Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice, that's a really great setup. I've got some bagseed lying around but it's just tooooo smelly for me to want to grow (at least at this point in my life). how's the carbon filter workin out for ya now?


Active Member
Nice, that's a really great setup. I've got some bagseed lying around but it's just tooooo smelly for me to want to grow (at least at this point in my life). how's the carbon filter workin out for ya now?

It did really well with the smells I was getting during the veg state. It's actually improved my airflow and allowed me to turn down my fans to 6v instead of 9v still maintain temps which has doubled my humidity. This means I have wiggle room for fan power when the warm weather starts coming back.

I'm worried about the smells that will come with flowering, but I think this filter will do pretty well. I don't look forward to eventually replacing the carbon though. I used a lot of duct tape to get it on there.

I ordered an Electrolux Oxygen 3 PlasmaWave HEPA Air Purifier. Sounds pretty fancy huh? It's a HEPA filter w/ ozone generator. Hopefully having it in the room will clear up anything that does get past the carbon filter. Hopefully it'll get here soon.

It's 150 at walmart, but I got it for 100, so hopefully it'll be a good deal. Even with having to spend 70 bucks a year or more on filters.

I realize I seem very hopeful about a lot of things and may have used that phrase a little often, but hopefully you'll forgive mebongsmilie


Active Member
Just a few pics I snapped before throwing the timer to 12/12

Gonna flush and switch right to bloom nutes later today instead of trying the veg nutes for another week. I don't want to encourage anymore growth. I'm running out of room!

They need to show sex soon so I can cut out the males.

Also I think I'm gonna add another small airstone or two. I have a 12" one in there now, and the roots seem to enclose the bubbles in the center so I'll run two of the 6" on the outside to distribute more oxygen.



Active Member
It's day 40.

I decided I vegged too long, going for 35 days.

Things have absolutely exploded since I switched lights and played with my fans and airflow.

This is a pic from 10-11 days ago under cfls

This is last night, only 10 days later.

I really hope they show sex sooner rather then later. I need any males gone to make some more room. With my luck I'll end up with all females and some serious light penetration problems.



Well-Known Member
Hi, I like the way your grow is going, I have reached the same stage as you, allthough I utilised 2 90 watt UFO LED's and a 150w Envirolite, the growth rate is unbelievable I will add more pics when my bloody pc lets me :). I was thinking you should be able to se the sex of your plants as of now really... if you look at the main stems and look at where the branches come out if you have 2 small hairs in a slightly seperated V shape the plants are ladies, and if they have small balls forming they are dudes, and you must loose these asap :) I think you have mastered the nuitrients now, half strength is best up until mid flowering, also remember once they have budded and your tempted to harvest remember to flush the plant for 2 weeks prior to harvest with only ph balanced (yellow), water, this will rid your ladies of alll the built up nuits and make for a better, crackle free smoke, nice and smooth after youve chopped them :) do you know how to cure your buds? this can take upto a couple of weeks but its all in favour of finishing your grow with excellent results. Oh... Are you aware you can grow from seed to bud with just your 150w HPS, it will speed things up for you :), check out my grow setup n pics, tell me what you think? be interesting to compare the end results with us both using different light set-ups, what nuits are you using? I am using mainly CANNA, but have some better boosts, to play with :) I strongly recomend CHA-CHING look for it on e-bay, it will make your resign and THC levels go crazy :) I have a photo in 1 of my albums with all my nuits on it feel free to check 'em out, I recently added a CO2 canister its only a foot tall and looks like a small thermos flask it has a regulator etc on it etc, bought it from a nearby aquatics store, it bumps up your bud size if used correctly, research this... its well worth it! any how good luck write back soon, be interested to see how your bagseeds go, in all honesty, I prefer bag seed, ive identified both mine my left one is a SKUNK/CHEESE cross, and the one on the right is JACK HERER, remember my pics where taken a few weeks ago, my ladies are much bigger and fuller now, i have all my pics on my camera, and am keeping a log until the end of the grow, I will add them when my computer lets me but check it out all the same :) ~ Stelthy


