Hold up


Well-Known Member
hold the fuck up ! just took a half of some WoW blotter suppose to be really good stuff he said it creeps up ;-), first time in a while so lets so how it goes took at 6:20 :leaf:


Well-Known Member
adding doses rarely increases effects. If you want more effect, drink vitamin C and smoke a lot of weed. And when you're getting ready to crash and you feel restless, start drinking heavy. It makes you less agitated while your restless and more likely to fall asleep. Its hard as shit to sleep after tripping.


Well-Known Member
aright ill just save tht hit then outta weed right now tho i was saving my last 30 for shrooms but fuck it should i go get some pot?


Well-Known Member
You can drop the rest but its probably a lost cause. Its worth a shot if you got a steady connection. You're going to want to do it again. dont look in mirrors - touch your face - pick at scabs. Dont watch scary movies or and steer yourself away from dumb ideas. Like jumping off things and going outside. acid+outside=arrest +/- broken leg.


Well-Known Member
well i suppose getting pot would be bad LOL im chilln watchn alice and wonderland now but wanna smoke so bad just dont wanna trip HARD once im outside waiting for pot and cant get my way home lol


Well-Known Member
atleast take res hits or something man. Without weed, its 1/2 the experience. Right when you are SMACKED does your mind start to take control. You forget about your body and relax with the space people.


Well-Known Member
Well I've driven 8 hours - 4 hours each way to rehobeth delaware to pick up an ex after dropping 4 hits and smoking 3 blunts on the way down. NOT A GOOD IDEA. cant even tell you the amount of times I looked out the left window and veered off towards and exit and almost cut my car in half on the metal dividers. Only drive if you HAVE to and if you have a spotter in the passenger seat to help out. Even if they're trippin, 4 eyes are better than 2. You're reactions will be delayed, and your perception of depth with be con-strewed. Be careful, but go drive, and get the pot. You will definitely enjoy the trip more, no doubt. hands down. absolutely necessary.