Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
He constantly spews about “white pride” but cries when you call him a racist

He supports the guy that bragged about creeping in on unsuspecting naked underage children and cries when you call him a pedophile

He posts a picture that might as well be on the cover of white trash weekly and cries when you call him white trash

What a pathetic whiny bitch


Well-Known Member
Your own words are what caused you to get called all those things, quit snow flaking about how it is everyone else fault.

At any point you could just quit trying to spread Dear Leaders lies and become part of the conversation here, but you just can't shake off the 'whoa is me' long enough to not just resort to crying about how everything is so unfair for you.
true that

He's a crying Nazi.


Well-Known Member
true that

He's a crying Nazi.
I don't know if he is a nazi, but he is defiantly getting spam in his inbox from the 2020 version of them Trump is trying to create.

@kgp I saw your post where you said something about caring about the 2nd amendment or something, that wasn't what I asked, I asked for something in actual life that impacts you that you care about. Not some talking point bullshit, but something you see in your day to day life.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if he is a nazi, but he is defiantly getting spam in his inbox from the 2020 version of them Trump is trying to create.

@kgp I saw your post where you said something about caring about the 2nd amendment or something, that wasn't what I asked, I asked for something in actual life that impacts you that you care about. Not some talking point bullshit, but something you see in your day to day life.
He's a Nazi, just like Trump.

cries too.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
So, you don't know anything and expect us to just listen to your rambling asshole statements? No attempt to convince, just yelling and crying when you are rightly called an ignoramus.

Goddamn Trumpers and Sanders supporters just cite propaganda while openly dismissing facts.
So so true.
bernie and his supporters are straight up Rude.
he told a reporter to “Go To Hell” when the reporter asked when Bernie was going to submit his medical records and physical regarding His current state of health!


Well-Known Member
So so true.
bernie and his supporters are straight up Rude.
he told a reporter to “Go To Hell” when the reporter asked when Bernie was going to submit his medical records and physical regarding His current state of health!
i just heard that the Bern will be in Denver this Sunday when i'll be up there. kinda curious to just see what type of people his crowd will consist of.


Well-Known Member
It's true. You Bernie supporters, just like Trumpers, don't want an election. You want a coronation.

Two primaries. As in 2016, Cult of Sanders said then and say now that the primary is over.

He might win. Long way to go. Super Tuesday, baby.

I'll vote for him if he wins. Sanders is Trump's best hope for another four years so I don't know why you want that. But then again, maybe you don't care.


Well-Known Member
Anger, fear, and vitriol? This whole left wing is full of that.. Just like any post i make that leans right is shut down by @rollitup but talking about shooting white conservative males and it's all fair? When you get to make the rules, you don't have to play fair, right?

reference: my post that got closed But this didnt? Fucking hilarious.

Speaking of propaganda, looks like the old DNC has their new target. I have seen many posts from left wing news sources putting uncle Joe in the cross hairs. Watch! They are going to take him down hard. Too much baggage. Bye Bye uncle Joe.
I get the same treatment from Rolli, just means you are winning and they don't have a response. LOL


Well-Known Member
Anger, fear, and vitriol? This whole left wing is full of that.. Just like any post i make that leans right is shut down by @rollitup but talking about shooting white conservative males and it's all fair? When you get to make the rules, you don't have to play fair, right?

reference: my post that got closed But this didnt? Fucking hilarious.

Speaking of propaganda, looks like the old DNC has their new target. I have seen many posts from left wing news sources putting uncle Joe in the cross hairs. Watch! They are going to take him down hard. Too much baggage. Bye Bye uncle Joe.
Warren made an observation about her support after Iowa and NH. That it didn't exactly seem right.

'Where are my supporters' in relationship to polls v. shows.

Those crazy pollsters..



Well-Known Member
I think the Nevada debate next week will be the most important debate so far. Must watch tv. Not as critical for Bernie as everyone else on the stage.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I think the Nevada debate next week will be the most important debate so far. Must watch tv. Not as critical for Bernie as everyone else on the stage.
Nevada don’t mean shit. Super Tuesday is gonna blow everything open. That’s when Bloomberg and Biden will take over. Bloomberg is crushing it in hard to reach areas and people are really diggin him. He even got 3 black mayors to endorse him even after the frisk and arrest shit hits the fan. Money talks bullshit walks. What’s Trump gonna do? He doesn’t have enough money to even remotely touch Bloomberg’s.


Well-Known Member
Nevada don’t mean shit. Super Tuesday is gonna blow everything open. That’s when Bloomberg and Biden will take over. Bloomberg is crushing it in hard to reach areas and people are really diggin him. He even got 3 black mayors to endorse him even after the frisk and arrest shit hits the fan. Money talks bullshit walks. What’s Trump gonna do? He doesn’t have enough money to even remotely touch Bloomberg’s.
Nevada is a swing state. I predict that either Buttigieg or Bloomberg will take in a bunch of delegates on Super Tuesday and then one will endorse the other. Which of the two, I don't know, but it might just put one of them very near the 1991 delegates needed to confirm the nomination. Super Tuesday is make or break for Bernie and I don't think he'll have enough delegates to really have a shot, but his campaign will continue to try to convince people he does have a shot.