UK To Enslave Youth


New Member
If they are going to make all teens do this, then it needs to stop being an acceptable form of punishment for prisoners. If criminals are also doing commmunity service work then it sends the message that if you're under 19, you are no better than a criminal.

Personally, I don't think it's a good thing. Didn't the Nazi's do something similar, then it turned into re-education camps?

If anything, they should get a choice, do that instead of PE class, or something like that, give them a class credit for it. I dare say a government official (or whatever they're called over there) would not go out and work for free.


Well-Known Member
If they are going to make all teens do this, then it needs to stop being an acceptable form of punishment for prisoners. If criminals are also doing commmunity service work then it sends the message that if you're under 19, you are no better than a criminal.

Personally, I don't think it's a good thing. Didn't the Nazi's do something similar, then it turned into re-education camps?

If anything, they should get a choice, do that instead of PE class, or something like that, give them a class credit for it. I dare say a government official (or whatever they're called over there) would not go out and work for free.
This suggesting that Teens spend 50 hours working for charities and working with vulnerable adults (i.e. giving something back to society)....

Petty criminals do 'Community Service' as in cleaning up Graffiti and picking up Dog shit.

They don't sound ANYTHING alike to me.

Typical Americans, won't do anything without $$$ going into your pockets...... heaven forbid you would do something JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT or to IMPROVE SOCIETY and the LIVES OF EVERYONE.

Either way, you are all WAY off the mark..... I can garuntee that almost ANY TEEN, given the options i) stay in class, or ii) Leave school for a day of community voluteering..... would choose the latter.

I am yet to get an answer to my question, How is this any different to telling teens they are REQUIRED to study MATHS or ENGLISH or SCIENCE?

Tell you what, how about you guys keep your warped values on YOUR SIDE of the pond, and we'll do what we want..... (Notice there are no Brits in here taking your standpoint)


Well-Known Member
BUAHAHAHA!!! you keep telling yourself that Trailer trash.

This coming from a Country who's PRESIDENT had an IQ less than 90....a country of dolts lead by a dolt.:finger:

Laugh it up.... it's YOU GUYS believing what you read in the Daily Mail..... it's funny..... but oh so SAD.
bow down and kiss the chains that bind you socialist slave.
your hatred for america and americans stems from your envy of US. our freedom our natural born wealth .
although britts are happy the US saved their ass's in a couple of world wars they are upset having to be saved by us DOLTS .
there used to be a old saying in the UK around ww2
the saying was there are only three things wrong with the yanks.
they are over paid.
they are over sexed
and they are over here.:mrgreen:


New Member
50 hours per how long? 50 hours per week? 50 hours per month? 50 hours per year?

You forget, us Americans have to pay for everything we get, IN CASH. Therefore it's not unreasonable that we want to get paid for what we do IN CASH.

We don't have any free health care, nor do we get repaid for travel expenses to get to the health care. I pay plenty of taxes, if I want to volunteer it should be a choice.

I pay, federal income tax, state income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, property tax, if I die, they'll tax my coffin and grave. I think I've contributed enough.

When volunteering is mandatory it's not volunteering any longer, it's more along the lines of slavery.


Well-Known Member
bow down and kiss the chains that bind you socialist slave.
your hatred for america and americans stems from your envy of US. our freedom our natural born wealth .
although britts are happy the US saved their ass's in a couple of world wars they are upset having to be saved by us DOLTS .
LOL, always with the Jealousy thing.... it's ironic because we have a better quality of life in Europe than you do in the States....

We work less hours, we have better healthcare, we have better schools, we have lower percentage of people incarcerated, we have lower crime rates, we have a lower percentage of people in poverty.....etc etc...

What exactly is there to be Jealous of?


warrentless wiretapping, your countless prisoners held without trial, your economic slavery? doesn't sound very FREE to me.

NATURAL BORN WEALTH? (if you can't see the problem with this statement you are demented)


Well-Known Member
50 hours per how long? 50 hours per week? 50 hours per month? 50 hours per year?

You forget, us Americans have to pay for everything we get, IN CASH. Therefore it's not unreasonable that we want to get paid for what we do IN CASH.

We don't have any free health care, nor do we get repaid for travel expenses to get to the health care. I pay plenty of taxes, if I want to volunteer it should be a choice.

I pay, federal income tax, state income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, property tax, if I die, they'll tax my coffin and grave. I think I've contributed enough.

When volunteering is mandatory it's not volunteering any longer, it's more along the lines of slavery.
50 hours TOTAL (over your school years) which as I've already stated equates to about 6 school days.... over 7 years.

I'm aware that your country has NO HEALTHCARE, it's only the first of MANY MANY problems caused by your unrestricted GREED and unfettered CAPITALISM....

Maybe you should think about that before talking about what another country (a lot more established than yourselves may I add) does with it's education system (our education system is ALSO a lot better than yours BTW).

And still no one has addressed the fact that (in the UK at least) SCHOOL IS NOT VOLUTARY (so by your definition our whole school system is 'SLAVERY'....which is just f'in stooooooopid, lol)


Well-Known Member
You know UK students are REQUIRED to have an Hour of physical exercise EVERY WEEK in school....

