Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?


Well-Known Member
So I was doing some reading on the cdc website when I learned that a huge portion of health-care costs/deaths are a result of the following (heart disease, cancer, stroke, and respiratory disease) So basically a bunch of irresponsible people who don't take care of themselves. So it's going to be the people who take care of themselves paying for those who don't with the minor exception of those with genetic problems


Well-Known Member
So I was doing some reading on the cdc website when I learned that a huge portion of health-care costs/deaths are a result of the following (heart disease, cancer, stroke, and respiratory disease) So basically a bunch of irresponsible people who don't take care of themselves. So it's going to be the people who take care of themselves paying for those who don't with the minor exception of those with genetic problems
Yeah this is one of the huge problems that I sort of adressed in my last post. It's really hard to figure out what is a fair amount for people with unhealthy habits should pay as opposed to the people who work out and eat right and don't smoke and drink. And you're always gonna have someone who bitches and says "This isn't fair, blah, blah, blah. No matter what happens everyone isn't going to be happy about it.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see what that health bill looks like after it gets out of the committees....and to all those who say government would phuck up health would you know??? When I was in the service I had some of the best health care ..was that not the government....America has some real phuck heads living in her.... people to busy thinking about themselves to take time and think about the next man or woman...same people bitchn about health care might be the same ones who need it...but just saying no because its coming from Obama..geezzz...Used to be a time in this Country when we cared about our neighbors its "PHUCK YOU I DON"T WANT TO PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE"...when the stupid phucktards don't even make enough money to fall in the tax bracket that this will effect...teabaggers.....foxsuckers....WoW...Yes I am one who thinks in order to have a civil nation one must have laws and in order to have laws you need some kind of government and if my government could make sure that her people are healthy and not dieing because they could not afford health care then she better well do it...


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see what that health bill looks like after it gets out of the committees....and to all those who say government would phuck up health would you know??? When I was in the service I had some of the best health care ..was that not the government....America has some real phuck heads living in her.... people to busy thinking about themselves to take time and think about the next man or woman...same people bitchn about health care might be the same ones who need it...but just saying no because its coming from Obama..geezzz...Used to be a time in this Country when we cared about our neighbors its "PHUCK YOU I DON"T WANT TO PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE"...when the stupid phucktards don't even make enough money to fall in the tax bracket that this will effect...teabaggers.....foxsuckers....WoW...Yes I am one who thinks in order to have a civil nation one must have laws and in order to have laws you need some kind of government and if my government could make sure that her people are healthy and not dieing because they could not afford health care then she better well do it...
That was quite a rant there londonfog. This is a nonpartisan discussion here. There are plenty of other fox, right bashing threads around here. Let's try to keep it civil. You do bring up a good point though. We are definitely living in the "Me First Generation". I disagree with government takeover of healthcare no matter who proposes it. I am not an Obama fan and I wasn't a Bush fan either. If you have read any of what congress and Obama are proposing they are giving their one-sided view on how it will improve healthcare. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is going to have the effect that they intend. Maybe it will, but the government doesn't have a good track record right now for doing anything that works well.


Well-Known Member
you showed your side just by the title of this post....nonpartisan please.....I guess you want healthcare to stay like it is ???? and if not how would you get it to change if the government did not step in..... and do tell me just how the government has screw up your life....

Cloud City

New Member
Health care reform is a good thing. I am a Conservative who supports the public option 100% and I intend to take full advantage of it when it becomes available. These insurance companies aren't doing a good job and cannot provide Americans the medical coverage they need at reasonable prices. It will be most enjoyable watching these misguided hypocrites who oppose the public option eat crow when they are using Obamacare in 5 years because its so great!


Well-Known Member
"I am a Conservative who supports the public option 100%" is this a joke or something? you're not a conservative if you believe in the public option, do you even know what a conservative is?

Cloud City

New Member
"I am a Conservative who supports the public option 100%" is this a joke or something? you're not a conservative if you believe in the public option, do you even know what a conservative is?

Do YOU know what the public option is?! Most Conservatives support health care reform, it is only really a few vocal extremists who oppose it.


