presidential poll

who do you think you will vote for?

  • i am a republican voting for McCain

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • i am a republican voting for Obama

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • i am a democrat voting for McCain

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • i am a democrat voting for Obama

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • i am an independent voting for McCain

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • i am an independent voting for Obama

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • completely disgusted and undecided, or won't vote

    Votes: 22 35.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I don't blame Republicans or Democrats for the price of gas. It was all of us (except those hippies in the 60s) that bought SUVs and megatrucks and $200,000 40' diesel-eating RV behemoths, and the two cars for two people, and a car for every kid in college. We all did this to ourselves.

A few saw the signs decades ago, but nobody really paid attention or believed it. Not enough believed it to matter anyway. Instead, we just kept on demanding more and more gas for more and more cars. But the easy gas is all gone now. Democrats didn't blow it up or hide it away. Neither did Republicans. We all just kinda ate it up with our voracious appetite for resources, and now it's gone.

But demand for yet more gas has only increased, even as the supply lines are straining. We've got six and a half billion people now wanting to drive cars. We had problems meeting demand when there were less than half that many. Now we simply can't meet demand anymore. The world has no more easy oil to give. And what happens in a global economy when demand rises but supply fails? Prices increase.

Since the demand isn't just in the US anymore, that means demand destruction in the US won't necessarily slow the spiraling price of oil. That depends on China and India. Will they keep roaring ahead with their nation-transforming? Of course they will. Their people have seen the lives *our* people live, and they want the same. If that means they have to pay $10/gallon for gas, then they will pay that. And in a global economy, so will we. The oil companies aren't going to sell us oil at $140/barrel if China will pay them $300/barrel, and they will.

So there ya go. It doesn't much matter who gets elected. Unless there is a seriously enormous change in the way we produce and use energy, expect to see a bidding war between the big nations of the world. He who pays the highest price gets to keep his civilization. Everyone else, sorry, not enough juice for you.


New Member
But...but...Obama is all about "hope" and "change"! :lol:
Why is Ron Paul a Republican? Because he knew he could not win his seat in Texas as a Libertarian so he switched parties. Highly POLITICAL....don't you think? That alone proves my point about YOUR god Ron Paul.


New Member
Good thing he doesn't HAVE to vote like the rest of them, yes? Perhaps he keeps getting reelected because he votes the way his constituency wants him to, yes? What a concept. Heaven forbid we should have REPRESENTATIVES (please notice that I do not use the term "leader") that actually "represent" their constituency.

I wonder if the good people of Illinois are in favor of warrantless wiretapping and suspension of Habeas Corpus.
He is in Texas Bro, Run as a Republican and 98% of the time you get elected.


Well-Known Member
Why is Ron Paul a Republican? Because he knew he could not win his seat in Texas as a Libertarian so he switched parties. Highly POLITICAL....don't you think? That alone proves my point about YOUR god Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has been a Republican long before you were born. And he is not my "god". He may be "god" to others here who mention him in every post they make. I do not. I only bring up my candidate when the subject of who one will vote for is broached. And when I do, I always defer to the man's voting record. I never, unlike most Obama supporters do, state that Ron Paul is the beacon of hope. If anything, it is you Obama supporters who espouse upon him as if he's the 2nd coming of Christ. Is Obama your god, son? Are you willing to vote for a man who pisses on the US Constitution? If so, why do you even call yourself an American? Answer me this one boy: How do you feel about Obama's vote in favor of FISA? Do you even know what FISA is? How do you feel about his vote in favor of Patriot II? You know...that little act that was passed by Congress that suspends Habeas Corpus? The 4th Amendment? How do you feel about those? My candidate voted in favor of neither. Why? Because he stated on the floor of the House of Reps that they are....unconstitutional. For the record, I don't believe in any god. Get your facts straight before you dance with me boy.

Furthermore, do you support his stance on increasing troops in Afghanistan to combat the Taliban? If so, when are going down to the recruiting station to sign up? Or is it easier for you to let those few of us here who have served or are serving (my son for example) do it for you?
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Well-Known Member
Why is Ron Paul a Republican? Because he knew he could not win his seat in Texas as a Libertarian so he switched parties.
And like I said...get your facts straight...

