Waggs's First Grow Journal. (advice welcome)


Active Member
Thanks Anonymouse. The Aurora was about 90% amber yesterday, and today she was due for water.. so I harvested lol. I'll have to get some pix up later today. Roughly 250 g wet after trimming all the larger fan leaves. Thats counting the larger stems which I dont trim up till they are dry. Since im still rather new at this im guessing that I will get about an oz and a half after drying and final trimming. I dried out a bud in a food dehydrator earlier today and I was pretty toasty for a few hours when I smoked it lol. I have one friend who knows about my grow, and he came up tonight to check out a plant harvest. Not much smoke around here of this quality, so I had to laugh when he said thats the best he ever smoked. Makes ya feel good tho hehe.


Active Member
Hell yeah man, I cannot wait! I'm not going to get that much out of my first two but I have been getting better and moving more plants into my tent every 2 weeks or so. It looks like some dank ass stuff, mine are about 10% amber now currently going through the fattening/explosion period of 6 weeks, I cannot flippin wait, but I will.


Active Member
Update time.

5/12 and 13 slack days, not much of note.. Did some work on gettin ready to try my hand at some dwc.

5/14 I harvested the Aurora Indica and hung her to dry. I put what was left back in the veg box to see about revegging her lol. My first catnip sprouted.

5/15 watered my seedlings and the big soil widow clone.

5/16 Cut 9 clones from my three strains of fem plants some from the hempies and some from the soil plants. Started them in my lil homemade dwc setup. 10 gallon res cheap two outlet pump and a 10 inch airstone from wallyworld. Igloo cooler cube for the res atm.. I made the top out of a piece of foam board insulation lol.. It will do till I have the clones ready to put in real net pots.

5/17 watered the big white widow.. last plant I have flowering atm.. shes almost done. watered the indica and the wonder woman big soil clones in the 3 gal bags. transplanted the wonder woman clone I took from the hempy into a 1/2 gal pot.

5/17 continued... 9 weeks of flowering completed for the white widow. Fed the big widow clone in the 3 gal pot with GB and BB at 430ppm. She had showed some yellowing of tips and new growth today for the first time. First feeding since the transplant to that pot on 4/7.. Ocean forest did a nice job on her. :) Last grow I burned the hell out of my widow.. this time I was patient before I fed any nutes..Shes out growing the wonder woman this time around hehe.

The clones I cut last nite and put in the bubbler have already got some lil roots.. thats flipping amazing lol.. wow. I have nothing in the res btw just water.. I used half tap water and half couple day aired out water. I did ph it to 5.9 a day before I cut the clones. gave the water time to age so to speak.. I had the airstone going overnite and re phd before I put the clones in. Didnt have a heater so the res temp is a bit low at 70 atm. I decided I didnt want the clones so close to the big lights so I ended up moving a table in there and settin up the dwc on it. I'll be refining and learning that stuff now. This is fun as hell lol. Quite a bit of green under the flowering room lights. I only have one plant flowering now, so I just move her to the tent at lights out time and use the big room full time for vegging along with the veg box for now.

That pretty much brings me up to date.. I'll try to put up a lot of pix.. :) Enjoy!

Dont ask what that cats doin in my veg box.. lol His name is Topper , and hes top cat around my place.. So he went in to investigate and I had to make him get out of the box hehe.



Active Member
this is fun reading your story i cant wait to see how it turns out kept me up almost 2 hrs more then i planned on good stuff


Well-Known Member
Great grow man very awesome first try, like the pics of your cat with the plant, how many cats do you have?