WTF Is Obama Doing With Immigration Reform?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
started watching that but stop 10 minutes in the first episode ...any good
It is pretty good. Sam Neil is a very good actor, and the guy who plays Tommy is pretty good too. I have a little trouble understanding the actors because of the accents but I recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the Republican Party and every fox noise swinging dick that associates with those stupid, no science believing, holier than thou, flag waving jingo bastards. I'm no fan of Obama once he decided to cosy up to the Republicans in refusing to even attempt the public option in healthcare...he's a sell out to the insurance industry and a weak willed chump...But, hes 10 times better than that lying scumbag Romney who would sell his soul to be Prez. I just cant tolerate a party that pushs the fairy tale that the earth is only 6000 years old, that unions are bad and that someone that makes 100 million a year should pay the same percentage of taxes a s someone who works at McDonalds. The Dems have their fair share of idiots too and needed a clear out but their hearts are in the right place...while every Repub I have ever se en is a stupid, scheming scuzzball playing to the dumbest, most bigoted among us. I might just vote Libertarian next time since I agree with about 90% of what they stand for.Oh...and why Obama is pushing for this immigration reform now is to stick it to the republicans who know that every one of those 6 million new citizens will never vote republican since they are doing everything in their power to keep and kick them the hell out. The republicans wouldnt work with obama on ANYTHING EVER. So why the fuck not? Good for him.
chill out!