the grossest thing u ever done while high

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
Wow... I wasn't expecting that. That's some pretty fucked up shit. What's even more fucked up is you chose to come share this with us LOL.

Some things are better kept to yourself buddy.


New Member
one time when I was a kid I beat off in the shower using a bar of soap for extra lubrication:shock:

I think all of us here know that soap is a very bad thing to beat off with:mrgreen:

nuf said:roll:


Well-Known Member
i got so fucking ripped one time i was fucking horney as hell my g friend was like alseep and lives 30 miles away from me. it was 2:30 am and i was like " IM FUCKIN HORNEY WHAT SHOULD I FUCK" and i looked at my dog... my brain was like yeah man go fuck it. and me thinking was like wtf is wrong with r u fucking retarded". thank god i dident even try i dunno how my dick would have fit in that thing. on top of it all. i woke up the next morning i was like, "dude wtf were u thinking ur a sick wannabe dog fucking faggot". thank god that shit dident happen or else id feel shame for the rest of my life.

:hump: :hump: :hump: :hump: rofl that like tops them all.
You don't deserve a dick. LOL


Well-Known Member
God damn dude, just masturbate, alone, if your that horny. There's a lot of awesome, free, virus-free sites out there.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
this doesnt top this girl from Wales and she told me that she and her freidn fuck sheeps... she told me it was the law over there and i said it was fucking animal abuse. on top of that she said she fucks them so hard they die.... HOIWS THAT FOR FUCKED UP!


Well-Known Member
yeah thats fucked big time why would u fuck a sheep, in my case a dog BUT !REMEMBER! i dident fuck it geezus christ if i did id kill my sself the next morning

Dr High

Well-Known Member
this doesnt top this girl from Wales and she told me that she and her freidn fuck sheeps... she told me it was the law over there and i said it was fucking animal abuse. on top of that she said she fucks them so hard they die.... HOIWS THAT FOR FUCKED UP!
Seems like you didnt read my message well enough. i DONT FUCK SHEEP YOU RETARD. i wouldnt even think of an animal while being horney. im more of the good old girl on girl thing.


Well-Known Member
off topic but if some1 buy's me a pipe i will mail them 1 oz weed because i doint have pay pal or a cred card and there are no shops around hear. in the middle of fucking no were.


Well-Known Member
off topic but if some1 buy's me a pipe i will mail them 1 oz weed because i doint have pay pal or a cred card and there are no shops around hear. in the middle of fucking no were.
what are u 16 u dont have a cred card.

dude why not mail people back the money then they will send u the pipe they bought for u, u can mail them bud ull get banned from this site. plus id like to see u get it past secuirity


Well-Known Member
will any 1 do this

ill send u the money ill pay for the whole thing all u have to do is send it to me please help me out im sick of smoking out of zig-zag's and fucking tinfoil

Shayana Head Shop | Magic Mushrooms | Cannabis Seeds if u got me the amsterdam pipe ill pay for shipping infact its like 4.00-10.00 or less for the whole thing ill give u like 10.00 extra bucks for helping me out can anyone do that?

or the cheapest one on this site ill send u the money as long as i get the pipe
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