Hold up


Well-Known Member
cant tell you how many times Ive gotten a real real shitty mood towards the end of the trip for some stupid ass reason that bothered the shit out of me. Thats why you have to drink, then you're less coherent and more likely to just get lost in the acid. a little tip, since you want to TRIP. if you play guitar or have a keyboard or whatever, thats when you come up with the coolest shit. And then you realize all great composers and artist used LSD at some point during the creation of their music. Even the beatles.


Well-Known Member
yes i play guitar just got a Mesa Boogie half stack !! FUCKN AWESOME lol and ive had an ibanez s series 570 for a while now, and drink? alcohol ? lol


Well-Known Member
yeah even if youre not a usual or heavy drinker. It makes the transition to sleep more forgiving and enjoyable. Otherwise you'll lie in your bed for 4 hours thinking about shit and getting mad about dumb shit wishing you were tired.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;YLnHGPFsryY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLnHGPFsryY[/video] Cali WEED WE LOVE DAT SHIT.


Well-Known Member
yah i have a lil depression and anxiety and insomnia i used to drink ALOT i mean ALOT lol then i stopped and now im starting up again which im trying not to got some henny left tho


Well-Known Member
John: I got home from the studio stoned out of my mind on marijuana, and, as I usually do, I listened to what I’d recorded that day. Somehow I got it on backwards and I sat there, transfixed, with the earphones on, with a big hash joint. I ran in the next day and said, “I know what to do with it, I know… Listen to this!” So I made them all play it backwards.


Well-Known Member
George: The first time I had acid, a light bulb went on in my head and I began to have realizations which were not simply, “I think I’ll do this,” or “I think that must be because of that.” The question and answer disappeared into each other. An illumination goes on inside: in ten minutes I lived a thousand years. My brain and my consciousness and my awareness were pushed so far out that the only way I could begin to describe it is like an astronaut on the moon, or in his space ship, looking back at the Earth. I was looking back to the Earth from my awareness


Well-Known Member
Ringo: I think LSD changes everybody. It certainly makes you look at things differently. It makes you look at yourself and your feelings and emotions. And it brought me closer to nature, in a way – the force of nature and its beauty. You realize it’s not just a tree; it’s a living thing. My outlook certainly changed – and you dress differently, too!


Well-Known Member
If you just took one, boo for you.

3 atleast, is what I need.
yeah I didn't read any posts after that....... AT LEAST 3.

unless it's like your first time, then maybe two..... Never half though. That's rediculous.

trust me, it's way worse to underdo it than to overdo it. Well....... 99.9% of the time.


Active Member
yeah I didn't read any posts after that....... AT LEAST 3.

unless it's like your first time, then maybe two..... Never half though. That's rediculous.

trust me, it's way worse to underdo it than to overdo it. Well....... 99.9% of the time.
I would have to disagree with you, respectfully, of course ;). Most blotters range from 50mcg-200mcg. That is a huge difference. My first time, I took half a hit to gauge the strength to avoid a public freak out during my actual trip. Unfortunately, these happened to be in the 50mcg range. Yes, it did suck to have under dosed. But by figuring out how strong the blotters were, I was able to figure out the perfect dose for myself, 2 and a half blotters. Any more, and I would not have been able to conduct myself appropriately... A few months later, I came across some needlepoint that was legitimately twice as potent. Had I taken 2.5 hits of those for my first trip, I certainly would have been overwhelmed. NOW I think 3 hits of those would be a good dose, but I wouldn't recommend that for someones first time.

I think one should always BUY at least three blotters, just in case they are weak.