what are the reasons people have a ron paul hard-on


Well-Known Member
If you want to have an Israeli-palestinian conversation let's find a different thread, ill argue with you no doubt but this thread is about an American trying to figure out how to vote. Like I said though you wanna have this discussion again I will be more than happy to dance, just not here, please.


Well-Known Member
That is my point exactly I find it hard to belive a politician can really be anything but that. One of my biggest hurdles to picking any of the imo subpar canidates they are all long time government people. Any man who desires to spend his life in politics has no buissness being in politics. I hear a lot of Ron Paul is for the constitution but there were term limits for a reason. Also I am concerned about the radical talk I hear from his camp over this national defense act. I have read it and frankly I don't see where his points are coming from. Just to be clear I don't like the government having any more power.
The problem is corruption driven by corporate money, not career politicians. Politicians should be pandering to the people, not big business.

All I will say about the NDAA is that a bill nick named the "indefinate detention act" should immediately raise alarm bells for Americans because it would violate the Constitution if such a bill existed. It wouldn't be the first time that Obama has talked about how we need indefinate military detention in America.

My personal stance on it is that if there is any question as to whether it violates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, than the bill should automatically be trashed and started over from scratch with those principles in mind.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you completely about rehashing a bill if there is question about it. Don't get me wrong I really don't like what I hear in that nda but I also did not see where it said citizens could be detained but I did see where it said it couldn't happen to citizens. Not trying to argue I just don't see how that is an issue on the level its being sold as ya know. I also agree the corporations are killing us but I just don't trust a man that loves politics so much he makes a life out of it. Might just be me being a fool as well though, it has been known to happen lol.


Well-Known Member
And I think the thing that unsettles me more than anything is it looks like a smoke screen. In my life I have learned that when a politician makes a mountain out of a mole hill its usually to keep the sheep from seeing what the other hand is doing. I'm not saying that's what he's doing at all just stating my gut feeling.


Well-Known Member
Right, sleight of hand.

It's tough for me to argue with you what is bad about the NDAA, because my opinion towards it is based on the indefinate detention. I don't care if they are citizens or not.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree indefinate detainment is good for nothing but I have heard all this talk of citizens at gitmo it just kinda makes my spidey sense tingle. And for the record I really have no clue how I'm going to vote, hopefully the field clears a little before the big game. And what's up harrekin no more talking cuz I wouldn't take the bait? That's too bad.


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree indefinate detainment is good for nothing but I have heard all this talk of citizens at gitmo it just kinda makes my spidey sense tingle. And for the record I really have no clue how I'm going to vote, hopefully the field clears a little before the big game. And what's up harrekin no more talking cuz I wouldn't take the bait? That's too bad.
The field really is only two candidates. The others have fallen off of multiple states ballots, there is no way they will get enough delegates to win the nomination. The media doesn't want to talk about that because Romney is not catching any conservative attention and the only other one available they would rather see thrown in prison.

There are people on this forum who are like politicians and are stuck on talking points. You take the conversation away from their talking points they just go AWOL.


Well-Known Member
I can say as a native Minnesotan I am damn happy bachman is done (that bitch is crazy) and man between punk ass romney bitch ass Gingrich and imo crazy ass Paul I don't know how to feel about the choices oh and crazy is just how I see some things he says again that's just my opinion and I mean no disrespect to supporters of any of them.


Well-Known Member
I think the lesser of two evils right now between Obama-Paul I would definatly vote for Paul. I just think voting for the lesser is getting old my last three votes were like that. I really hope Paul can do what he says, if I had a reason to belive him I'm sure I would stand behind him about 80% (the Israel issue) but 80% is about 90% more than I could stand behind Obama.


New Member
I want to make some core points that were not made here yet.

#1) Ron Paul is very honest and always has been, this is a key point for me. In not just his word but his actions he is very honest and has great integrity.

#2) He is not supported by corporations but only by people (pretty big point)

#3) He has great leadership qualities, he stood out from the pack for many years but hes led on key issues, issue that men dared not fight for decades he was always fighting for it. Ron Paul, Kusinich, Bernie Sanders, have stood out among senators on many key issue and Ron Paul is the leader of this group and the leader of several committees.

#4) Dr Paul predicted the financial collapse and actually studies economics. Dr Paul lead the fight to audit the fed and got an audit with unanimous support in congress, he found that 16 trillion dollars missing from the FED and unfortunately he will go no further unless he becomes president. Ron Paul dug around a little bit the feds backyard and found it full of bodies. Should he keep digging? Further..Dr Paul is one of the few people that go on main stream media and talk about the economy honestly while others simply ignore it as to not create chaos, Ron Paul remains brutally honest.

#5) The Establishment which includes corporate main stream media, big pharma, big oil, the big megabanks, the republican leaders, and the democrat leaders do not want him to be president because he will expose them for the crooks they are and he doesn't follow orders or bow to lobbyist. This is evidenced by how they ignore him and smear him constantly (which should be quite obvious to anyone by now). Also it is quite simply a conflict of interest for many of these criminals.

#6) Ron paul always stands with the people..he stood by occupy, he is the founder of the Tea party, he is a libertarian.....

#7) Ron Paul wants to end the wars

#8 Ron Paul wants to end the drug war and pardon non-violent criminals from prison.

#9 He will not appoint goldman sachs ceo's to his cabinet (another pretty important thing)


New Member
No problem, I could go on for a really long time, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I also want to mention Ron Paul is the only candidate technically in the 99% and will remain so, he has vowed to take a salary of the average american which would be currently around 39k a year. Dr Paul is also the only veteran and the only medical doctor...and he has the most experience.


Well-Known Member
I wish I knew more about the fed. Everything I have heard makes me strongly distrust it but I really have never sat down to wrap my mind around it. Usually because from one side you hear the world would end without it while the other side is telling me the world will fall with it.


Well-Known Member
I think that is one of the strongest selling points imo, his want to curb their salaries. They really have turned into the new royalty and it is sickening.


Well-Known Member
I guess a big question is what does he plan on doing once eliminating the fed? How does he plan on doing it without throwing us into a deeper financial nose dive?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to bait you whatsoever man, don't mistake a genuine question for a loaded question. I was purely wondering why you'd disagree with Paul's view on foreign aid. I know you're Jewish, and it obviously biases you towards Israel, but why should ANY country get aid from another? It's completely illogical and senseless for one country to borrow money and tax it's citizens purely to send the money to another country as basically a gift.

Its especially illogical if that country then uses the money to buy weapons from American firms to beat down their neighbours. It's like basically asking the American public to pay for Israels illegal military attacks by basically giving taxpayer money to weapons firms.

I don't understand how anyone regardless of their religion could disagree with "No aid, let them sort out their own problems" especially with the aforementioned reason behind it.

Israels PM basically just said the same thing recently, he basically agrees with Paul!


New Member
I guess a big question is what does he plan on doing once eliminating the fed? How does he plan on doing it without throwing us into a deeper financial nose dive?
This is not in his plan, his plan is to audit them further and work towards phasing them out if necessary. This is his plan with everything really its a stepping stone long term plan that wouldn't even complete by the end of his presidency. Dr Paul was the first to ever successfully get the initial audit of the FED and he wants to continue his audit.


New Member
Its not so much that Paul is against foriegn aid, his position is that it "takes money from poor people in this country and gives it to rich people in other countries". Dr Paul is for Diplomacy and Trading and not fighting and corruption so this is his reason for this position.