New Member
Do YOU know what the public option is?! Most Conservatives support health care reform, it is only really a few vocal extremists who oppose it.
Apparently doob is only watching MSNBC and listening to Reid and Pelosi. The lastest Pew poll is currently showing 70% against a government run option. Hmmm, how does that translate into "MOST", Conservative or otherwise?

Pull up the back of your pants, your brains are showing.


New Member
Apparently doob is only watching MSNBC and listening to Reid and Pelosi. The lastest Pew poll is currently showing 70% against a government run option. Hmmm, how does that translate into "MOST", Conservative or otherwise?

Pull up the back of your pants, your brains are showing.
How dare you expose me for the dried up, barren, unloved douchebag liberal that I am. I only started trolling it up because no one would come around to my views of the administration. Golly, I'm getting a thrill up my leg right now just thinking of all the free stuff Obama is gonna give me.


Well-Known Member
you showed your side just by the title of this post....nonpartisan please.....I guess you want healthcare to stay like it is ???? and if not how would you get it to change if the government did not step in..... and do tell me just how the government has screw up your life....
What says partisan in the title of the thread? Because I don't support healthcare reform in the form being proposed I must be a conservative right? Read the entire thread and try to retain it for longer than 2 seconds. I am neither republican nor democrat. And I am through arguing with someone who just wants to start trouble. Now, like I said, please move onto another thread if you want to start trouble or talk smack about conservatives or liberals. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
ok so we drop con or lib .....You say in the title of this thread do you want the government screwing this up TOO... so what else has the government screwed up for you......... just tell me what else has the big bad government screwed up for don't want government ?????? you like the way health care is now.???? Do you have any ideas how to change it if you do not like it????.. or you just starting a negative thread just to start a negative thread...


Well-Known Member
ok so we drop con or lib .....You say in the title of this thread do you want the government screwing this up TOO... so what else has the government screwed up for you......... just tell me what else has the big bad government screwed up for don't want government ?????? you like the way health care is now.???? Do you have any ideas how to change it if you do not like it????.. or you just starting a negative thread just to start a negative thread...
O.K. I will give you an example.....the war on drugs. Nearly 40 years and billions and billions of dollars later the government is no closer to stamping out drugs. What about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somalia, Vietnam, Korea. I'm sure I missed a few other conflicts that didn't go so well but you get the point. What about the bailout. The government said that because of the stimulus we wouldn't see unemployment go over 8%. Here we sit at 10% unemployment and still rising. Shall I still go on? Read my posts instead of just jumping on me and accusing me of being antigovernment. I want smaller less intrusive government. I don't fault you for wanting handouts now don't fault me for wanting more personal responsibility and independence.


Well-Known Member
The only reason govt gets involved with these kinds of MEGA expenditures is to garner more power and influence for itself. You know the Income tax was originally just for the top 5% of money earners and it was a pittance really, but once it was passed they just slowly changed it until it has become the Mutha Fucka it is now. Same thing will happen with health care. There is so much money involved that the politicians see it as just another big candy dish they can get their grubby little fingers on.

You take the profit out of health care and you will lose all the talented Doctors that KNOW how to fix the human body. If you made more flipping burgers would you spend $750,000 on medical school? Hell no. Take the profit out and you will have huge waiting lines, lots of death panels, denial of service.


Well-Known Member
The only reason govt gets involved with these kinds of MEGA expenditures is to garner more power and influence for itself. You know the Income tax was originally just for the top 5% of money earners and it was a pittance really, but once it was passed they just slowly changed it until it has become the Mutha Fucka it is now. Same thing will happen with health care. There is so much money involved that the politicians see it as just another big candy dish they can get their grubby little fingers on.

