the grossest thing u ever done while high


Well-Known Member
He ment that the guy did it when he wasn't stoned, meaning he was a sick fuck without being stoned.


Sir Smoke-A-Lotta Pot

Active Member
Thank you least you caught what I was saying. Nothing bad towards you Sabud, but Ive been tokin for 31 yrs., so I think Id know you dont get high offa tobacco....well first timers do.....well at least get a head rush


Well-Known Member
Ok you need to take you and your Tobacco Butt filled people , toke and hush puppy


Well-Known Member
Well the grossest shit i did while high was probably the time when i had just finished smoking a few bowls out the bong and i was HIGH as hell and i remember leaving my room to go to the bathroom because i had to take a piss but my uncle was taking a shower so i just went to my room and waited for a few minutes but he was taking his sweet time and it was around 11pm so i looked out my window to make sure nobody was outside (i live in an apartment complex) and when i saw nobody i opened my window halfway then pulled down a few blinds with one hand and held my friend in the other and let it rip out the window

Well i dont really think it was gross, but sure has hell was the weirdest thing i ever did, it landed on this bush thats outside my window so its not like i could have hit anybody walking down the side walk it sure would have been weird if someone would have walked by and seen me


Well-Known Member
^^^^ lol dude i recently did that sober i was staying at my grand parents for vacation in europe in the room i was staying we had a giant window the window bloe there was nothing but across in viewing distances were lots of open windows, windows u could see people wlaking in, people watching tv and the windows opneed like a swinging door so i opened it put the drapes over my face and pissed out the window it was such a long fall though it was loud lol i thought people would hear me.


Well-Known Member
I remember a while back I had to spend 6 hours in a car..
Needed a piss and we couldn't stop for nothing.
So being the bright minded fellow that I am I grabbed an empty bottle, filled it to the top and just as the cap was going on... BANG.
The car jumps, piss everywhere..

My friend was not amused!


Well-Known Member
lol dude ive peed in giant propel bottles alot sometimes just so u can have gernades for little kids. well one time i was doing it and i filled it to top and ic ouldnt stop and i ran out of bottles so it sucked. and if ur in a car trip uhave someone drive and u roll window down stand and u pee directly out lol


Well-Known Member
i want a pipe i can carry it around and blaze when i need to

if any one could by me a cheap one ill send them 20.00

Pipes are legal in your state buddy. An old associate of mine runs a pipe shop in Wausau Wisconsin, USA. Its called blazing gifts and the guys glass is a true art form.

the dane

holy shit this is a weird tread!
i use water in bong, and ice sometimes..
i dont ever fuck dogs
i dont ever think of fucking dogs
i pee on walls and out of windows tough, may god have mercy on me.. lol dude get help* (*goldfishes) LOOOOOOOOOOOOLL


Well-Known Member
It's crazy how many chicks get fucked by their dogs, it's more common than you think. I would be stressed to find out my chick was getting boned by the dog while I was at work


Well-Known Member
gave my fiancee a rimjob(licked around her anus). no dogfucking though
you ever wonder if shes got the dog giving her rim jobs while your not their?
It freaks me out, I can't help but wonder whenever a chick has a big dog.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't fuck dogs (for free)

Best in bong is water and ice

Ill piss wherever the fuck whenever the fuck I feel like it, first time I ever got stoned I walked into the middle of a four way intersection in the pouring rain and let one go


Well-Known Member
you ever wonder if shes got the dog giving her rim jobs while your not their?
It freaks me out, I can't help but wonder whenever a chick has a big dog.
hahah nah never thought of that, your dog must be freaky, should get a nanny cam.