Council, but did not denounce Sprigg's statements.[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP] Perkins repeated the FRC’s association of gay men with pedophilia,[SUP][19][/SUP] saying that "If you look at the American College of Pediatricians, they say the research is overwhelming that homosexuality poses a danger to children." The opinions expressed by Perkins are contradicted by mainstream social science research on same-sex parenting[SUP][21][/SUP] and the likelihood of child molestation by homosexuals,[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][22][/SUP] and some scientists whose work is cited by the American College of Pediatricians, a small conservative political organization formed when the American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed adoption by same-sex couples, have accused the FRC of distorting and misrepresenting their work.[SUP][23][/SUP]
[h=3][edit] Listing as a hate group by SPLC[/h]In the Winter 2010 issue of its magazine, Intelligence Report, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the FRC as a hate group,[SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][25][/SUP] saying that the organization "pushed false accusations linking gay men to pedophilia".[SUP][26][/SUP] FRC President Tony Perkins dismissed the hate group designation as a political attack on the FRC by a "liberal organization" and as part of "the left's smear campaign of conservatives".[SUP][25][/SUP] On December 15, 2010 the FRC ran an open letter advertisement in two Washington, D.C. newspapers disputing the SPLC's action. A section of the letter supporting the FRC and certain other organizations designated as hate groups by the SPLC had signers which included twenty members of the House of Representatives (including then soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner), three U.S. Senators, four state Governors, and one state Attorney General.[SUP][27][/SUP][SUP][28][/SUP]

Chic Fil A
Funds the FRC to the tune of Millions


Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I had a woman ask What church do you go to? on a job one time like it was an accusation. My only thoughts - of what relevance is this and who cares.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Damn.. yall really gonna turn this into another corporate bashing fest? WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT THEY THINK! Just drink a cup of coffee and have a nice day. :mrgreen:

Not Dunkin Donuts coffee tho.. That shit is too watered down. MMMM homebrew.


New Member
Southern Poverty Law Center officially declared "left-wing hate group"

Though always left of center, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) once had a reputation as a fairly objective civil rights group. Founded by direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees and partner Joseph Levin Jr. in 1971, the SPLC made important and honorable contributions to many of the historic civil rights gains of the 20th Century. According to its own materials, the SPLC was "internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups."

Alas, "power corrupts," as it goes, and the SPLC, having amassed tremendous power and wealth over the years, has regrettably become corrupt to its core. By way of an ever-escalating wave of "us-versus-them" money-grubbing schemes, Today's SPLC has morphed into a far-left political activist outfit, famous for promoting a panoply of extreme liberal causes.

[h=3]Southern Poverty Law Center "SPLC" Deemed Hate Group[/h]
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s David Holthouse, along with other pro-sodomy and anti-Christian hate groups have published attacks on pro-religious freedom and family activist Kyle Bristow, in a disgusting attempt to silence his opposition to their campaign for the normalization of sodomy.

Now, pro-family groups nationwide are intent on rebuking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propagandistic tactics by seeking both legal and non-legal recourse.

The controversy began when Kyle Bristow, a senior at Michigan State University and Chairman of the universities Young American’s for Freedom chapter invited Ryan Sorba to speak on the issue of his forthcoming book, “The Born ‘Gay’ Hoax.” Sorba argues that the "gay" identity is a complete fabrication, contrived by pro-sodomy activists in a legal and public relations campaign to gain minority status as a suspect class under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Isn't this fun?


Ursus marijanus
I noticed you were absent when Chesus accused the Family Research Counsel and Eagle Forum for their stance on being pro traditional family values, why is that?

So I think the better question is, how is Chic-Fil-A guilty of the same supposed crime, I mean directly?
I'm having trouble locating it now, but Chesus (with whom I don't routinely agree) posted a five-point description of how Chick-Fil-A's homophobic funding was actually sponsoring real harm to gays. FRC and Eagle Forum didn't do well. That's not just "pro yada yada values", unless those family values are stone-axe traditional: kill the Weirdo, messily. Are you supporting that?

And no; the other is not a better question until you've "put up or shut up" to your claim that Starbucks is doing something actually and ecumenically anti-Christian.

1) it is important to remember that dominionists do not represent Christianity broadly or very well, even.
2) Anti-Christian does not mean "inconvenient to dominionists who want to legislate their special form of moral corseting".

So the challenge implicit in your statement, which I see as incorrect, remains: Show these alleged anti-Christian deeds done by Starbucks. cn


Well-Known Member
Southern Poverty Law Center officially declared "left-wing hate group"

Though always left of center, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) once had a reputation as a fairly objective civil rights group. Founded by direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees and partner Joseph Levin Jr. in 1971, the SPLC made important and honorable contributions to many of the historic civil rights gains of the 20th Century. According to its own materials, the SPLC was "internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups."

Alas, "power corrupts," as it goes, and the SPLC, having amassed tremendous power and wealth over the years, has regrettably become corrupt to its core. By way of an ever-escalating wave of "us-versus-them" money-grubbing schemes, Today's SPLC has morphed into a far-left political activist outfit, famous for promoting a panoply of extreme liberal causes.

