Starting Herbs In Late Summer/ Fall


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im starting a couple herbs, chives, lavender, and dill. Its getting darker earlier all the time, do you think the plants-although perineials, will not come up good if i dont give them artificial light later on in the day when the sun goes down for an hour or two, or are the plants happy enough with the day time sun to not mind that the sun is going down quicker and approaching fall and winter. I''m new to the herb sceen, anybody know what i'm talking about?


Well-Known Member
Depending on where you're at, I'd say it's possible. I had dill and chives/scallions all through the winter the last few years, as well as others. Nights in freeze, you will need to cover it but no worries. We never have supplement lighting on any of our veg crops, just let them do their thing. Mulch is great it will keep the soil insulated at ground level so if your tops do burn, you can get sprout back. Also
It holds moisture in the soil keeping it warmer as well. Let me know if you have more ??'s


Well-Known Member
:-PYeah I did that for seedlings, had a old sliding glass door half(the part with a handle) as the top. It was 1 foot high in the front and 2 feet at the back wall. Have a good one...:grin: