what are the reasons people have a ron paul hard-on


Well-Known Member
I'm not attempting to be inflamatory I'm really wondering what are his strong points I hear a lot about him but never any substance. I'm worried because I remember when Obama did the same thing and the sheep ate what was fed them and that didn't turn out that well.


Well-Known Member
- Restoring the US government back to the Constitution is probably his biggest plus. Our most recent leaders have brought us down a road that had no regard for what this country was established to be by the founding fathers. There are, however, plenty of candidate who have this message but none have a record as proof to back them up like Ron Paul does. If you want to see a point in history that is not unlike the present day America look at Julius Caesar.

- Respecting civil liberties (Goes with the above)

- He is one of the very few people in politics who will acknowledge the unbelievable damage that the Federal Reserve has done to our country. Ron Paul is the only man fighting the same fight that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison fought with Alexander Hamilton about how a central bank in the US is completely unconstitutional. (If the man who wrote the constitution is saying that a central bank is unconstitutional, your crazy to attempt to argue that it isn't)

- Ron Paul is not afraid to speak truth about what atrocities our country has committed around the world and just as well he acknowledges the fact that this is indelibly going to come back to haunt us (and already has). Anybody who says otherwise is ignorant of the fact and deserves no positive attention because they do nothing but hurt society as a whole.

Those are my baseline points for now. I'll let everyone else pick up where I left out.


Well-Known Member
It's all good man, I didn't mean to rush you lol. I'm just kinda taken aback when I hear people saying they like a politician because he's cool ya dig? I watched a lot of smart people vote like fools because of slogans (remember hope and change). I did not vote for the big o and I'm honestly not sure who I'm voting for yet. He kinda scares me to be frank, how does he plan on making these changes? Obama was gonna change shit as well as Stalin and hitler, change is good but at what cost? Sorry if I am a rambling its been a long day.


Well-Known Member
It's all good man, I didn't mean to rush you lol. I'm just kinda taken aback when I hear people saying they like a politician because he's cool ya dig? I watched a lot of smart people vote like fools because of slogans (remember hope and change). I did not vote for the big o and I'm honestly not sure who I'm voting for yet. He kinda scares me to be frank, how does he plan on making these changes? Obama was gonna change shit as well as Stalin and hitler, change is good but at what cost? Sorry if I am a rambling its been a long day.
That's the biggest misconception people have about Ron Paul. His respect for the constitution would extend into Presidency where he would not use executive orders to write laws like Obama has. Ron Paul has stated countless times that he would rely on persuading the public and the congress. Executive orders are constitutionally permitted in situations like repealing the NDA/PAtriot Act or ending wars and overseas troop deployments.

I'm not sure who you are saying scares you but under the assumption you are talking about Ron Paul there would be no logic in fearing him or his policies. With President Paul (based on his word) you probably wouldn't have a President providing dictatorial powers like our past two have been. A strict constitutionalist believes in having public support on the issues and policies put forth. The ones you should fear are the ones who are afraid to tell go against their political base in the election cycle but the moment they take office they start bypassing their constitutional power in order to impose new laws.

You're right. I myself will admit that I believed Obama actually stood for something in 2008 (even though I still voted Libertarian). I think the biggest lesson that I learned is that the media is not our friend. The corporations with the big lobby money is not our friend. So when those two get together to back a candidate as much as they did Obama in 2008, don't expect things to turn out as you are being lead to believe.

I agree, with your first sentence too. I don't like when people vote who don't pay attention and only take a candidate for face value. Our country has too much of that and we have been raped because of it.


One last thing, I know that you are Jewish and probably support the state of Israel. There has been a lot of propaganda flying around about Ron Paul hating Israel and all of this, but I think supporters of Israel need to realize that if the country depends on the US than it is in the best interest of Israel that America begin to worry about its self for a while. If we continue to spend our selves into economic destruction, or meddle in the worlds business to the point that we can no longer defend ourselves from creating so many enemies.. Israel will be left alone without one of it's closest friends and allies. (Just my opinion on the matter)


