Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
what ya growing justtrying? looks nice! i still have about another 3 weeks left on my LR2's, never tried it before so lets see how it goes. im pretty new to growing and all these crazy named strains so it's the beginning of my experiment til' i find the bud that suits me ;) but i'd like to try a bunch of different strains

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Well-Known Member
Hello my fellow Floridians. I was transplanted from PA twenty years ago and been here ever since. Ironically I just started my first grow. As a senior citizen I'm tired of buying trash weed from the kids so I got some Caramelicious from AMS and mixed in some of the better seeds I've saved. I have nineteen seedlings going, one under the state law for mandatory jail if busted. The last of the seeds just broke ground today. All have come up within one or two days after germination in between some paper towels. I'm doing this in the top of a small closet using two, two tube forty watt fluorescents, 6500k daylight tubes. I'm using the 12/12 method from seedlings in the attempt to basically grow one main bud per plant. I'm using twenty four ounce plastic cups with Scott's premium indoor container soil with worm castings and perlite mixed in. The soil already has miracle grow in the mixture. I've read the plants will sex withing five or six weeks under these conditions and can harvest in ten.

My major concerns are heat and humidity. My temp averages around eighty six these past couple of days up to ninety with mid fifties humidity. Being my first time I'm not exactly sure what the plants tolerances are. I'm also trying to keep this on the sly because of two teenage girls and my house if very small.

Lake County

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Well-Known Member
well thank you for correcting me, This state is amaizng man. i didnt hate on s fl to hard lol. i think us as a state should bind. we have one of the most unique states in the union. Go Gators!
Central Florida here, Lake County. Go Gators is right. Two more nights to another national title.

Twenty years ago there was almost nothing here when I moved from a large northeastern city. I hated it, I was used to the hustle bustle of a big city. Twenty years later, I would never go back. The Villages has caused my area to boom the past ten years. I personally still live in a small town of thirty five hundred. The chief of police lives on the next street over. I can see his house from my back yard.

We're all trying to accomplish the same goal here, why all the bickering about who is from where and how long one has been here? There's enough room here for all of us, whether it's in your house, Ocala National Forest or the Everglades.

Let's not spread bad karma bickering.


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Well-Known Member
ahh Ocala... living in the Villages, are we? :mrgreen:

I work in The Villages most every day. I'm a housepainter. Been here when the Villages was Orange Blossom Gardens, a trailer park.

I just can't imagine a villager being a grower. If they are, I sure hope I paint their house one day.


Active Member
my plants are going to be without hid for about 26 hours(9 days in to 24/7 veg) untill i can replace ballast. will this have longterm effects


Active Member
my plants are going to be without hid for about 26 hours(9 days in to 24/7 veg) untill i can replace ballast. will this have longterm effects


Well-Known Member
whats goin on yall. havnt seem much action on here. just checkin in see if anyone has any new news.


Well-Known Member
This might give you guys something to chuckle about. Here's the evolution of my plant.

Planted a seed in a cup of organic potting soil hoping to start an organic soil grow.
When roots started to grow out of the bottom of the cup, I decided to put the cup in a hydro system (Sunleaves Garden Of Ease kit)
I then began LST-ing the plant.
I then supercropped the plant.
Recently I transplanted my 3x3x1-foot (LxWxH) bush out of the hydro system into a potter, then placed the potter outside.
So far, she has yet to start budding, but she seems to be doing fine (no wilting or discoloration).
She has about 20 "tops" to her. I'll post pictures ASAP.


Well-Known Member
you may have put to much stress on it or shocked it to much and turned it male or hermy or whatever happens wen u do that. may not notice diff. now but might in budding. best of luck to ya tho


Well-Known Member
Florida growers,

How on earth do you keep the humidity at 50% or lower for your rooms? I'm not growing but as a 'test' I put a humidity station in my house and it came in at 70% humidity around 2am and kept getting higher. During the day it's running around 60 - 65%.

Also how do you manage keep the temps below 80 in the summer. If I were to do a grow room I've looked around and with $100 - $300 for a programmable dehumidifier and $200 - $500 for 'window unit' AC this is getting expensive. A 1k HPS for flowering, CFLs for cloning, veg, and mothers. Then to top it all off there's either build your own hydro or buy a pre-fab for $300+, and finally the room prep of sealing, insulating, ventelating, and wrapping in mylar. It's looking to be no less than $1200 for a room. Does that really sound right?



Well-Known Member
I'll let you know if I spot any balls growing on her. ;)

Humidity is like CO2...get everything ELSE right, THEN you can play with the "little things". I've never had the humidity hurt any of my grows, but I've only grown in FL.
If you were to build your own grow room, you'd be able to keep the temperature down with proper insulation and ventilation. A window A/C unit is not necessary.


Well-Known Member
that's true. i've ph'd my water like 3 times total, rarely use a thermomter, and don't check humidity or anything else at all and i've still got some nice plants coming along. like scranny says, get all the basics down for growing and then you can mess around with other optional stuff.


Well-Known Member
n006 = noob
04173 = OAITE = oh-eight

Noob '08?

lol I love the WN quote in your sig, bro. Are you 'ridian?


Well-Known Member
i live by da beach. :)
nah, the username's just a number i had in my life when i made the account. crazy physics homework...


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Half Baked...

I be from Jamaica, mon. Lord-have-mercy...

What part of Jamaica?

Right near da beach...boy-eee!

OMFG thats freakin amazing. im hi and thats like one of the greatest parts of the movie. i always say that when ppl ask what part of Jax im from. cracks me up every time. +rep to ya