presidential poll

who do you think you will vote for?

  • i am a republican voting for McCain

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • i am a republican voting for Obama

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • i am a democrat voting for McCain

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • i am a democrat voting for Obama

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • i am an independent voting for McCain

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • i am an independent voting for Obama

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • completely disgusted and undecided, or won't vote

    Votes: 22 35.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. thought it might be fun to see who the RIU crowd wants for president. personally, i am surprised by the otherwise conservative people who are not necessarily following the law.


Well-Known Member
And we all know that Obama is the anti-war candidate. :lol:

I'm a Libertarian voting for Ron Paul.
Hi dave...I'm not an Obama supporter per se... Can't vote anyway... just want a respected person..not a putz like bush..who has put a stink on everything..


Well-Known Member
I elect myself to be the president of me. Who needs someone tellin' you what to do. I'm not a child.


Well-Known Member
republican here but am voting for obama. NOT VOTING SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN AN OPTION ON THE POLL. it's whats sets us apart from other country's.



Well-Known Member
Not voting in my opinion is a valid option. They all lie so do you really want a liar in charge? Obama is just the best liar that's all. Some other countries have corrupt voting just like us. Ours is just not as obvious.


New Member
I'd like to vote for Obama.

No .. no ... I said I would LIKE to vote for Obama. He's the most articulate spokesman to come down the pike since Reagan. His persona is wonderful. His smile radiates Americanism. His collectivist ideas are throw-backs to past, more dangerous times. His politics are fucked.

Like I said ... I'd LIKE to vote for Obama ... :neutral:



Well-Known Member
hey ViRedd,

couldn't agree more, obama is a very appealing human being with some seriously liberal positions. i somehow think the country may take a chance on him anyway, but i just can't get there. too bad a libertarian has no chance as they would push legalization.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama leads here. Not a big surprise there. This site is probably not frequented by big business or rich folks, at least not as a big percentage, and those are the folks that McCain should mostly appeal to.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama leads here. Not a big surprise there. This site is probably not frequented by big business or rich folks, at least not as a big percentage, and those are the folks that McCain should mostly appeal to.
No surprise in Obama leading, he appeals to the naive crowd. Thats the majority of America.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much. Democrats do tend to be more naive, more hopeful about the future, less willing to resort to violence as Plan A when there are other options. Big business and rich folks just want to safeguard their assets, and that is something McCain offers them.

Looks like this is the year of the naive and hopeful forward-looking Democrats. But that's fine. We just had two cycles of the misleading un-transparent future-destroying war-mongering privacy-invading Republicans, so I'm ready for a break from that. Looks like lots of people are.


Well-Known Member
We just had two cycles of the misleading un-transparent future-destroying war-mongering privacy-invading Republicans
It's been longer than that. Remember Kosovo? As for privacy invading, Clinton signed into law CALEA. And do keep in mind that Obama voted in favor of FISA and Patriot II.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I don't agree with Obama on everything. I doubt I agree with anyone on everything. But given the choices, it's like eating beef stew for dinner (Obama), or a bowl of shit (McCain). Neither one is my favorite meal, but it's still an easy decision for me.
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Well-Known Member
I find FISA and Patriot particularly unpalatable. I can't bring myself to vote for a candidate who voted for legislation that suspended Habeas Corpus nor can I vote for a candidate who voted for legislation that allows warrantless wiretapping on the People. If you can stomach that meal, then by all means.


Active Member
OMG, You Liberals make me sick, keep whining and bitching about everything. Raise taxes, keep high gas prices, pull out of a winning war just to start it all over again a few years down the road. nice. Heres one for you. I think McCain is even too much of a Liberal. I didn't vote for him. You should all be happy if he gets in. Its two libs running against eachother. I would have liked to see Huckabee make it. Im praying he gets the VP. Im not a "red neck" but I do like their style. If I could be pres. heres what I would do..... Close the boarders (Canada too). Deport all illegals from this country (wait in line like everyone else). Offshore drilling. Use bigger bombs/force over seas to show were not playing anymore. Legalize Marijuana. Maybe a few more things I'm forgetting but thats the bigger stuff. I'm not a republican, I disagree with a lot of the things they do/say. I'd say I'm more of a conservative. I do love this country where I can voice my opinions and you can voice yours. Gotta keep the freedom. Keep the love. Positive thinking. Blunt time. PEACE


New Member
I hear ya. I don't agree with Obama on everything. I doubt I agree with anyone on everything. But given the choices, it's like eating beef stew for dinner (Obama), or a bowl of shit (McCain). Neither one is my favorite meal, but it's still an easy decision for me.
Your "beef stew" is just a bull of shit with carrots, peas, and onions......I'd rather have the straight shit so I knew right away what it was that first bite?
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