
  1. ЯunΣ

    Score one for legalization. Police crack down on black-market pot to protect regulated growers By The Chronicle's PETER FIMRITE: "The caravan of law enforcement trucks bounced over a dusty old logging road through redwood...
  2. 420circuit

    Petition the White House!

    The White House will respond if 100,000 people sign the petition to end cannabis prohibition.
  3. C

    Denver to Vegas with a 1/4 oz 2017

    Hey all, I currently live In Ga, but my wife, young daughter and I are planning a move to las Vegas soon, we plan to take a greyhound bus cross country for 58 hours ( our ONLY option btw ) and it ends up stopping in Denver, Co for an hour, about 12 hrs before we reach vegas. I was wondering if...
  4. esh dov ets

    Will/should cannabis be made medically legal under Trump

    What can he do? what ill he do? would it require a vote to pass as law? he said it's up to the states same as he said before. He added that medical could be looked at. Any national legalization of cannabis should be scrutinized and veted to make sure it doesn't fall under control of the...
  5. TheOrginalOG

    Monsanto and how its slowly taking over what we love.

    Ive just been reading through this pretty scary article on the Cannabist. It was a huge surprise to me that Monsanto, or the Miracle grow creators and basically the worst and most...
  6. Y

    4 US States Approve Legalization Of Medical Marijuana

    Arkansas, Florida, North Dakota, and Montana have officially legalized medicinal marijuana. This article gives a good overview of the news- Very, very exciting. Especially considering that I'm from Florida.
  7. John Kitchen

    The Undercover Stoner??

    I've been keeping up with his shit lately. Wrote some wild shit for, now he's gone lone ranger, gun slingin' on his own. It's relatable, funny content that makes me think about bigger issues. Anyway, I think it's funny as hell. This is the intro article on his blog. :-D...
  8. HumboldtFTW

    Australia goes medical, 6 more continents to go! Good news.
  9. J

    North Carolina Voting to Legalize Medical Marijuana!

    Hey Everyone! I just moved to Raleigh and saw medicinal marijuana is on the November ballot for North Carolina! It'd be great to get legalization moving through the bible belt so if you want to help raise awareness and pledge to vote in support of it - check it out :)...
  10. abandonconflict

    Democrats call for pathway to legalization

  11. L

    Libertarian US Presidential Candidate Says He Stopped Smoking 7 Weeks Ago

    Libertarian Gary Johnson said he quit smoking 7 weeks ago in order to move up the political ladder and said he supports those who continue to smoke. But, will he be toking in the White House...
  12. Nonagronomist

    Why Would You NOT Grow Autoflowers? — The Commitment-Shy Hobbyist

    I'm in my first grow since back in the dark ages, when it was really, really illegal and my seed stock was probably as potent as the Crate & Barrel rug I currently have on my front step. Now, of course, we have 21st Century genetics, and you can select from hundreds of different strains, each...
  13. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Getting Into Cannabis Extractions Industry... Realistic Goal? (U.S.)

    Hello all, I've never posted in toke and talk but it looks like there are a lot of people on here who may be able to help me out, so here goes. I just got out of college recently with a bachelor of science in chemistry (ayyyy) and am at that point in my life where i'm like what the fuck am I...
  14. Bangaman

    Thinking Beyond Cannabis

    As we are beginning to realize that Legalization of Marijuana is inevitable, I would like some of your input on the following: Economic Globalization and the Upcoming Marijuana Markets. Marijuana and its myriad byproducts on Wall Street, the new "industry." Identifying possible rising Stars...
  15. StashToker

    New Approach Missouri

    Anyone in the Missouri area, we need more signatures. Limited time to get this done. If you have family or friends in the Missouri area that hasn't signed please pass the link around.
  16. StashToker

    New Missouri Approach

    If any of you are in the Missouri area, or have family or friends in Missouri. Please visit We need more people active in making a change.
  17. B

    Can anyone counter this pretty compelling argument on the medical risks?

    Found this article which, even for someone who's pro legalization like me, makes scary reading: Can all these studies be wrong?
  18. Rman18

    Rman's Grow First time indoor auto LED

    Hey guys! and welcome to my first indoor auto grow journal ever! Feel free to comment and share your thoughts!! First i will start off with all of the specs for my grow Gorilla grow tent 2x 2.5 4'' clip on fan 4'' inline fan Tasty LED t21750 3 gallon gow bags fox farm ocean forest soil Fox farm...
  19. MoTown1

    Obama's state of the union address failed to mention legalization

    Not sure how many people watched the state of the union address but here is the thing, Obama should have called for the end of prohibition. He should have seize the opportunity to end the unjust and harmful prohibition on cannabis. Here is an interesting article about why he should have and what...
  20. MoTown1

    Obama's state of the union address and legalization

    I apologize, I was informed that this was not the right place to post this. I am new to this website.