The sweet smell of CORRUPTION


Active Member
This is why I hardly come to RIU. Nothing but trolls bitching. It's not worth the headache.
Dude, there are some really fantastic people here. I agree, that some make things difficult. But, overall the people here are nice and helpful. At least that has been my experience here. Don't let a few mentally deficient, psychologicaly damaged, socially disfunctional morons stop you from what you want to do.

Here's to Peace, Love, and good times.


Well-Known Member
Dude, there are some really fantastic people here. I agree, that some make things difficult. But, overall the people here are nice and helpful. At least that has been my experience here. Don't let a few mentally deficient, psychologicaly damaged, socially disfunctional morons stop you from what you want to do.

Here's to Peace, Love, and good times.
Sodomy laws Paul has been a critic of the Supreme Court's Lawrence v. Texas decision, in which sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment. In an essay posted to the Lew Rockwell website, he stated his opposition to what he called ridiculous sodomy laws, but expressed his fear that federal courts were grossly violating their role of strictly interpreting the Constitution, and felt that they were setting a dangerous precedent of what he characterized as legislating from the bench, by declaring privacy in regards to sexual conduct a constitutional right. Ron Paul said:
Consider the Lawrence case decided by the Supreme Court in June. The Court determined that Texas had no right to establish its own standards for private sexual conduct, because gay sodomy is somehow protected under the 14th amendment "right to privacy". Ridiculous as sodomy laws may be, there clearly is no right to privacy nor sodomy found anywhere in the Constitution. There are, however, states' rights – rights plainly affirmed in the Ninth and Tenth amendments. Under those amendments, the State of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex, using its own local standards.[SUP][148][/SUP]


New Member
Yes it was you
your entire post is a Ron Paul fail

He fucking lost
understand this
America did understand Ron Paul and his ideas
and again he and his ideas were rejected
Do you actually think Barry is the best thing for the US? You treat the man as if he walks on water... The fact you have a belief system based around him is cause for concern.

This is a thread re: corruption in politics - a thread more than deserving for Mr. Soetoro and his kind! You come in to stir the shit and for what? To demonstrate how unitelligent you are? Or how flawed you're grasp on politics is? Or are one of those that feels he must push his brand of "DUMB" on everyone?

TOO much chlorine in your gene pool bro....


New Member
Sodomy laws Paul has been a critic of the Supreme Court's Lawrence v. Texas decision, in which sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment. In an essay posted to the Lew Rockwell website, he stated his opposition to what he called ridiculous sodomy laws, but expressed his fear that federal courts were grossly violating their role of strictly interpreting the Constitution, and felt that they were setting a dangerous precedent of what he characterized as legislating from the bench, by declaring privacy in regards to sexual conduct a constitutional right. Ron Paul said:
Consider the Lawrence case decided by the Supreme Court in June. The Court determined that Texas had no right to establish its own standards for private sexual conduct, because gay sodomy is somehow protected under the 14th amendment "right to privacy". Ridiculous as sodomy laws may be, there clearly is no right to privacy nor sodomy found anywhere in the Constitution. There are, however, states' rights – rights plainly affirmed in the Ninth and Tenth amendments. Under those amendments, the State of Texas has the right to decide for itself how to regulate social matters like sex, using its own local standards.[SUP][148][/SUP]
WTF does that have to do with corruption in politics?

Copy and paste does not constitute intellectual discourse.


New Member
You know so much about me for only having 30 posts
I am guessing you are a sock puppet account
All you have to do is read and many people seem to agree with me... You just piss people off left right and centre with your ignorant bullshit - typical of lonely troll not too much human interaction, except for mommy bringing down sandwiches to your "control centre" in the basement.

You dont need more than 30 posts to form an educated opinion on your state of mind.

Again your attempt at discourse consists of "you have 30 posts so your a sock puppet"

You should know all about sock puppets - SOETORO IS ONE but with all that experience in sock puppetry, you should have seen him coming!

Anyway peace out, not wasting anymore time on you. Seems like I'm not the only one on RIU that has this opinion of you.


Active Member
Hang out in Toke & Talk and avoid the Politics section like the plague. It's a free-for-all in here.
Nah, I'm good. This is why I don't check here often. it's really annoying that pretty much every thread you go into it's some jackass bitching about something. Even when they have no knowledge of the actual subject. I've never seen more idiots acting like they're brilliant. Except for politics of course.


Active Member

People like this are the sickness I speak of here at RIU. No knowledge at all, nothing but another puppet that repeats all the shit they've heard someone else say. This will be my last post over here because, as I said before RIU isn't worth it with all the trolls. Maybe someday the moderators will step up and do their jobs. Apparently that won't happen though.