whats the reccomended period to veg a ssh mostly sativa hybrid???


Well-Known Member
once my seed breaks soil can you advise me on what to do next for best results

should i stick it under lights straight away?

600w hps

or just cfl them for first week then hps for further two weeks then drop in to flower each day at 18/6 then17/7 16/8 15/9 14/10 13/11 12/12 11/13 stop for best results ive heard sativa dominant strains would better under less light more dark during flowering is this correct??


Well-Known Member
Go under the 600 watter right away. then stick to 18/6 lighting until its about 2-3 feet tall. Then go 12/12 lighting until its done (12 weeks or so).


Well-Known Member
I put my plants under the light before they break thru the soil and I have a fan blowing on them. This way they are strong from the jump. Some plants will shoot up and fall over in a day.


Well-Known Member
I'd wait until preflowers show up and/or the nodes alternate.

Smaller plants are an indoor grower's friend.


Well-Known Member
2-3 feet tall really thet high in veg wont it shoot thru my cielling and kill a bird on my roof ive been told they triple in hieght and to keep in veg as minimum as possible?


Well-Known Member
ok i'll tell you something about my grow.....

my first grow was vegged for 3 months and was about 3 and half foot tall before i started flowering, she stopped growing at 5ft tall and 11 weeks into flower

1 of my second grow was vegged for 3 weeks as i didn't really want it as big as my first grow, it was about 7 inch tall before i started flowering, it is now 5 ft tall and still growing, its now 9 weeks into flower

Confused the fuk outta me, so i can't help ya lol