Originally from the Pittsburgh suburb of Green Tree, Pennsylvania, he studied at Duke University School of Medicine; after his 1961 graduation and a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, he became a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon, serving outside the Vietnam War zone. He later represented Texas districts in the U.S. House of Representatives (1976–1977, 1979–1985, and 1997–present). He entered the 1988 presidential election, running as the Libertarian nominee while remaining a registered Republican, and placed a distant third.
First campaigns

Inspired by the monetary crisis he saw predicted by the Austrian school, Vietnam War funding, rampant inflation, and wholesale welfare,[19] Paul became a delegate to the Texas Republican convention and a Republican candidate for Congress. Incumbent Robert R. Casey defeated him in the 22nd district; Democrats won 1974 heavily. When President Gerald Ford appointed Casey to head the Federal Maritime Commission, Paul won a 1976 special election to fill the empty seat. Paul lost some months later in the general election, to Democrat Robert Gammage, by fewer than 300 votes (0.2%), but defeated Gammage in a 1978 rematch and won new terms in 1980 and 1982.
Paul was the first Republican representative from the area; he also led the Texas Reagan delegation at the national Republican convention.[36] His successful campaign against Gammage surprised local Democrats, who had expected to retain the seat easily in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Gammage underestimated Paul's support among local mothers: "I had real difficulty down in Brazoria County, where he practiced, because he'd delivered half the babies in the county. There were only two obstetricians in the county, and the other one was his partner."[37]

House of Representatives

Paul was the first member of Congress to propose term limits legislation in the House,[38] where he also declined to attend junkets or register for a Congressional pension while serving four terms.[39] His chief of staff (1978–1982) was Lew Rockwell.[40] In 1980, when a majority of Republicans favored President Jimmy Carter's proposal to reinstate the draft, Paul argued that their views were inconsistent, stating they were more interested in registering their children than they were their guns.[38] He also proposed legislation to decrease Congressional pay by the rate of inflation; he was a regular participant in the annual Congressional baseball game;[36] and he continued to deliver babies on Mondays and Saturdays during his entire 22nd district career.[25]
During his first term, Paul founded a think tank, the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE).[41] Also in 1976, the foundation began publication of the first monthly newsletter connected with Paul, Dr. Ron Paul's Freedom Report[42] (or Special Report). It also publishes monographs, books, radio spots, and (since 1997) a new series of the monthly newsletter, Ron Paul's Freedom Report, all of which seek to create a greater public awareness of the principles of limited government.


New Member
Ron Paul has been a Republican long before you were born. And he is not my "god". He may be "god" to others here who mention him in every post they make. I do not. I only bring up my candidate when the subject of who one will vote for is broached. And when I do, I always defer to the man's voting record. I never, unlike most Obama supporters do, state that Ron Paul is the beacon of hope. If anything, it is you Obama supporters who espouse upon him as if he's the 2nd coming of Christ. Is Obama your god, son? Are you willing to vote for a man who pisses on the US Constitution? If so, why do you even call yourself an American? Answer me this one boy: How do you feel about Obama's vote in favor of FISA? Do you even know what FISA is? How do you feel about his vote in favor of Patriot II? You know...that little act that was passed by Congress that suspends Habeas Corpus? The 4th Amendment? How do you feel about those? My candidate voted in favor of neither. Why? Because he stated on the floor of the House of Reps that they are....unconstitutional. For the record, I don't believe in any god. Get your facts straight before you dance with me boy.

Furthermore, do you support his stance on increasing troops in Afghanistan to combat the Taliban? If so, when are going down to the recruiting station to sign up? Or is it easier for you to let those few of us here who have served or are serving (my son for example) do it for you?
Let me make this clear one time .....and one time only: I am noy a "boy" and I sure as fuck ain't your son. Got that?

I made MY point about Ron Paul which is dead on. As far as your lame ass lie about Ron Paul being a Republican all his life you need to know that he admitted to running as a Republican so he could get elected. You are just pissed that I exposed Paul for the politician that he is. Grow up and deal with it. Be a man.