You take the profit out of health care and you will lose all the talented Doctors that KNOW how to fix the human body. If you made more flipping burgers would you spend $750,000 on medical school? Hell no. Take the profit out and you will have huge waiting lines, lots of death panels, denial of service.
All really great points NoDrama. Thank you.
The only reason govt gets involved with these kinds of MEGA expenditures is to garner more power and influence for itself. You know the Income tax was originally just for the top 5% of money earners and it was a pittance really, but once it was passed they just slowly changed it until it has become the Mutha Fucka it is now. Same thing will happen with health care. There is so much money involved that the politicians see it as just another big candy dish they can get their grubby little fingers on.

You take the profit out of health care and you will lose all the talented Doctors that KNOW how to fix the human body. If you made more flipping burgers would you spend $750,000 on medical school? Hell no. Take the profit out and you will have huge waiting lines, lots of death panels, denial of service.
One thing that's being overlooked by many is that we, the people wanted Tort Reform. The govsters have turned a blind eye and ear on our knowledgeable request.
Instead THEY have been pushing THEIR version of what THEY want to do and that IS as what's been said in the above post.

This is nothing more than a power grab- no matter how THEY couch it.
All we've ever wanted is the cost of health care to be lower. But as long as you have the big insurance companies and the Bar Association involved - the cost will continue to rise and rise and rise.

Ans the stupidest thing to do is believe that the govesters can 'fix' it.
Name one single thing they have ever ran under budget and correctly.
Just name one!
Just ONE !

Until then - check your facts and wake up Alice.
The wonderland they're preparing is, in fact, a living nightmare.
Nice Post "No Drama"!
Nice post


Well-Known Member
Well I agree on the war issues, but how the hell you relate that to health care and the government screwing that up ????? The post office is ran by the government and I see that runs well...Hear a lot of people bitchn about the post office but really that runs pretty damn good considering all that its has to do....your example is somewhat weak to your argument but hey like most people I see just bitch just to bitch...I just don't understand your point really....are you against health care reform ???? Do you think it should stay like it is...and again I ask you if you like it then you like it, but if you don't what and how should we go about fixing it....or AGAIN did you just want to start another negative thread with no ideas of your own...I don't like the way health care is and it needs to be fix...the only way for it to get fix is for the government to get involved....Far as me getting hand out..son I receive health care from my spouse job that we pay for...I'm retired from USAF so I could also use VA... I just know that others may not be as fortunate as myself and feel that if we are to be the best ,richest,advance,etc...etc..then hell we should be able to heal and cure our sick that can't afford to because of the corruption in the health industry and other reasons.... but I guess you belong to the "phuck you its all about me " crowd that don't want to help others....because ???????


Well-Known Member
Well I agree on the war issues, but how the hell you relate that to health care and the government screwing that up ????? The post office is ran by the government and I see that runs well...Hear a lot of people bitchn about the post office but really that runs pretty damn good considering all that its has to do....your example is somewhat weak to your argument but hey like most people I see just bitch just to bitch...I just don't understand your point really....are you against health care reform ???? Do you think it should stay like it is...and again I ask you if you like it then you like it, but if you don't what and how should we go about fixing it....or AGAIN did you just want to start another negative thread with no ideas of your own...I don't like the way health care is and it needs to be fix...the only way for it to get fix is for the government to get involved....Far as me getting hand out..son I receive health care from my spouse job that we pay for...I'm retired from USAF so I could also use VA... I just know that others may not be as fortunate as myself and feel that if we are to be the best ,richest,advance,etc...etc..then hell we should be able to heal and cure our sick that can't afford to because of the corruption in the health industry and other reasons.... but I guess you belong to the "phuck you its all about me " crowd that don't want to help others....because ???????
You are right, I am wrong. I hate everybody and want everyone to suffer. I want nobody to be able to afford healthcare or have healthcare at all for that matter. I am antigovernment and can't stand what America stands for. Oh that's right, America stands for freedom. Something I fought for on foreign soil not once, not twice, but three times. Pay attention to history. The more power governments get the more dangerous they become. This is not the role of the U.S. government as was intended by our founding fathers or the constitution. It's an attempt for the government to grab more power in my humble opinion. I will say it once again. I realize healthcare is messed up and I want it fixed. I don't think this will fix it and I don't have the all the answers. Now walk on and jack someone elses thread.