That equates to over 400 hours over secondary school alone.


if it is then I'm all for it, and looking at the USA's fatshit kids, your country could definately use it.


Well-Known Member
we've reached an all time low when we start comparing charity to slavery. you all really need to stop. read the funny pages once in a while. :)


Well-Known Member
i am speaking as an american citizen of 20 years. believing what comes out of the daily mail should make you feel like an asshole. its the equivalent of what can be bought at the check out lane of a supermarket right next to the little magazine summing up the past weeks soap opera plot changes. i love how we as americans are so proud of what we have but dont do anything to uphold it. why would you not want to do community service to help out the town where you live? i have spent weeks worth of time doing community service, whether voluntary or involuntary. hell, in south carolina i had to do 20hrs both my junior and senior year to be eligible to graduate. stop being such an selfish lazy fuck. (by the way, i celebrate my "freedom" every time i have to go cheat a piss test to keep my job STOCKING PRODUCE). yay america!


Well-Known Member
why should kids repay socitiey when alot of them have got nothing from it! maybe all the politicians should do some community service cause i can tell you they have got an awful lot from it!


Well-Known Member
LOL, always with the Jealousy thing.... it's ironic because we have a better quality of life in Europe than you do in the States....

We work less hours, we have better healthcare, we have better schools, we have lower percentage of people incarcerated, we have lower crime rates, we have a lower percentage of people in poverty.....etc etc...

What exactly is there to be Jealous of?


warrentless wiretapping, your countless prisoners held without trial, your economic slavery? doesn't sound very FREE to me.

NATURAL BORN WEALTH? (if you can't see the problem with this statement you are demented)
You forgot a soon to come legal system based on the koran. Your helth care system is a joke. The work ethic of Europeans is also laughable.


New Member
Voluntary charitable work is very commendable and self satisfying.

Forced charity is not charity, it is the commandeering of your person by the state under duress.



Well-Known Member
sounds like slavery! fuck that shit! i'd move to another country or area where slavery remains illegal!
i love america.. i rather stay and fight for my rights. and the people calling this "charity". it isn't charity if it is forced. i thought america was "free" when the government makes you "work"... for no pay... its slavery


Well-Known Member
You're a bunch of idiots....its laughable.

Number 1) This came from the DAILY MAIL!!!! so you should take what you read with a pinch of Salt.

Number 2) How is making students do WORK for a CITIZENSHIP class ANY different to making students do WORK for a MATHS class, or WORK for an ENGLISH class, or work for a SCIENCE class?

Oh no our poor students ENSLAVED to 2.5 hours of MATHS A WEEK!! BOO HOO!!

Dumbfucks, the lot of you.

I think you should bring this in in the US, it might teach your young people a bit of RESPECT for the WORLD WE LIVE IN, something your nation severely lacks.

I'll say it again... the majority of Yanks in this thread are DUMBFUCKS!


Well-Known Member
sounds like slavery! fuck that shit! i'd move to another country or area where slavery remains illegal!
Ironic, the UK abolished slavery long before the US did.

i love america.. i rather stay and fight for my rights. and the people calling this "charity". it isn't charity if it is forced. i thought america was "free" when the government makes you "work"... for no pay... its slavery
No you're quite right it's not Charity.... its working in the community.... there's a massive difference.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? have you looked into YOUR education system?

Seems like your youth could sure use some lessons in citizenship.

Do you consider having a NATION CURRICULEM enslavement? because in the UK students are REQUIRED to study certain things....literacy, numeracy, a technology, etc.

Why do you even care what happens in our schools?
I can not answer for another person's refusal to open their eyes and learn a skill or trade.

Though, yes, I disagree with forced attendence, or truancy laws. The government should not feel obligated to force people to attend school if they do not want to.

Of course, the government will never exercise that prerogative, because it is ran by people that think that people need help.

Though based on the "help" that the government provides I'd sooner shoot myself than accept a government hand out. At least being dead is better than being the State's Bitch. (Not that I'm not already via taxation, but that's a separate argument.)


Well-Known Member
Though in response to me not giving anything back to society.

I'm not going to debate that, because there is no need. I do not feel like disclosing the exact amount that I am taxed as a percentage (upwards of 30%) and the dollar amount that it has amounted to just this last year.

Then there's the tax liabilities that I am already accumulating this year due to my efforts to become independently wealthy.

Not give anything back to Society... I probably give more back to society in a month than you've given back to society in your entire life.


New Member
Though in response to me not giving anything back to society.

I'm not going to debate that, because there is no need. I do not feel like disclosing the exact amount that I am taxed as a percentage (upwards of 30%) and the dollar amount that it has amounted to just this last year.

Then there's the tax liabilities that I am already accumulating this year due to my efforts to become independently wealthy.

Not give anything back to Society... I probably give more back to society in a month than you've given back to society in your entire life.
It's not giving, It's being taken. That's a huge difference. You aren't giving one damn thing.