why is a beer buzz better than a hard liquor buzz?


Well-Known Member
been drinking tonight with my stepdad, and well, Im pretty buzzed.
but I can enjoy this so much more than I can when I drink hard liqour, shot after shot after shot.
Do you know why?


Well-Known Member
idk i just feel like i can control and enjoy myself more when I drink beer,
Im feeling great and not like I dont know whats going on


Well-Known Member
im pretty tore up, figure Imma finish this beer then smoke a bowl
i feel so much better than i normally do, im tired of vodka and hard laiquor, beer is the only way to go


Beer buzz is a bit smoother, sloppier. Liquor to me at least is a little harder, more agressive.

If I drink beer with weed, I'm more prone to fall asleep. I prefer cocktails with weed in order to stay awake and feel the synergy of them together (what I call the X and Y axis)
But right now, wine and weed in the winter time is working out pretty well.


Well-Known Member
Beer is said to make womens boob size increase,saw it on manswers.So maybe you might get bigger tata's if you drink beer more often.But thats besides the point liquor vs beer,its only obvious that beer has no where neer the alcohol content per volume as Liquor,whiskey,so naturaly your body processes liquor and beer the same but the load of alcohol in the blood is far less with beer not to mention carbonation of the beer and that beer has actualy got a nutritional value to it.So that can be part of why u would feel a better buzz from beerzeees.


Well-Known Member
Hard liquor hits hard and fast possibly making one sick. Beer has less alcohol per volume so it's a more gradual intoxication unless you do a few funnels. I quit drinking a few years ago and things are so much better now. Hail the leaf.


Active Member
beer is easy to drink and doesnt set in until u had a couple. hard booze is harder to just drink and brings the pain quick


Staff member
beer also has like 230 calories per beer.....
unless of course your drinking like canadian 67's
i much perfer vodka water and barlime ...60 calories.


Well-Known Member
beer also has like 230 calories per beer.....
unless of course your drinking like canadian 67's
i much perfer vodka water and barlime ...60 calories.
Weed has zero calories unless you chase it with a box of funny bones lol.


Well-Known Member
Personally, being drunk off liquor is more fun and pleasurable for me. It makes me crazier and just feel flat out better but I LOVE to drink beer because I love the way it tastes.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
depends on what you're used to having .. one isn't necessarily better

I'll have a becks or hoegaaden b4 a Budweiser or Molson
Though I rather have a Gin&tonic or Long Island Ice Tea than a beer.