Active Member
Hi, I like the way your grow is going

I was thinking you should be able to se the sex of your plants as of now really...
I checked for signs this morning, still nothing definite in either direction. They have only been flowering for about 4-5 days now. As I understand it, it can sometimes take 2 weeks or so to show any signs.

do you know how to cure your buds?
Much like everything involved in this, it's new to me, but in theory I do. I have a couple of designs for boxes/environments to dry in. I'll probably just go with a cardboard box with string and a little fan and jars for curing

Are you aware you can grow from seed to bud with just your 150w HPS, it will speed things up for you :)
Yeah, I figured you could, but I wanted to try the less harsh lights on seeds for my first grow. Eventually they CFLs will go into a secondary cab dedicated to vegging for a perpetual crow cycle.

what nuits are you using? I am using mainly CANNA, but have some better boosts, to play with :)
Right now I am just using the prepackaged generic Stealth Hydro nutes that came with my DWC kit. I haven't considered what I'll change to once those run out but I have a few months before that's an issue.

I recently added a CO2 canister its only a foot tall and looks like a small thermos flask it has a regulator etc on it etc, bought it from a nearby aquatics store, it bumps up your bud size if used correctly, research this... its well worth it!
I thought about doing this at first when I thought I was gonna have problems keeping my temps down, but as they are fine it's not so much a feasible idea as the fans in my cab exchange the air so frequently that it would never stay in the cab.

I checked out your grow, you implemented the one idea I never got around to with the measuring tape mounted on the wall. It looks like your cab has a little bit more space then mine, that's one of my regrets that I jumped on the idea of the grow and bought that cabinet and planned everything around it. It's tiny and now I want something bigger. But I'm sure that's the way it always is.


Active Member
I'm running out of space. In the course of 10 days of flowering my plants quadrupled and my tiny cabinet is more than half full.

They grew 4 inches in the last 16 hours. Enough that a couple of leaves were damaged by the light.

I hope they show sex soon. I don't know what to do if I run out of space.

Yesterday at Noon

Today at 7am

And I can't help but feel bad for all the lower leaves and branches. They get like no light anymore and I have no room to hang a few CFLs to help out.

And no signs of showing sex yet that I can see.

I guess I'm gonna have to focus on growing short genetics after this


hey enclave...your grow is looking really good. i'm in the last 1-2 wks of my first hydro grow and had a similiar experience as you. started with bagseed(my best guess OG Kush) started in CFL, switched to sodium, etc. i didn't see sex until at least 2-1/2 wks into flowering. i ended up wth 2 males and 2 females. here's a few things you might be interested in:

-i found a great post for a DIY carbon filter made of home depot parts and it works very very's the link if your interested: I drilled a hole in the bottom of it and made a screw cap from 1/2" pvc plumbing parts so i can pour out the old carbon and put in the new when its used up.

-once you find the females and get rid of the males, you can prune the bottom branches that don't get any light and use them as clones or just trash 'em. you will get a boost in the top branches and buds. don't be afriad to prune, just don't do alot of branches at one it out over days.

its amazing how much you can learn in the first grow if you pay attention to your plants. keep up the good work. i'll subscribe to your grow and keep checking in.


Active Member
There is no way I have enough room to finish this plants. And I have no idea what I can do about it.

They just won't stop growing 2-3" a day. I never ever expected this kind of growth.

They've been under 12/12 for 10 days or so now. I only can raise my lights another 4-5 inches.

No signs of sex yet. Before I left the house I had to raise the lights even more from these pics.

My cabinet is way too tiny, and I never thought I'd say that considering what I've seen people grow in computer cases.

So folks if you're out there reading. I need help thinking outside the box, in order to stay in side my box.

After this, it's gonna have to be short genetics and tie down LST.

I'm so afraid I'm gonna have to just hatchet these babies down and start all over again.



Active Member

So, day 11 of 12/12 and I have my first preflower!

Also, I accidently took a pic that I think turned out real nice and I made it my desktop background

You can see how little space I have left to raise the lights, but I figured once I cut out the males I'll have the females on one side and weigh down the top branches a little so they stay under the light since I'll have freed up some space along the width of the cabinet.



