Someone please tell me I didn't just kill them...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so. Never grown inside before this, and I saw a post saying that the lighter green leaves I have is a nutrient deficiency. And the yellow leaves with brown spots on another is the same. So I got some miracle grow stuff from the garage that's like 4 years old, but has no experation date(blue granules, meant to refill something you connect to your hose), and put like 3 pinches of it in about a pint. Dumped half out and swirled it to pick any off the bottom. Then, watered it down, and dumped about a tenth of that water out. And added water to water it down again. Three plants with it. A large plant got about a third of it, medium sized got about 1/5, and small got like 1/10, and the leftover is still i the cup. I've never used nutes on anything before, and feel like using nutes that work for trees was a bad Idea. It says it's safe for "trees, shrubs, flowers, and houseplants" though. Did I fuck up?


Active Member
Put your light 1 inch away from tops to prevent stretch and green the leaves. That was only problem I had with seedlings this year stretch MG blue.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I can't get pictures off my phone right now and that's the only way I have to do that. I will post if I can, but I can't right now.
And My setup is actually kinda ghetto, the light is just leaning against a corner with aluminum foil behind it. So it's like 3 ft tall, and lighting up a whole side of the plants. So can't put it an inch above. But there's 200watts comin out there and another 60w from a cfl desk lamp from the opposite side. 12/12 lighting right now. 24/0 before, for like 2 mons.

I'm more concerned about whether or not I just killed them though. Did I?


Well-Known Member
Bro with all due respect, how the fuck would we know? you just did it ,you have no pics :wall:. You will know if you overfed, browning tips and margins on leaves. If you badly burnt it then it will shrivel up and die.


Well-Known Member
Enough time hasn't passed for me to tell yet. I'm not asking if this was a minuscule over nuting, I'm asking if I just murdered them terribly. I've never used nutes before, and I thought maybe someone that has used them, and messed up, could tell me BEFORE the shrivel up and dying part. I'm just wondering if I just went overboard on accident with the nutes, I didn't have a gallon jug or any kind of measuring spoon.


Active Member
Should have read the directions. Since you're new to using nutes, everything should be accurately measured. Hard to say how much you gave your plants, a few pinches, in a half watered down pint, diluted 10% more, is not good info if you're looking for help. Not tryin to be a dick, it's just hard to help when we don't really know what you did. Doesn't sound like you overfed them to me though. Give it time and see, that's all you can do now.


Well-Known Member
No you did not murder them, if you had they would have gone limp and leaves would be droopy. You would be able to tell believe you me. Take a chill and monitor the over the next few days. Bear in mind that damaged leaves do not just turn back to green, you want to be monitoring your new growth for signs of deficiencies. Soil is reasonably forgiving so all is good I would imagine. Go to a garden centre and get some fresh nutes. The problems with elements is that they will have a half life, which effectively changes the chemical compounds of the elements. I can't think how you would have killed them though. Good luck.



Well-Known Member
either use nutes or dont use nutes but take that miracle grow crap and put it in the bin, a bottle of organic nutes costs around 10 quid where am from so theres no reason to use crap


Active Member
yes, get some true hydroponic nutrients for your plants in the future. 10 bucks will give you an ounce. As for your question, your plants are fine. don't worry.


Well-Known Member
Alright, awesome. Thanks. It's not droopy so I think it's all good. I was just impatient once I noticed the yellowing and browning on the little ones so I grabbed that stuff, then just got scared once I really thought about what I did. But thanks everyone. What kinda nutes do you get for MJ? Like if you go to home depot or something, not a MJ specific store.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Are you in Hydro or soil? I kow nothing about hydroponics, so I won't go there, but if you're in soil, then go ahead with the MG nutes. You sound like you had it diluted enough, maybe even more than enough, but "pinches" don't really count. The bottle should have come with a little spoon in it. The recommended dosage is based on that spoon. Start out at 1/4 strength and work up from there. DON'T over water them. Let 'em dry out a bit before watering them again.
No doubt that MG is not an ideal nutrient, but it's working well enough to be the #1 name in the entire botanical world. MG is perfectly FINE when used properly. The problem is that 99% of everyone getting into this starts out just LOOKING for problems, and reacts to them by dosing the plant to death, trying to cure a non existent prob! Or they get 5 or 6 different opinions or 5 or 6 incorrect diagnoses from some internet forum, and still kill the plants trying all of the remedies.
Relax, MJ is a plant, nothing more. As a living organism, it's GONNA display a few hiccups or hangnails. In a soil grow, nothing is gonna happen in a matter of hours, so you should have time to react if something really DOES go wrong. MJ is pretty resilient, and will bounce back from a ton of abuse. It's like any other "house plant", the better you cater to it and treat it, the better off the plant will be.


Well-Known Member
I'm in soil. I just couldn't measure because I don't have the spoon (it's a box of stuff that's at least 4 yrs old), and I didn't have a gallon jug. Just a cup that's probably about a pint. I tried not to go do a bunch of stuff. I just noticed a problem and thought maybe I should start using nutes, then just worried after I used them(over nothing I guess). And I've been treating it pretty well, except for its nuteless vegging. Thanks for everyones replies. I'll tell ya'll if it ends up dying anyways, I don't think it will now though. 12 is when I turn the lights on, so I'll see what it's like in less than an hour.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, never ever use miragle gro on ur plants, Remember you're gonna blaze them up after all is said and done. Always use nutes that are recommended for fruiting plants if you cant get proper hydro food.

Tin foil is another no-no. Creases in the foil can lead to burning of the plant i think.

Get your light mounted above the plants. Its no good propped up against a wall.

Read all about grows with similar set-up to what you can manage. Marijuana is robust but you don't get many 2nd chances. Time spent in proper research can save time and $$$'s later.


Well-Known Member
no one said this, get rid of the tin foil, its a fire hazard (I have read) and it creates hot spots. Could be part of the deal. Flat white paint is better on a normal wall


I would, get a bag of Fox farms ocean forest, a bag of happy frog and mix them with petile about 20-40%, then if you need to save on money use, something cheap like Gh Flora series.


Well-Known Member
It's not a normal wall so I can't paint it white. I would mount the light above them if that was an option, but it is not. The foil is safely mounted on a metal grid that isn't touching anything flamable, so there's no hazard just reflection. And it hasn't burnt the plants, the only time the burn is when they actually grow to touch the light without me noticing and moving them first.

Should I definitely not use miracle grow? Other people have said it will work, and it's all I have on hand. And I wasn't even planning on adding nutes originally and I'm not looking for the "best" solution to my nute problem, just a working solution. Like is MG almost guaranteed to be bad in the end? Or if I use it, but under use it, could it just have minimal positive effects?

Also, can someone please tell me how often you should add nutrients to the water, or is it just every time use water that is from a Gallon of diluted Nutrients?


Active Member
Listen man I don't know what your motivations for growing are, but from everything you have said so far it does not appear to be linked to any sort of intellectual pursuit

now that you are asking questions you are expecting the people who have done their homework let you cheat off their papers as if that is that's going to some how help you in a constructive way. the truth is that it will not, and that everything you're doing right now is a waste of your time and anyone who helps you. If you want some good advice here it is: start over. Go back to the beginning and do it right, by researching the plant and reading as many grow journals you can get your hands on until you have a clear plan in mind, not some sloppy drawn out ordeal that cant end any other way but badly.