This person can vote..

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
of course . . . . .if the uneducated and ignorant want to get stupider

let em, the gene pool is full of dipshits, not much we can do about it now


Well-Known Member
Should a person have the right to be as dumb as they want?

Over 200K subscribers, does her dumbness actually hurt anyone?

Wouldn't it be like watching a Jersey Shore marathon?

The inflection she's using is what kills me the most, followed closely by the shit she is actually saying. I know a few chicks who speak in that exact same manner and they also have that same Honey Boo Boo type attitude about it, where they don't care if it bothers anyone else, they're just being themselves so that makes it OK somehow..

you are really dogging this chick tonight.

did she spray deodorant in your kitchen while cooking cabbage for a Limburger cheese fondu?