And as far as supporting the troops, Jesus, what year is this? 2003? Come on catch up. I support our troops. I don't think they should be in Iraq fighting a war that was senseless. Yes, we should have went to Afghanistan because .......and this just may surprise you...THAT'S WHERE BIN LADEN IS!! Get it?

Thank you.

Mary's Lover

Active Member
And as far as supporting the troops, Jesus, what year is this? 2003? Come on catch up. I support our troops. I don't think they should be in Iraq fighting a war that was senseless. Yes, we should have went to Afghanistan because .......and this just may surprise you...THAT'S WHERE BIN LADEN IS!! Get it?
Thank you.
Actually he is supposed to be in Pakistan now, Kashmir region.


Well-Known Member
Obama 18, McCain 6. So, looks like about 75% of the people who plan to vote for either Obama or McCain are choosing Obama. Guess that makes sense, especially on this site, since McCain's just another old drug war guy, and sure to be the DEA's front man if elected. At least Obama's smoked some pot, and knows that it's waaaay different from smack or crack or meth. McCain doesn't look like much of a pot smoker AT ALL.

Mary's Lover

Active Member
And I believe that there needs to be torture. If you can save a whole city (100,000's of people) from getting one guy to talk no matter what.... ummm yes please. Other than those I feel we see eye to eye.... ;-)
What city has been destroyed, killing 100,000s of people? That is some BS right there.

Mary's Lover

Active Member
Out of Obama and McCain I would go for Obama, it's not like Mccain is not gonna vote in favour of torture and warrantless wiretapping. It is stupid that there is such a rivalry between Republicans and Democrats in the US since both are more right wing than any party over here.


Well-Known Member
This took me 10 seconds.

Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"He entered the 1988 presidential election, running as the Libertarian nominee while remaining a registered Republican, and placed a distant third."
Wow..You're a regular Einstein now aintcha boy? You just quoted what I had previously posted and even underlined. :lol:

Please note the little bit about Ron Paul remaining a registered Republican...Guess ya missed that, eh? ;) :lol:

I'm not surprised you failed to answer my questions regarding your Messiah's voting record.


Active Member
LOL yes Mary's lover, it was a "high thought" very hypothetical. Read up bro. You wanna quote so bad, quote this..........

“Once I’m elected, I want to organize a summit in the Muslim world, with all the heads of state, to have an honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap that grows every day between Muslims and the West.” -obama
The Muslim world wants Islam to rule, period. That IS their issue. With “true” Islam, there is no line between secular and sacred, or religion and politics. It is all the same; Islam is all. Liberals think they have an economic grievance, and that is why they go all “jihad” on us, because the West is the haves and they’re the have-nots. Here at home, the only way any US president could appease the jihadists is to chuck the US constitution, and impose by force strict shariah law. Strict shariah law.
My bet is Muslims everywhere would love to sit down and talk with Obama. For a long long time too. It is part of their game plan, and adheres flawlessly with their idea of taquiyya (religious deception). They will do anything to stall off US actions that might stop their relentless pursuit of global Islamic domination. Remember, Hitler sat down at the bargaining table again and again, and I’m sure he laughed on his way out. He would have been proud of these “true Muslims.” When Iran gets a nuke, Hitler will snicker from hell as his dream of extinguishing the Jews finally comes true.


New Member
Both houses (Congress and the Senate) are already controlled by the Democrats. And look how fucked up the economy is already. They've only been in power for two years and just LOOK!

My god man, aren't you paying attention? The price of gasoline has doubled since the economic genius of the progressives took power. Just think how great things will be with B. Hussein O'Bama controlling the executive branch and raises taxes to the moon. :blsmoke:



New Member
Now, now Garry ... be honest. Not only have gas prices doubled since Pelolivich and ReidO'Mao have been in charge, but we now have the banks failing and the mortgage crisis to lay on them too.

Are you like Cleopatra ... in denile? :mrgreen:

More spin.................