Searching for Gold, Columbian Gold


Active Member
Fucking awesome. Subbed & Rep+!
Thanks, MarijuanaJit

Update: day 47 of grow, day 7 of flowering

Added my additional CFLs. Three 105watt, 2700k, 5000 lumen, two 65watt, 2700k, 4500 lumen, total addition of 420+watts. Hovering/burning over 1000watts right now. Light placement is critical to prevent underdevelopt growth below the main canopy...
not to mention getting the bud to fatten up. Pistols sites should start to show anyday, maybe a few days. 1st grow it took 10-11 days into flowering.

Cuttings/clones look better today, not all of them made it, but happy w/what I got..will post photos of the clones and new flowering area soon..:clap:



Active Member
All three C. Gold are stretching and have alot of toppings now. The B.Widow is as bushy as tall, she has about 6 toppings so far. The tops are just started to show some fine white pistils. Should have flowers in another week or so. They smell great, healthy as hell. Got all of my 2700k CFLs buring over and around them w/ a few 6500k to mix up the spectrum. Will be switching to 14/10 in 2 days.

Not much news on the cuttings, no visible roots yet. Can I take cuttings for clones only when the female plant is in vegetation or can I get some while she is in flowering stage??



Well-Known Member
They're are a lot of mixed feelings on that subject. I've taken clones 3 weeks into flowering before with good results. Although I think the majority would say no more than two weeks into flowering and you should be fine.


Active Member
They're are a lot of mixed feelings on that subject. I've taken clones 3 weeks into flowering before with good results. Although I think the majority would say no more than two weeks into flowering and you should be fine.
Thanks Dropastone, I'm going to cut a few more Blue Widow and C.Gold then. There is no flowers yet, but they are starting to show white pistil hairs. The plan is to fill a grow-box each w/both strains. 6 plants/box, 2 grow-boxes. I have a few cuttings that I am waiting for roots to show, got them in the dome w/CFLs 100watt, 6500k, 7200+ lumen. Like to get started growing clones for the first time.



Active Member
Cool, can't wait to see the Colombian start to bud.

Day 14 of 12/12 light schedule, 55 days into the grow, and guess what? Got flowers. I am so stoked, it took this long on my 1st grow or close to it. I have been constantly moving my CFLs to achieve maxium lighting. By moving the CFLs daily enhances the growth in flowering stage. Instead of switching to the 14/10 light schedule, I am going to keep it at 12/12 until the trichomes show some cloudness in them, then switch to 14/10 which is weeks down the road.

The Blue Widow continues to get bushy, the Gold keeps stretching. They smell devine.



Active Member
My gals are in day 16 of the 12/12 light schedule, 57 days into the grow, got flower buds everywhere. Trimmed away some fan leaves so the flower buds can get more of my CFLs lighting. Plan to lollipop my gals if all possible except the Blue Widow. She is still real bushy, but has some nice flowers/buds showing.
The gals just came out of the 24 root rinse, so I took 6 more cuttings, 3 Blue, 3 Gold. My 1st cuttings have finally started to show roots and now look healthy as hell. Those are going into their perspective grow-boxes this week-end, the newer cuttings should follow in 2 weeks or so.

Day 16 of the 12/12 light schedule, 57 days into the grow...



Well-Known Member
congrats man thats alot of bud sites, oh and i've heard of people taking clones as far into flowering as 6weeks the sooner the better though.


Active Member
congrats man thats alot of bud sites, oh and i've heard of people taking clones as far into flowering as 6weeks the sooner the better though.
Thanks for stopping by DarthD3vl. Yeah I got one real dominet C.Gold just trying to take over the entire grow-box. She's gonna be a mother. I need to keep a good eye on that, lost a plant on my 1st grow that way.

My cuttings/clones are coming along nicely, gonna get them in their perspective grow-boxes but decide to ride the Harley instead, but no later than Tuesday tho...they are ready, plus I even took some more cuttings the last day or so. I can see that can be habit forming...I'll have clones all over. I do plan to put a couple in soil to see how they take and I can compare. Anyway a photo of my clones and gals 18 days into flowering.......:-P



Active Member
My dominet Landrace Columbian Gold is just going to town. Also 1st day of trichomes to start to show around the pistils. Smelling so sweet. Keeping PH at 5.4-5.6, adjusting CFLs each check, boost nutes whenever PPMs drop to 250-300ppms at 1/2 dose. Still doing the dump/rinse on roots, but every 10 days instead of 7 days. This is when I dump my rez. solution, replenish w/clean distilled water, rinse roots for 24 hours, then add new batch of nutes. Believe me, it helps the gals roots/growth alot to rinsed every so often, no root rot, no nute lockout, and when they get their fresh dose of fertilizer and micro nutes, they just thrive, will grow like crazy

Clones are still in the cloner, my bad, plan to move them into their grow-boxes this weekend, put the 6 bigger spiral 85watt, 6500k, 4800 lumen CFLs over them. Continious grow in action now, an additional 10 C.Gold, 4 B.Widow starting their 1st week of vegging, so stoked.

