Fuck 2020 and the horse it rode in on.


Well-Known Member
The people who suck are the sheep that believe everything they hear.

COVID is nothing more than the common cold or flu. Everyone is going to get it at some point.


Well-Known Member
I think the thing I missed most was seeing live music.

I am particularly pissed about the cancellation of the Nick Cave tour. I recall that I also missed him in September 2001 for obvious reasons. But it was rescheduled the following year and it ended up being awesome. When the show finally happened, and the crowd let out of the Chicago Theater, they had changed the marquis for the following night's show. Maybe not a lot of you will understand, but seeing a few thousand Nice Cave fans streaming out of a theater with "An Evening With Donny Osmond" on the marquis was an image I will carry with me forever.

So it all worked out in the end.

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Well-Known Member
I think the thing I missed most was seeing live music.

I am particularly pissed about the cancellation of the Nick Cave tour. I recall that I also missed him in September 2001 for obvious reasons. But it was rescheduled the following year and it ended up being awesome. When the show finally happened, and the crowd let out of the Chicago Theater, they had changed the marquis for the following night's show. Maybe not a lot of you will understand, but seeing a few thousand Nice Cave fans streaming out of a theater with "An Evening With Donny Osmond" on the marquis was an image I will carry with me forever.

So it all worked out in the end.

My favorite

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Its been quite a year. One that we'll all remember as long as we live.

But it could have been worse.

I wonder what the future holds.

I wish you all the best - unless you suck.

I never noticed it before but he's got the Guiliani drip thing going.

Who will rid us of these foul demons?
Best to you as well, Unclebaldrick.
I hope the new year treats you very well.


Well-Known Member
Its been quite a year. One that we'll all remember as long as we live.

But it could have been worse.

I wonder what the future holds.

I wish you all the best - unless you suck.

I never noticed it before but he's got the Guiliani drip thing going.

Who will rid us of these foul demons?
Yup, 2020 was quite a year, that's for sure, but in my own fucked up mind, it was simply an inevitable event/outcome, a cherry-on-the-top year so-too- speak that was initiated 4 years ago, the day that Trump walked into the WH.
Trump combined with COVID-19?
Hah Hah Hah!!!!
I told ya'll he was sent by Satan to destroy us/the World, & the Devil might have succeeded.


Well-Known Member
To my American friends I wish the best, you are patriots and I like patriots, even if they are Russians, I can respect someone who loves their country and puts others before themselves. I agree with Baldrick, this year will end badly, but the next one will end a Helluva lot better for everybody. In fact I'll predict America will start doing a fuck of a lot better after Jan 20th and every week will be an improvement on the one before, even if the news is bad. Trump will leave many stumbling blocks and disasters, why should he care, his base doesn't either and are immune to facts and even reality itself when it bitch slaps them in the face.

2021 should end well and Donald will be getting used to his new federal housing, fuck the base and fuck Mitch. Win in Georgia and add 2 new states, the fight will go on for years, but don't let it get you down, as John Lewis said, "There's good trouble" and this is what he meant.