When is one old enough to get high?


Well-Known Member
wow marijuana is a good drug. sure it gets brought in with harder ones..but thats why you find someone whos a regualr guy..girl. Not some gangster guy or badass/ evil person. You find someone who sticks to that. Then its alot safer, peaceful and friendlier. Besdies will power is your ultimate freedom, if you cant say no to coke or heroin or w/e it may be. You shouldnt smoke weed in the first place.


Well-Known Member
exploiting the system is one thing...... moochers are not exploiting the system, they are draining it and making us tax payers, pay more. every person that "exploits" our unemployment, is really just taking away money from us, not the government (maybe not the way our government is run right now, but you get the point).

on a side note, what does your avatar do wordz? i saw one person fell for it in another thread.


Well-Known Member
alt+F4 closes the current window... i thought it was funny as hell.. i knew beforehand though...


Well-Known Member
If you work at a place that it's not a problem then it's not irresponsible, if you do then it is, simple as that. Are you saying that going to work high is never irresponsible for anyone? I was just giving examples and all, not trying to pick on you.
no, it depends on the person......... it's responsible for anyone that still gets their shit done when stoned, and irresponsible for anyone who doesn't.... regardless of what their employer might say.


Well-Known Member
alt+F4 closes the current window... i thought it was funny as hell.. i knew beforehand though...

oh, ok....... that's funny...... didn't know that. I wonder how many people actually have done it after seeing his avatar.


Well-Known Member
i was speaking in general...i know you wasnt picking on me. my point is going way over your head.

ORECAL said it best! if you cant function while being high, yet you continue to get high when you need to function...you are being irresponsible regardless if you are at your job sitting at your office desk or sitting in the back of your yard relaxing.

its circumstantial and definitely not black and white


Well-Known Member
no, it depends on the person......... it's responsible for anyone that still gets their shit done when stoned, and irresponsible for anyone who doesn't.... regardless of what their employer might say.
damnit! i wish i could rep you again :hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you have other people depending on you then putting your source of income at risk is always irresponsible. I mean, right now it's irresponsible for me to be making this post, but it's not like I am going to get caught, I do the monitoring. But it's still not responsible. It’s not harmful, it’s not making me neglect any of my duties, but it’s against the rules and I really shouldn’t be doing it… But, it’s just like asking when you are old enough to smoke, there is no right answer for every person.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you have other people depending on you then putting your source of income at risk is always irresponsible. I mean, right now it's irresponsible for me to be making this post, but it's not like I am going to get caught, I do the monitoring. But it's still not responsible. It’s not harmful, it’s not making me neglect any of my duties, but it’s against the rules and I really shouldn’t be doing it… But, it’s just like asking when you are old enough to smoke, there is no right answer for every person.
this I will agree with.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you have other people depending on you then putting your source of income at risk is always irresponsible. I mean, right now it's irresponsible for me to be making this post, but it's not like I am going to get caught, I do the monitoring. But it's still not responsible. It’s not harmful, it’s not making me neglect any of my duties, but it’s against the rules and I really shouldn’t be doing it… But, it’s just like asking when you are old enough to smoke, there is no right answer for every person.
i understand where you are coming from....

but im smart enough to have more than one source of income


Active Member
I know people who started toking when they were 15. I didn't start getting into the herbage until the night of graduation from HS. Now i've been smoking for the better part of 3 years, but i have some friends who have been high every day since they were 17, he is 24 now. I know a lawyer, biggest pot head i know, who has been smoking since he was 18 he is now 35.

But to answer the questions i'd say 16 at the earliest.


Well-Known Member
How is it irresponsible for a 40 year old adult to choose to sit on the couch and smoke j's all day if that is what they feel like doing? Doesn't sound irresponsible to me.

If you have to ask i cant explain.

A 40 yr old who rides the sofa all day long puffin down j's will say this sentence atleast once in his adult life,usually to fulfill some kind of work for welfare requirement.

Would you like to super size your order ?

Then hands a fuked up order out the window,no ambition.


Well-Known Member
when a kid is old enough for a full time job then i think he or she is old enough. i can't bitch about minors smokin weed because i started when i was 16.