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Well-Known Member
Niko, that is a very tough call, because of the apartment situation. Most people will tell ya, do not grow in an apartment. Those that do, swear by stealth. Your biggest problem, is how to get heated air, ventilated out of the closet. Most people would vent through the ceiling and into an attic. Living in an apartment makes that risky. Service personnel working in the attic (should be a rare occurrence) could spot/smell your exhaust duct. You can always cut out a circle in the ceiling and save the cut out. A well placed 1"x2" piece of wood and a couple of screws will allow you to replace the missing ceiling later. Then just use clean white caulk to seal the 1/8" cut.

If the closet has a light socket, you can place a plug in adapter in the socket, replace the bulb and plug in a cord to power an exhaust fan.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Well my apartment has three total floors and i am on the second floor so I think since its such a narrow space that they probably rarely go in there if ever. what do you think of buying a spare door and building intake fans into the bottom and then place a tall dresser in front of it ? Might just have to break down and buy a grow cabinet. thank you for the help btw
Thank you for your time. I know lots of different things can cause different yields I was just looking for a rough guess. I looked today and saw about five fruit looking fly's. I sliced up some tater's and put on soil, I heard that would bring up the bugs then put sticky tape around the base of plants. I was told the bugs could f**k up the harvest. Any better ideas on how to rid them? Again thank you for taking time to help us new guys.


Active Member
So the hydro store I was going to by ffof nd ff nutes from closed down without notice so I now have no idea on what soil or nutes to buy or from where as that buying online isn't an option. advice opinions?


Active Member
Hey i'm just starting to grow for the first time, and i have the seeds and a grow box prepared except for lights. I only growing one plant at a time for know to see if i can. What lights do you suggest i use? Some guys use flo's but one dude i know said he used halogen desk lamps to grow? I've read up a bit on this and was wondereing if you can use the desk lamps? Also how much will this plant smell?
Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
Hey i'm just starting to grow for the first time, and i have the seeds and a grow box prepared except for lights. I only growing one plant at a time for know to see if i can. What lights do you suggest i use? Some guys use flo's but one dude i know said he used halogen desk lamps to grow? I've read up a bit on this and was wondereing if you can use the desk lamps? Also how much will this plant smell?
Cheers guys
A halogen lamp is no good for growing, use CFL's (compact florescent) Or HID (Metal Halide or High pressure sodium). If you're trying to go cheaper cause you're not sure if you want to keep growing or not, get CFL's.
Depending on the strain, the plant could smell a lot or almost not at all. Research around, there are a few strains that don't smell that much. The one I've got going right now wreaks, it's only 3 weeks old but it's stinking up the house.. Lol.. If you're worried about smell you may want to get a carbon filter. If you're living in your parents house, or with roommates, unless you get a strain that doesn't smell very much, or a carbon filter, they are going to smell it..


Well-Known Member
Best as in?? Cost or effective? The differences are not that great and never warrant the price.
I like General Hydroponics. Flora series.


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics are available everywhere.. Online hydro stores, local hydro shops, ebay.. Maybe even a local garden center.


Active Member
A halogen lamp is no good for growing, use CFL's (compact florescent) Or HID (Metal Halide or High pressure sodium). If you're trying to go cheaper cause you're not sure if you want to keep growing or not, get CFL's.
Depending on the strain, the plant could smell a lot or almost not at all. Research around, there are a few strains that don't smell that much. The one I've got going right now wreaks, it's only 3 weeks old but it's stinking up the house.. Lol.. If you're worried about smell you may want to get a carbon filter. If you're living in your parents house, or with roommates, unless you get a strain that doesn't smell very much, or a carbon filter, they are going to smell it..
Ok, thanks for the help tym!!! Just one more quesion, can you wire cfls and the normal light sockets in to a main socket on the wall, cos i have done that with flourescent tubes before?


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for the help tym!!! Just one more quesion, can you wire cfls and the normal light sockets in to a main socket on the wall, cos i have done that with flourescent tubes before?
Yup. I just use old computer power cords, They are everywhere. You don't need the common wire. Just the 2 AC wires, either way.


Can someone perhaps elaborate on the difference between GH Flora Bloom (from the 3 part)...and GH liquid cool bloom? I have one feeding to go and ran outa Flora Bloom. it is a 0 5 4 nute. the liquid cool bloom is a 0 10 10 product. so If i dont have quite enough GH bloom, could I use some liquid cool bloom at 1/2 strentgh in a pich?


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. the 2 part is just stronger and gives you less control over the mixes. But some say simpler is easier.. I prefer the 3 part. But oh well, your choice. Just use half it will be 0 5 5. Close enough, if you're worried, do 3 parts water 2 parts nute, should put you around 0 4 4.


Active Member
hi tym, ok thanks for that!! I am in england ani believe the pc cords are different, you wouldnt be able to post pics or a description showing me how would you? My ,mate usually did any wiring but i going alone now!
The past two days I have found dried up leaves about five per plant (a day) all on the lower part. They are just about four weeks into flowering. Is this a huge problem? And how would I go about fixing it? Also might be relevant I have noticed about five fungus flies. (That was a couple days ago) have been treating that problem and have not seen any flying around since. But I know they lay the larva in the soil so I was not sure if the larva was somehow causing some of the leaves to dry and fall. Please help. I know everyone has a different opinion but this is my first go at it, so any advise would be better than what is going on in my head now! Thank you for reading. Hope to hear from you.


Active Member
hi guys,
On the breeders pack or website where it says flowering time (if its a photoperiod strain) is it the time you allow for growth before changing the light cycle? Or is it the length of time it flowets for? If not how do you know when to switch tne lighting?
Thanks guus!!