Simpson Oil...first batch...LOOKING TO HELP ONE MORE


New Member
We just finished are first batch of simpson oil....we can not help every one because of the cost to make this stuff..If you are in need of simpson oil we will make it for you free of need to be terminally ill(cancer,pain)records will be checked,YOU ALSO NEED TO BE A MILITARY VET..We are starting a new batch Wen and it should be done by Pm me and we can only take one..First come and has real need will get it.


Well-Known Member
pretty much the same thing as iso hash, made almost the same exact way just called somthing else. if you veiw this huys profile and look at his started threads click on the how to make meds and in theri their is a link


Well-Known Member
my post count is low compared to many others on here. but what ever im not gonna sit here and argue over something stupid.
peace loser.
nothing but a bunch of babies here. i think your more mad at the fact i said you should have done something more to the people who jacked you, cuz you clearly knew they were doing it while they were theri and yet you said nothing to them till days later and then had the police handle, witch i kinda dont believe they really helped you i think you just say that to make your self feel better


New Member
LOL...You just cant shut up can you!..When you compare Simpson Oil with Ios Hash shows how small time no nothing you are...Thats like comparing Aspirin to Heroin..Lesson CON just stay off my threads.


Well-Known Member
i read the simpson oil thread and it is almost exactly like iso hash. man you are really getting al bent over this for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Wow, he is pretty tempermental! Perhaps he feels that somebody asking questions is taking attention away from the fact that he is trying to help people... If so it seems a bit self-righteous.

And yes TopShelf, if this is the process you are using, it's just regular honey oil, but named in homage of the man who made it famous.


New Member
Ya i know lots of people that make honey oil or hash oil with a pound of good top bud..thanks for highjacking my thread like you guys do most of the can have this web site i am out of here.


Well-Known Member
we didnt jack no thread we are still talking about iso hash(simpson oil). and you are pretty much trying to make money off a process that cost no less then 2 dollors to do. and acting like it is hard to do when it is easy and cheap. so why would any one have you do it. and why would you have to be a military vet? and i dont mind if you leave cuz really you complain about nothing. you act like you would be doing every one who needs this a huge favor, but really your not cuz it is a simple thing to do.
peace. sorry you dont like RIU


Well-Known Member
i know, i didnt do anything to this guy and yet he hates me and i even apologized for doing what ever i did to him. i dont thin khe will be back on though. i think he felt really hurt for some odd reason