raising c02...would this work?


Well-Known Member
Just been reading a thread about c02 bags, and a little argument about folier feeding with soda water to add c02 and if there were other ways to 'up' the c02 levels, some people said fresh air was best, while others said breathing on them was good.

I had a little look into what c02 humans exhale and found this>

An average adult breathes about 0.5 L of air per breath at rest. Normal air contains ~ 0.03 % of CO2 which gets enriched to 4 % of exhaled air. The difference, 3.97 % is what you exhaled. One mole of air at room temperature have a volume of ~22.4 L (use ideal gas equation p*V=n*R*T, p=pressure [bar], V=volume, n=amount in mole, R=ideal gas constant, T=temperature [Kelvin]). 1 mole CO2 is equivalent to 44 g.
So, 0.5 L*(1 mole /22.4 L)*(44 g / mole) = 0.982 g

One breath therefore contains ~ 1 g of exhaled CO2

Note: Some of the gases are not ideal (mostly CO2), the volume of one breath depends on the person (sex, age, fitness, size) and the activity. It can be up to 2 L at least. But it is just an approximation anyways.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_CO2_is_emitted_per_breath#ixzz22wQfAuly

Most of the above is just rubble to me, maybe I'm just stoned, but i was thinking, i visit my room once to twice a day, and probably up the co2 in the room just by being there, so i figured what if when i went in every other day, i took say 20 balloons in, filled with my own grown c02 :/ would this be of any benefit? maybe even a blow up bed lol, slow releasing my homegrown c02 into the room....

Anyway, just an idea, maybe a shit one, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
just sleep in your room at lights on - free Co2 and warm temps!

but seriusly it woud not really be worth it too much work for the amount of benefit


Well-Known Member
yeah, reckon I'm just a little stoned, ahh well, seemed a good idea at the time lol.