Sarah Palin was worse than we thought...


Well-Known Member
Sarah Palin is not an idiot. She got a bad rap from the news media, the press, Saturday Night Live, late night comedians, Doonesberry, and the angry Left in general. I will agree that she was unprepared to be on a Presidential ticket.

Your goddamn right I am angry. George Bush is a retard and I have had to deal with his complete ineptitude for 8 years because conservative fuckwads don't care who is in office as long as it's one of their own. Palin is further evidence of this.
I don't like Palin because:
1. She is a hypocrite through and through (see below for supporting facts)
2. She panders to extremist conservative religious zealots, the ones who are intolerant of any opposing views, want legislation to reflect THEIR biblical views, and are very upset about the fact they are in the twilight of their period of being influential in Washington DC.
3. She will say ANYTHING to get elected, moreover her critisims of Obama are largely baseless and without substantial merit, intended to be devisive and incite heated reaction from the Republican base, and completely fail to articulate what the Republican ticket will do to fix our nations problems.
4. $150k wardrobe, $30k hair stylist, this speaks for itself, Oh and when the press scrutinzes John Edwards $400 haircut thats fine but when they talk about her $150k wardrobe thats sexist...bullshit.
5. Troopergate=abuse of power and failure to willingly comply with investigation = obstruction of justice = George Bush style leadership
6. Fraud in selecting $40billion Alaskan pipeline contract
7. Her administration in Alaska has been secretive and resists public scrutiny whenever possible as evidenced by Palin advocating use of yahoo mail to avoid state oversight and subpoena power of official communications
8. She is not articulate or able to carry on unscripted intellectual dialogue. This may sound arbitrary but after 8 years of having a President who is the laughing stock of the civilized world I do not want someone at Pres/ VP level who cannot be relied on to communicate effecively in times of crisis to the American people and other world leaders.


Well-Known Member
30K? fuck outta here, she dropping $ like that? Along with the 150k wardrobe for her and her kids. WTF is wrong with what they got on? She wasted alot of funds.


New Member
No shit, I could buy a house, a new car, a couple of new harleys and still have money left over from 150K to furnish the house, even still with bucks leftover to put in the bank.


Well-Known Member

Wow! Just wow. Liberal tolerance.

Let me start off by saying you are entitled to your opinion. You negative rep does not bother me a bit. What amuses me is that you did not have the man-berries to leave your name. I can't hurt you. This is the internet.

I'm conservative so I can't be pro-cannabis? Kiss my conservative dick.

It seems to me a hypocrite would be someone says one thing and does another. You meet that definition with your hateful rant. Where's all that hope and change? LOL!

Fuck me? No thanks. Fuck your mother.

Fucking coward.


Well-Known Member
Actually Johnny, that was low.... If someone is going to say someing shitty about someone, at least have to balls to do it where either everyone can see it or at least sign your name to it.


Well-Known Member
Really, isn't that just pointing out a fact? Is it not true the immigrants from India drive cabs and work in convience stores?
It may be true, but it's pretty fucking stupid for a politician to alienate an entire ethnic group with a stereotypical comment. When that politician is a U.S. Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate? LOL!

Let's not forget when Joe encouraged wheelchair-bound State Senator Chuck Graham to stand up. "Chuck, stand up, let the people see you."

Imagine the uproar if Sarah Barracuda had made such an error.

YouTube - Biden Gaffe: Asks a Gentleman in a Wheelchair to Stand Up

Rumor has it that his Secret Service code name is Gaffey McGaffesalot.


Well-Known Member

Wow! Just wow. Liberal tolerance.

Let me start off by saying you are entitled to your opinion. You negative rep does not bother me a bit. What amuses me is that you did not have the man-berries to leave your name. I can't hurt you. This is the internet.

I'm conservative so I can't be pro-cannabis? Kiss my conservative dick.

It seems to me a hypocrite would be someone says one thing and does another. You meet that definition with your hateful rant. Where's all that hope and change? LOL!

Fuck me? No thanks. Fuck your mother.

Fucking coward.

Well, if this is how you react to something that "does not bother you a bit", I would hate to see you when something bothers you.


Well-Known Member
Well, if this is how you react to something that "does not bother you a bit", I would hate to see you when something bothers you.
EDIT: It was not ElBarto after all. I baited for weasel and caught a skunk.

The neg rep did not bother me. But if you think I'll just take abuse without a retort, you obviously do not know me.

You need a new avatar. This one sums you up quite nicely.

Now go get me a cup of coffee.


Well-Known Member

Guilty as charged.

I reserve the right to fight fire with fire. If you only have a problem with my response to provocation, feel free to kiss my paper-white ass.

I'll not lose any sleep over neg rep. Please put your name on it. Otherwise you are merely another drive-by coward.


Well-Known Member

Wow! Just wow. Liberal tolerance.

Let me start off by saying you are entitled to your opinion. You negative rep does not bother me a bit. What amuses me is that you did not have the man-berries to leave your name. I can't hurt you. This is the internet.

I'm conservative so I can't be pro-cannabis? Kiss my conservative dick.

It seems to me a hypocrite would be someone says one thing and does another. You meet that definition with your hateful rant. Where's all that hope and change? LOL!

Fuck me? No thanks. Fuck your mother.

Fucking coward.
Gee Joe, I wonder why anyone would say you use abusive, hateful language.


Well-Known Member

Dear god,

You exist as a user. However, god has zero activity since becoming a member November 27, 2006. Zero posts. Zero threads.

god's Marijuana Growing Profile

That makes the person who impersonated you a fucking coward. And a liar, too.


To the "RIU Administrator": You do not exist. You are a dishonest, cowardly fuck.

I said it before. I'm at peace with the neg rep.

What amuses me is the fact that you drive-by heroes are afraid to man up and show yourselves.


New Member
Are we to assume that you would like a nice tampon in your coffee? :-P

You took the bait and decided to show yourself. Thank you.

The neg rep did not bother me. But if you think I'll just take abuse without a retort, you are stupider than you are cowardly.

You need a new avatar. This one sums you up quite nicely.

Now go get me a cup of coffee.