Well-Known Member
since your still early in flowering, couldnt you just trim them down a bit? and you might need to tie some branches down when you get the males out and have more space


Active Member
since your still early in flowering, couldnt you just trim them down a bit? and you might need to tie some branches down when you get the males out and have more space
I dunno, maybe I'm still learning. Do you mean if I just cut the top section of the plant off to the next node? That doesn't seem like it'd do much but waste time while the next site develops.

So for my first grow I guess I'll meddle as little as possible and wait for the space to open up and let me move some things around they didn't grow nearly as much today as they have been so maybe they are tapering off in their spurt, hopefully buying me more time before i hit the top of my cab.

I saw someone who had a plant grow taller then the light and he used fishing weights on the top of the branch to just gently bend it under the light, so I'm gonna try that if I have to


New Member
i definately agree with the idea of some light trimming and tying down a few branches after the males have been pulled, assuming there are any.either way, do your best to try maybe tying down a few branches and make a few trims here and careful not to go too crazy, as you wouldn't want to shock these healthy plants this far into your grow. in hindsight, this height problem may not be an issue in the future with a shorter veg seems to me your plants are growing the way they are because they are very happy :)


Well-Known Member
I dunno, maybe I'm still learning. Do you mean if I just cut the top section of the plant off to the next node? That doesn't seem like it'd do much but waste time while the next site develops.

So for my first grow I guess I'll meddle as little as possible and wait for the space to open up and let me move some things around they didn't grow nearly as much today as they have been so maybe they are tapering off in their spurt, hopefully buying me more time before i hit the top of my cab.

I saw someone who had a plant grow taller then the light and he used fishing weights on the top of the branch to just gently bend it under the light, so I'm gonna try that if I have to
well as for trimming.. i dont think a light trim could hurt, and as for tying them down.. look up LSTing and it will give you a good idea


Active Member
Nice set up, LST is no doubt the way to go. How did you get your computer fan to run at max speed? I have 12 volt comp. fan and I ran it on a converted 11 volt drill charger and it barely moved. I'm doing a one plant dwc mini-grow so I really don't need much ventilation. Thanks


Active Member
well as for trimming.. i dont think a light trim could hurt, and as for tying them down.. look up LSTing and it will give you a good idea
When you talk about trimming, what parts exactly would be I focusing on? The lower branches that are underdeveloped from lacking light, or some of the over crowded top area and giant fan leaves that overlap other plants?

Nice set up, LST is no doubt the way to go. How did you get your computer fan to run at max speed? I have 12 volt comp. fan and I ran it on a converted 11 volt drill charger and it barely moved. I'm doing a one plant dwc mini-grow so I really don't need much ventilation. Thanks
My fans are each 12v DC fans at .53a or 530ma. Fans can draw a range of amps and these particular ones are fairly fast at 110CFM. I looked at my drill charger and it only lets you draw 200ma, which wouldn't be enough to power my fans. I know your charger might be vastly different but I suspect the lack of amperage was the problem from the sound of it. But I'd have to see the power ratings on the fan and adapter to be sure since many smaller fans run under low draw loads.

I use this adapter, which is 3-6-9-12v at 1.3a so it can power both fans at different speeds in the 6v and up settings.

very nice im probably gonna run into the same problem u are in size wise lol but its an adventure
Nice, I'm hoping my adventure leads to some more preflowers in the morning when the lights come back on without having to raise it anymore.


Active Member
Just got my second female confirmed! Two more to go, sadly probably be boys I suppose. I'll keep a close eye on them so I can cut them at the first confirmed signed. Suppose I'll do a little research into the earlier signs of male development and take a better look in a few. I tied the tallest plant to a hook on the wall with a zip tie to pull it away from the light and then just angled the light upwards so it would get light still.

I think I'm at a point where my high humidity 50% at the moment is going to start becoming a problem. After some space is cleared out I'll see if the improved airflow helps bring that down, if not I'll be interested in other possible solutions.

No new pics at the moment, but I'll post more later.