1st photo is my Blue Widow, the others are the C.Gold and grow-box-1



Active Member
Great looking plants bro!

We're at almost identical flowering stages... I'm subbd up for this one! Nice work!


Active Member
Great looking plants bro!

We're at almost identical flowering stages... I'm subbd up for this one! Nice work!
Thanks for stopping by Potentrx7, wow you live in Rome? I was stationed in Germany w/US Army many years ago. Living in Europe actually gave me a sense of belonging back then when I was 19 years old. One day I truly hope to go back, perhaps even visit Rome. Surely a beautiful, amazing city w/massive amounts of history/religion/an awesome people imo. Hope to share notes w/you & your grow...take care-stay safe...

As far as the grow goes, I am addicted to growing now. I had taken a brief break from it after my 1st harvest, never do that again. Once I got my second grow up and going, decided to start a continiuos grow via cuttings/cloning. I'll just journal this current grow, not the clones.

68 days into the grow, 27 days flowering, the start of trichomes production and cola building/stretching/filling in " the bud"



Active Member
looking good, It's all starting to come together.
As much as I enjoy growing my own medical marijuana, it's as exciting as riding my Harley. At this stage of the growth when the ladies are flowering, producing trichomes, building/growing cola/bud-nuggets, they struggle and stretch for all the light you can give them, pushing/killing the competitor out of thier way, because she is truly a dominet bitch, what do I need to do? This dominet female Landrace Columbian Gold is over-taking all my other plants, including my Blue Widow. She has so many more cola branches filling up w/flowers going/growing all over, where as my other C.Gold has only a few.

All of the gals have thumb-thick or greater thickness at the stock of the stem. The branches are thick enought to support any weight when the bud ripens/fattens up. The past few days the Blue Widow actually stretched out enought to stand her ground. It also helped to prune away alot of fan leaves and move the CFLs everyday. Moving the CFLs inhances the grow imo...thats why I like using them.


Well-Known Member
I like to use the super cropping technique and I do it to all my ladies when they're getting unruly, you need to knock em down to size. Basically you just pinch and bend the growth tips enough to fold em over to slow em down, this causes growth hormones to go to the other growth tips. By super cropping, it will make them think they are the new main top and start to shoot for the top of the plant, replacing the super cropped branch. By super cropping the tops it makes the plant think it's lost it's top, so the other branches will take over as the new top.

lolol, My buddy just left and I'm baked. Here is a thread on the subject and this dude knows what he's talking about. This is the thread where I learned about supper cropping and he can explain it to you better than I can.

Check it out.

Grow on man, the ladies are looking lovely.


Active Member
I may try super cropping w/my Blue Widow clones, I have only 3 right now, not including the momma. Got 14 C.Gold clones, just going to let them grow out, full harvest. When the momma C.Gold goes back into re-veg mode, I'll pull clones from her only.

Trichome production is now very evident. Moving the CFLs daily, sometimes 2x/day. Boosting nutes have paid off, I guess it was a good thing to get the PPM meter after all. Burning 956 watts of CFLs w/some 6500k CFLs into the mix. The cola is building/growing nicely...



Well-Known Member
I may try super cropping w/my Blue Widow clones, I have only 3 right now, not including the momma. Got 14 C.Gold clones, just going to let them grow out, full harvest. When the momma C.Gold goes back into re-veg mode, I'll pull clones from her only.

Trichome production is now very evident. Moving the CFLs daily, sometimes 2x/day. Boosting nutes have paid off, I guess it was a good thing to get the PPM meter after all. Burning 956 watts of CFLs w/some 6500k CFLs into the mix. The cola is building/growing nicely...

how many watts were you running on your last grow? how much did that ppm run you?
thats something I think I need for my next dwc badly


Well-Known Member
I may try super cropping w/my Blue Widow clones, I have only 3 right now, not including the momma. Got 14 C.Gold clones, just going to let them grow out, full harvest. When the momma C.Gold goes back into re-veg mode, I'll pull clones from her only.

Trichome production is now very evident. Moving the CFLs daily, sometimes 2x/day. Boosting nutes have paid off, I guess it was a good thing to get the PPM meter after all. Burning 956 watts of CFLs w/some 6500k CFLs into the mix. The cola is building/growing nicely...
Good move on the PPM meter. IMO they are a must for any grow. By the way your ladies are looking sexy.:clap: