When to move plants to biggers pots


Active Member
Chopped 2 a couple of days ago fucking excellent smoke mate guys that have smoked for years r saying it's the. best smoke theve had in years got anouther one Comming down tonight (my favourite one) and then the monster's com.ing down all In all I'm chalking it down to a very good grow for my first one and believe it or not it's a paisley boy that's getting rid of for me here's a pic of wot I got off my two smaller plants and theirs already been well over an oz took out it already mate I've got to tell u it takes a long time flowering the blue cheese but defo worth it .....their in 2ltre jars...

congrats there, enjoy your hard work, now reap your rewards.
If you have an oscar for grabs give us a shout, will pay proper.