the grossest thing u ever done while high


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Get creative dude, make a bong out of a bottle.
Do sink tokes or something. Take a 2 litre pop bottle, cut the bottom off, make tin foil bowl to fit the top. Fill up your sink, push the bottle all the way down to the bottom, fill your bowl with some weed, light it and pull the bottle up while it is burning. You should see the bottle fill with smoke. Once full take off the bowl and put your mouth around the bottle and push it in the water. The smoke is forced into your lungs. Dude you don't need a pipe.

And stay away from my dogs, lol

Dr High

Well-Known Member
pm man ill get you a pipe for an ounce of weed:D what kinda pipe are you fond of? i like my good old sherlock pipe ehehhe


The Gardener
About 7 Years Ago I Opened A Tin Of Cat Food In A M8,s Flat While Another Mate Was Sleeping And Stuffed A Big Wack Of The Cat Food In His Mouth Was Pretty Sick Lol

It Made Me Sick As Well As His The Smell Was Enough 4 Me


Well-Known Member
i want a pipe i can carry it around and blaze when i need to

if any one could by me a cheap one ill send them 20.00


Well-Known Member
hmm..i was stoned with some buddies one time..did a bong rip,depth charged the bong with a shot of jack lol...puked right away but got some mad props.


Well-Known Member
makes u vomit lol

thats why it was put on earth
the best bong water substance is pure rich european coffee. its sharp and will fuck up, if u throw some vodka in it warms it up more its the best or u could be like my brother Andy and actually make coffee in the bong (coffee, milk, 5 sugar packets) stir it up. smoke and then drink ....

He said it tasted good, he got a strong buzz.
spent the next 2 hours either vomiting his face or blowing his ass off on the toilet



Well-Known Member
I love using red bull in bongs.
No idea why, just tastes good I guess.

I remember making a jack daniels bong out of some hosepipe a chillum and some Bluetack.

There should be a competition to see who can make the most confusing bong. :D


The Gardener
Im Not A Bong Man But I Smoked Some Iceolater (mothers Praide) Some1 I Know Brought Home From His Holi,s

We Smoked It In A Bong With Ice And Water Just And It Was The Best Bong Ive Tryed Ever


The Gardener
Red Bulls Good For Vodka It Dont Make U Sick I Luv It Dunno About My Bongs That Shits Sticky When U Put Stuff Like Red Bull ,Coffee In Your Bongs Can It B Tasted


Well-Known Member
smoking out of vodka dont make u sick but drinking that bong water with it does lol


Active Member
Hey what would happen if you used wine, or something alcoholic (I hear wine is the best), in your bong? Do the fumes mess you up or something or does the alcohol obsorb into the smoke or something...?


Well-Known Member
lol uh no, dude we were just talking aobut using vodka thats alchy. Its fine try it its good


Well-Known Member
smoking out of vodka dont make u sick but drinking that bong water with it does lol
lol..yea...and its the worst tasting shit ever coming up

i really havent tried to many different things except strait water and ice...sometimes flavored water but usually just deer park:)

Sir Smoke-A-Lotta Pot

Active Member
Now this is gross.....I was in jail and a dude in my cell stuffed like an oz. of tobacco up his ass......and he wasnt even stoned. Thats fucking sick