The Official Ghetto Growers Group


Well-Known Member
wuts up mistioud,
i have tried the MRSing, it works wonders! lol
and about the spectrums, yes you want mostly blue for vegg, and mostly yellow/red for flower. in nature the sun is much stronger in the summer, with mostly blue PAR(photosythiclly active radiation) witch is what plants use from light(not lummens, LUX, watts etc..)
and mostly yellow/red/far red PAR in the winter. so to follow "mother nature" you would want **example** 6 5600k cfls and 2 2700k for vegg, and 5 2700k, 1 5600k cfls for flowering. seems sketchy to drop power when starting flowering, but actually increases yeild and potency, increases the productivity of photoperiods because the plant actually "feels" like its becoming fall/winter.


Well-Known Member
i was just looking through some of the post in this forum and i think i finally found a place where i fit in how can i get in this ghetto growers group ? check my sig and let me know am i worthy enough :peace:

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
what up jumbo, thank you, LoL. knew it was something like that, just couldnt find it in my notes, i'll copy that so i'll have it.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i was just looking through some of the post in this forum and i think i finally found a place where i fit in how can i get in this ghetto growers group ? check my sig and let me know am i worthy enough :peace:
hell yeah bro, your worthy enough, LoL. welcome to the ghetto.

Concord that looks pretty tight. I am def going to experiment.
yeah thanks, she was a wild ass plant. yeah nice bulbs, but watch out for heat/temp problems though depending on the size of grow box.


Well-Known Member
just got done LSTing the HOLY HELL out of my blue dream mother plant and put her in the flowering room. i mean you guys seen the pics of the last blue dream clones.. 4 inches tall to 3-3 1/2 feet during flowering. this 3 1/2ft tall mother plant is going to be incredible i believe. it looks alot like your "super pin wheel" plant concord haha
ill have pics soon
n glad i could help out CD =] lol


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of that mother plant. camera died on me.. ill get some better close up when she starts bending back towards the light


Active Member
if you cut the top off, it will give you more tops, once they form, you can tie them down, Low Stress Training. heres a couple pic of my first plant, new bean, she was sweet. i topped her day 12, and then later tied her down, the pic is what i ended up with, 5 main colas, would have been 6, but i broke off one of the branches pulling it down, gotta watch that, LoL. got just over 2 oz.
For those of you planting autos keep in mind that low stress training is not ideal for autos with short lifespans because there really isn't enough time for the plant to deal with the stress and put out all the buds. I have some experience with LST on auto AK47 and I'm getting better yields without the LST.

Otherwise, I would LST a normal plant aggressively during grow and moderatly during bloom. In my opinion LST is all about letting light through the canopy and not about "grooming" the plant. If you want to groom a plant get a bonsai.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
all good points there NL, i tied new bean down and in the pic i posted all the smaller buds had already been cut off due to testing, LoL. but it did make a difference for sure. also, cloning is useless with autos, right NL? my next grow, i think im just gonna top them and let them go.


Active Member
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I think they looking goood. I have them on a 24 hours schedule. I get my timer and and fan tomorrow I think. Would it be wise to have a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule. Also, since I am changing its schedule will it have a negative effect?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah bro, looking good, your on your way. you need to get more light on them soon or they will start stretching bad and you dont want that. i believe in the 18/6 then to 12/12 light cycles, some may say different. if you go to the 18/6 now, they will be ok.


Well-Known Member
all the info I have come across on autos say that you shouldn't top them. the life span is so short that FIMing the will only hurt your yield. As for the cloning Being a no go their is always the option of pollinating them and producing your own seeds. Just order regular seeds. I have 3 shortstuff autos that are just under three weeks old. 2 of them are clearly showing sex already. one male and one female. the other looks like it is probably male but I can't tell yet I have three more started 2 days ago. I also have a dinafem roadrunner auto but I want to collect pollen first so I can pollinate a branch or two


Well-Known Member
Changing your light should not effect anything. Although once you have it on a schedule You want to keep it the same. In other words pick one 20/4 18/6 and stick with it.