This person can vote..

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Samwell our Politicians is our government that exactly why people know everything they do fail miserably. Do you think there is any correlation with Obama/Holder attack on MMJ and the fact that Obama is in big pharma's pocket? Obama has done it, he know half the shit propaganda spew isn't true but yet he spends more than any other president locking people up for it.
in my state only the retarded Shops got busted, you know the ones breaking state laws . . . . seems kinda jerky to point out that they enforce state laws without enforcing federal laws, as we are all breakign fed laws


Well-Known Member
Oh god seriously?



Well-Known Member


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
wierd i bet she pays her own rent, and wow she doesnt look like a ISP rejeck

comparing the mis informed ( you take vage statements of "i dont ahve to worry about my morgage as she really thinks obama is gonna help is no where near the absurdity of the stupid shit siad in the first video)

to lower IQ(the romney supporter)

makes super sense, for a lower IQ right i bet . . . . . as you go "see they are the same they both dont know what they are talking about" when it simply is not the truth

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
80% of the population is 100% retarded or purposely stupid, imho, that goes for any country imo

obama won of course a large majority of his voters will be misinformed or say stupid things, they are not professional liars they are people

stil doesnt account for the SNOOKIE ISP fan in first video, some people are not smart but they still no not to dress like a retarded clown,


Well-Known Member
We could go on all day if you haven't seen the repeating pattern here. If you want to put up retarded voters against retarded voters, obama will take the cake every time. Why do you think they even have a term for his voters? (welfare queens) ... exactly.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i love all day

type casting people into groups based on choice makes zero sens as well all choose to make our own choices for different as much as similar reasons

snd is just another way for the stupid and retarded to sloth there way through life emulating smarter or more well rounded people around them


Well-Known Member
80% of the population is 100% retarded or purposely stupid, imho, that goes for any country imo

obama won of course a large majority of his voters will be misinformed or say stupid things, they are not professional liars they are people
Hypocrisy at it's finest, if dems would do simple research to see if Obama has don the same they're trying to accuse Romney for this forum would get very quiet.


Well-Known Member
No fapping. This is serious internet business!
Oh Carn. I was thinking of starting a campaign and asking her to be the poster child.
I would call it "Tugging for Tits" :bigjoint:

I would ask this girl but I think she has made her decision.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
again please explain

rewording the same statement is not explanation, use words to show how what you think is reality

bro your right to a degree, we are semi democratic republic with a capitalism driven economy

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Typical Romney Supporters:
