When is one old enough to get high?


Well-Known Member
old enough to pay for it themselves, as well as all legal fees that it could entail...


Well-Known Member
when they are old enough to understand the consequences of smoking irresponsibly. you can't put an age on it, it's a maturity thing.


New Member
13 would be the appropriate age... anything less is just very irrelevant. If anyone says 18+ well then either you are a hypocrite or you don't smoke marijuana.


Well-Known Member
13 would be the appropriate age... anything less is just very irrelevant. If anyone says 18+ well then either you are a hypocrite or you don't smoke marijuana.
or maybe it means you are over the age of 18, and have some hindsight.


Well-Known Member
or it means you have kids of your own and can see that there is more important things to do then, like gaining the maturity to understand consequences past "being grounded"


New Member
or maybe it means you are over the age of 18, and have some hindsight.
But still the majority of people who have tried marijuana were between the ages of 13-18. It is all about educating the person about marijuana at a young age.


Well-Known Member
I waited until I was 27, was a good point in my life where I could responsibly pick up the hobby.


Well-Known Member
just because you may have experimented with drugs at a young age does not mean that you should have and it certainly does not mean that you should suggest to children that they become users themselves. Teenagers and even younger kids should be educated on the risks of drug use, but education does not mean that they should be told that it is ok. The fact of the matter is that marijuana is currently illegal and that means that marijuana is available in our middle and high schools through drug dealers. Personally I don't think that it is responsible to suggest that teenagers should involve themselves with drug dealers and the other illicit substances that they will then be encouraged to do. "Marijuana is a gateway drug" this was a false statement until we began the war on marijuana, unfortunately since it is illegal, if you are a teenager the use of marijuana will mean that you are going to be surrounded by other substances and the teenage mind is in many (most) cases not quite strong enough to determine the difference in the risks between drugs. So you go right ahead and tell your 13 year old child it is ok to smoke marijuana. but please tell me what school district you are sending him to so I can remember to stear clear.


Well-Known Member
i think the drug dealer part you just mentioned is why it is a gateway drug... why make a few bucks off of reefer when you can make a few hundred off the hard stuff... pot doesnt lead to harder stuff, crooked dealers do
and that is the most valid point so far... some of the people/places i've purchased marijuana are not for a teenager to be going with money in his/her pocket...


Well-Known Member
personally, I will let my kids smoke when I think they can competently show me that they take things seriously and look at things with a mature attitude. When they show me they understand the difference between smoking responsibly and irresponsibly...... same as I will do with alcohol.


Well-Known Member
personally, I will let my kids smoke when I think they can competently show me that they take things seriously and look at things with a mature attitude. When they show me they understand the difference between smoking responsibly and irresponsibly...... same as I will do with alcohol.
Nothing says serious like taking a huge bong rip.


Well-Known Member
lol imma have my kids growing and tending to my garden @ age 5!!!!!

build a bong out of legos...

i'll teach my 3 year old to grow and sell to your kid, my 7 year old can keep the finances straight cause she's learning her multiplication tables, and my 5 year old can be the muscle cause she still has some baby fat on her!!!

and we'll all laugh at Mr. Maryjane's kid.. just because...


Well-Known Member
what is the difference between smoking responsibly or irresponsibly?
Like, never going to work high, paying all your bills and managing your life and smoking on the side. Keeping it to yourself, and managing the risks involved with something that is for the most part against the law and frowned upon


Well-Known Member
what is the difference between smoking responsibly or irresponsibly?
the difference is partially in the reasons you smoke as well as in the manner in which you conduct yourself while stoned. for instance, if I were unable to complete a task while stoned, yet I smoked all the time and got nothing done, that is smoking irresponsibly. however, If I can get everything done that I need to, and smoking does not inhibit my actions, or train of thought. then I am smoking responsibly.
It's no different than alcohol in that respect. there are times when smoking would not be a responsible thing to do, and times when it really doesn't matter. It's when my kids can understand that difference that I will allow them to smoke.
my parents did that with me with alcohol. they let me drink at 12, but only around them, and only if I was not going anywhere and would in no way put myself or others in any danger. they taught me the difference between being responsible, and letting any substance take over or dictate my actions.


Well-Known Member
Like, never going to work high, paying all your bills and managing your life and smoking on the side. Keeping it to yourself, and managing the risks involved with something that is for the most part against the law and frowned upon

i stay medicated 24/7.

if i can do my job at work....why shouldnt i go to work high??