Southern Poverty Law Center "SPLC" Deemed Hate Group

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s David Holthouse, along with other pro-sodomy and anti-Christian hate groups have published attacks on pro-religious freedom and family activist Kyle Bristow, in a disgusting attempt to silence his opposition to their campaign for the normalization of sodomy.

Now, pro-family groups nationwide are intent on rebuking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propagandistic tactics by seeking both legal and non-legal recourse.

The controversy began when Kyle Bristow, a senior at Michigan State University and Chairman of the universities Young American’s for Freedom chapter invited Ryan Sorba to speak on the issue of his forthcoming book, “The Born ‘Gay’ Hoax.” Sorba argues that the "gay" identity is a complete fabrication, contrived by pro-sodomy activists in a legal and public relations campaign to gain minority status as a suspect class under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Isn't this fun?
Nice sources bro.


New Member
I'm having trouble locating it now, but Chesus (with whom I don't routinely agree) posted a five-point description of how Chick-Fil-A's homophobic funding was actually sponsoring real harm to gays. FRC and Eagle Forum didn't do well. That's not just "pro yada yada values", unless those family values are stone-axe traditional: kill the Weirdo, messily. Are you supporting that?

And no; the other is not a better question until you've "put up or shut up" to your claim that Starbucks is doing something actually and ecumenically anti-Christian.

1) it is important to remember that dominionists do not represent Christianity broadly or very well, even.
2) Anti-Christian does not mean "inconvenient to dominionists who want to legislate their special form of moral corseting".

So the challenge implicit in your statement, which I see as incorrect, remains: Show these alleged anti-Christian deeds done by Starbucks. cn
My point, Chic-Fil-A is doing nothing different than Starbucks, end of story.


Ursus marijanus
Southern Poverty Law Center officially declared "left-wing hate group"

Though always left of center, the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) once had a reputation as a fairly objective civil rights group. Founded by direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees and partner Joseph Levin Jr. in 1971, the SPLC made important and honorable contributions to many of the historic civil rights gains of the 20th Century. According to its own materials, the SPLC was "internationally known for tracking and exposing the activities of hate groups."

Alas, "power corrupts," as it goes, and the SPLC, having amassed tremendous power and wealth over the years, has regrettably become corrupt to its core. By way of an ever-escalating wave of "us-versus-them" money-grubbing schemes, Today's SPLC has morphed into a far-left political activist outfit, famous for promoting a panoply of extreme liberal causes.

Southern Poverty Law Center "SPLC" Deemed Hate Group

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s David Holthouse, along with other pro-sodomy and anti-Christian hate groups have published attacks on pro-religious freedom and family activist Kyle Bristow, in a disgusting attempt to silence his opposition to their campaign for the normalization of sodomy.

Now, pro-family groups nationwide are intent on rebuking the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propagandistic tactics by seeking both legal and non-legal recourse.

The controversy began when Kyle Bristow, a senior at Michigan State University and Chairman of the universities Young American’s for Freedom chapter invited Ryan Sorba to speak on the issue of his forthcoming book, “The Born ‘Gay’ Hoax.” Sorba argues that the "gay" identity is a complete fabrication, contrived by pro-sodomy activists in a legal and public relations campaign to gain minority status as a suspect class under the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Isn't this fun?
No. The "pro-sodomy" buzzword suggests you took it from a book-thumping hate site.

...In fact, the only key-phrase match came up with this gem: Young Cadres of Christ. You are a dominionist; aren't you? cn


Well-Known Member
More vomit enducing American blind patriotism for the troops, they chose to go there, nobody forced them. Why respect their decision to go to another country and slaugther people, Millions of Iraqi's and Afghans dead....maybe a few thousand Americans dead....Starbucks is a zionist owned company and this may well have been their doing, they are famous for editing everything known to be "truth" these for decades.

The existence of anti-semitism is the glue that holds together zionist intentions. Problem, reaction, solution...hegelian dialects.

See how quickly this thread went from a question to stoner opinions on who does the best coffee....:roll:


Ursus marijanus
My point, Chic-Fil-A is doing nothing different than Starbucks, end of story.
So not end of story. In debate you cannot just fold your arms and declare yourself the Winner. Show that Starbucks is funding a guerrilla campaign to physically harm others. Put up or ... you get it. cn

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
So not end of story. In debate you cannot just fold your arms and declare yourself the Winner. Show that Starbucks is funding a guerrilla campaign to physically harm others. Put up or ... you get it. cn
I found their high priced cup of coffee financialy oppressive, does that count?


Well-Known Member
He wrote the article, but that does not make it Official. I wanna know who had the juice to make it Official. cn
As strange as it seems, I'm pretty sure it's just the named of the article.


Doesn't seem to be much about the "Young Conservatives of California" floating around the internet either.

Suspicious and retarded all at the same time.


Ursus marijanus
As strange as it seems, I'm pretty sure it's just the named of the article.


Doesn't seem to be much about the "Young Conservatives of California" floating around the internet either.

Suspicious and retarded all at the same time.
Well then I have reason to suspect journalism of not the highest order. cn