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  • Yeah the Rock wool has me at a 7:10 on all so out of 30 have 21. Where can I get the stuff you were talking about ? I found out what the mystery seeds are and they are Himalayan Kush, I am a little worried about setting off their flowering without diminishing the yield. The dispensary that I am dealing with are just getting started just as I am so the need will grow as I do. This is just the beginning for me I am starting slow but at least I am started lol. In your opinion how much would the 7 Himalayan Blue Diesel's yield? I also have 7 Onyx which are supposed to be slightly larger yield with different but equal level of buzz. The Himalayan Kush are gonna be probably vegged for this cycle and once these are through I will flower them. I will continue to follow your thread I am finishing the 1st week but when I have something to show I will post some pics
    tried to give ya more rep for the comment but it says i got to give it to someone else first

    thanks for the compliment on the plant
    just go onto short stuffs website and read the discriptions of the plants ! and say- you have one that is purple and smells like blueberry then find a plant on the website that says it will be purple and smell like blueberry. hope this helps !

    Hey man, just added you, sorry took so long to get back on here.
    I've been reading your Journal, the girls look good!! I'll try to get some diagram of the flood drain system up, while it still has wicks, I haven't had good luck keeping water in the resivior. The plants get either nutrient burn from the Miracle Grow vermiculite or they act overwatered. So for now it's all flood and drain.
    Let me know how those CFL's are working for you. I just made and added another Light with 5 more CFL's. That's 10 CFL's plus the 90 watt LED UFO.

    And I don't care what anybody says, even a bunch of CFL's together are much cooler than 1 HPS lamp, we want light not heat!! :)
    looks like your getting your profiles confused...having multiple acts is usually a troll thing, so while I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your request. Thank you for your interest, happy growing... :blsmoke:
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