Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow


Active Member
So I started my first grow two weeks ago in a custom build cabinet.

Cabinet is bit small but I have it filled with

2x 120mm computer fans rated at 110CFMS, speed adjusted through volt changing power brick.
8 CFLs @ ~190 watts (7 @ 6500k 1 @ 2700k) for Vegetation
150w HPS grow light for Flowering
Stealth Hydroponics Basic DWC
Small Circulating Fan

Some pics below include the supplies for the cabinet and the various light setups. And it in actions with my seeds germinating.

Any comments, critiques, or suggestions welcome.

I hope to keep this updated through out the grow.



Active Member
Here are pics from today, 14 days into the grow.

I added a 1/4 strength application of nutrients in the reservoir 5 days ago.

Plant A seems to have initially not grown into the rockwool properly and the root base grew upwards instead of down. I fixed this, and it now has roots coming out of the net pot.

Plant B has a broken stem, but continues to grow as it's still attached from the stems inner 'tube' like structure. It oddly enough has the most visibly developed roots coming out of the net pot.

Plant A and C are showing some extreme downward curling.



Active Member
So, it's day 22 and here are some new pics.

I flushed the system, new water w/ full strength grow nutes.

While doing that I broke my good airstone and had to run out to walmart and pick up a few cheap ones.

You can see the plants vary in size greatly, hopefully the tiny ones will be the boys when it comes to flowering them.

Some leaves show some minor discoloring spots and downward curing at the edges of the leaves, I'll be monitoring how the plants react to the new nutrient solution hopefully they'll clear up. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.

In two weeks hopefully I'll switch to the flowering light cycle and see how it goes from there.

I think I've been fairly lucky so far with my box working out pretty good. I fear the temps when I switch to HPS lighting and install a DIY carbon filter on the exhaust fan. But we'll see how that goes when the time comes.

Also I intend to build a second smaller box to take over vegging duties and get some clones going off these plants before flowering in case any of them turn out to be especially nice.

Oh yeah almost forgot, I got my free christmas seeds from attitude. Even got an extra bag of the one strain!



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Day 25

3 Days after I flushed the system and moved to almost full strength nutes my plants are looking quite horrible. My optimism is waning too, hopefully someone will be able to give me some advice.

Plant C is was twice as tall as the others so I opted to tie it over to expose some of the lower leaves a bit more.

Every plant is drooping considerably, and the nodes are so close together the inner/lower leaves aren't getting much light.

Plant D has a couple of leaves that are yellow-greenish and showing brown spots.

So, please anyone out there a little help? :)



Active Member
Day 25 (cont)

Went ahead and flushed since that was suggested to me. Replaced with new solution and 1/2 strength nutes.

I'll see how they look tomorrow.


Active Member
your grow is coming along nicely, how long you gonna veg for?................subscribed:joint:


They're almost at 4 weeks now, I was planning on doing 5 weeks or so. But I'm gonna see if I can't hold off a few extra days and let the runts in the batch play catch up after I find a better way to tie down the tall one.

I was planning to switch to my 150w HPS for the last few days of veg so, maybe around day 31 I'll do that.


Active Member
So, it's been almost a month now. Things are going pretty well, for the most part.

Since the last update I broke a stem, but it seems to be ok I've splinted it and it continues to grow faster then all the rest of the plants but is showing some discoloration below the break. So much for my first attempt at supercropping.

We'll see if I can't find the exact cause of that somehow.

I can feel I'm gonna run out of room real soon, although once they start showing sex and I have to kill any males, it should open it up a bit. Although the roots are so bound together it's gonna be a pain to separate them out.

I should start flowering in the next day or two. I need to get a sheet of plexiglass to help keep the temps regulated with 150 watt HPS



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well, my broken stem turned into a broken plant. thanks mr light bar.

but today it shows new growth and now has two tops developing.

I went ahead and made my first attempt at topping and fimming a plant.

I have isolated branches of leaves with extreme browning and curling.

I added a small amount of nutes and fresh water last night.

And a glamour shot of my cabinet in all it's CFL reflecting glory.




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No major updates really, built and installed a carbon air filter since walking into my room for the past two weeks I've been presented with the sweet stink of these babies. Will report later how effective it is.

I've got pics of damage on some leaves that I'm keeping track of, it seems isolated to leaves that were affected back when the plants were over nuted. The rest of the plants in question look great so I'm hoping its not something to worry about. All my temps and stats are good, ph is in the low 6s temps run from 60-80ish depending on how cold it gets in my room during lights off. Water is around 72.

There was some stunting on the plants I played with topping on but they are back to growing again, the one I broke the top off now has four cola's developing and my attempt at FIMming failed horribly and it's still trying to recover and develop some new tops. So this has set my target switch to HPS and flowering stages back by a couple of days. Hopefully these plants will stop getting bushy as my cabinet is just plain running out of horizontal space. Which since I'm expecting at least 2 males, (hopefully no more) once I get those out of the system I should have more room.

One thing I am worried about is airflow. Installing the filter reduced the airflow of the 110CFM fan a good bit, and now the intake is more powerful then the exhust. All I have over the intake is a sheet of carbon prefilter. I'm thinking of replacing the exhust's 110CFM with a 45CFM fan to create negative pressure which will turn the crack in the door while not latched shut during lights on into passive airflow compensating for the lower power in the fan. If anyone has any thoughts on that I'd be glad to hear them.

But now for the pics



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Today was a big day, and I'm sort of scared.

I switched from my CFLs to my 150w HPS for a few more days of vegetative growth before
switching to flowering. I've left 18" between the plants and light.

I have to watch temps closely to see how my cabinet performs. I have a second small fan I
can hang and direct towards the light if it requires, but it's winter here now and temps may
have been a little low lately with how cold it was.

Hopefully they'll respond well.



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My babies are exploding after a day under the HPS light. I'm running out of room! Switching to 12/12 tonight.




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My my how these babies have stretched in a day since I put the 150w HPS in. I lowered it a bit more since it's not getting nearly as hot as I thought it would with this cold weather we're having here.

Just a quick set of pics I took before flowering. The lights were set to go off at midnight. I'm going to keep them on until 6pm tomorrow night and then switch to 12/12. Hopefully the extra light won't do anything bad I don't think it should.

I've had these nubs on this one root since forever and I'm only now getting around to asking about them since they didn't seem to be causing any problems.

I broke a leaf off while reposition my thermometer but stoner curiosity to the rescue. I ended up playing with my mini microscope as a macro lens for my iphone and here's a couple of pics of a leaf and some bud I'm smoking.



Active Member
looking really good. cant wait to see em flower.

what are the dimensions of that cabinet?

It's a bit cramped for depth and width, I wish I had gone with something bigger now that I see how big four plants are getting in it. I expect to cut one or two out once they show sex though so that should help. Eventually I'll be using clones instead of seeds which should help the size a bit I hear, maybe enough to be able to do 3 plants at a time then.