Well-Known Member
I can dig your opinions, as for Israel that is something me and Mr. Paul disagree on, but that's the beauty of America, we don't always have to agree. I guess my biggest fear is he (paul) gets elected and nothing changes, for the better anyway, and as for my being Jewish that gives me a little extra fear in how far "change" can go. I fear for my children if we keep going down the path we are on. I like the things he says but I really worry how he plans on convincing the people and congress. I find it hard to belive it can be done.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
To me it looks as though the Presidents job, is to Veto or "keep things in check" Not to use executive order or do like the last two idiots have done. Have you ever heard the term, "It will take an act of congress to get that done" Meaning a BIG hill to climb. Ron Paul is not going to bust out a magic wand and heal America like the rest of the idiots campaign about.
More like, use the arithmetic to see if the dollars make sense. To keep those who are trying to remove our constitutional rights, pay hell to do it. Not this spoon fed lobbyist program feeding the current admin; which the last one opened up.


Well-Known Member
I am in no way a anybody supporter as of now, but I do wonder if there is any proof against him just as I would love some proof for him. I have one request gentlemen let's stay adult about this not saying anyone isn't I just hate when it turns into an insult fest with no real knowledge, I am interested in both sides opinions.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya cali it just is unnerving to hear all this he's gonna change the country talk. I wonder what he will do if he were to get in though, usually when a leader comes to power on a platform of changing things when they really can't it turns into a shit storm of epic tidings.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul supporters. Their idea of freedom and liberty is to remove all financial regulations and allow world wide free trade, letting corporations exploit us endlessly.
The OP is asking about Ron Paul, and you resort to an attack on his supporters. Just as juvenile as the media.

Anarchy and Libertarianism are completely different. We don't consider Somalia heaven. Get off of your liberal talking points, please.

The blatant ignorance in your view despite the countless posts on here that have refuted those claims has made apparent the point that refuting your argument would be totally redundant.


Well-Known Member
I can dig your opinions, as for Israel that is something me and Mr. Paul disagree on, but that's the beauty of America, we don't always have to agree. I guess my biggest fear is he (paul) gets elected and nothing changes, for the better anyway, and as for my being Jewish that gives me a little extra fear in how far "change" can go. I fear for my children if we keep going down the path we are on. I like the things he says but I really worry how he plans on convincing the people and congress. I find it hard to belive it can be done.
I agree. I don't agree with Ron Paul on quite a few things (abortion, marriage, etc). The biggest push for my support for Ron Paul is the guy actually stands for something and has his heart in the right place. He actually is passionate about these ideas and truly believes in them and that is what America needs so desperately. A leader with a passionate belief and an undeniable goal at improving this nation and restoring it's glory.

BTW, my whole opinion of you changed with this thread. Nothing I respect more than a person who is open minded and at least willing to hear out all sides. Not that my opinion matters, or anything. :)


Well-Known Member
That is my point exactly I find it hard to belive a politician can really be anything but that. One of my biggest hurdles to picking any of the imo subpar canidates they are all long time government people. Any man who desires to spend his life in politics has no buissness being in politics. I hear a lot of Ron Paul is for the constitution but there were term limits for a reason. Also I am concerned about the radical talk I hear from his camp over this national defense act. I have read it and frankly I don't see where his points are coming from. Just to be clear I don't like the government having any more power.


Well-Known Member
Oh well thank you. That is what I strive for is open mindedness sometimes emotions just get in the way a bit. As I have said before I am no angel nor am I a pious man, I'm just trying to make sense of the madness like everyone else. But thank you none the less


Well-Known Member
I can dig your opinions, as for Israel that is something me and Mr. Paul disagree on, but that's the beauty of America, we don't always have to agree. I guess my biggest fear is he (paul) gets elected and nothing changes, for the better anyway, and as for my being Jewish that gives me a little extra fear in how far "change" can go. I fear for my children if we keep going down the path we are on. I like the things he says but I really worry how he plans on convincing the people and congress. I find it hard to belive it can be done.
Two questions for you:

1; Why should the US continue to prop up a nation that can't abide by international law or the Geneva Convention? And what benefit does the US derive from propping up such a nation?

2; Why is it Jewish people should have any more to fear than anyone else as you seem to imply? Are they the only group throughout history that were persecuted? Shouldn't the residents of the Gaza Strip live in a greater fear?

Thank you.