Portland Oregon. The Time is Now. Cannabliss. The New Standard is Set!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I am trying to be understanding, and I know that you cant just harvest because of a certain date, but gotta wait until it is done. My main complaint is he is not getting back to me, returning my calls, or txts. It's the not knowing that is the worst. I sent him another txt today letting him know just that, and he still did not return my call, or txt.


New Member
Yea, I am trying to be understanding, and I know that you cant just harvest because of a certain date, but gotta wait until it is done. My main complaint is he is not getting back to me, returning my calls, or txts. It's the not knowing that is the worst. I sent him another txt today letting him know just that, and he still did not return my call, or txt.
Understood. Hoping he comes through for you!

dirk d

Active Member
zildjian, you keep trying to get people to grow for free for you and then you get upset everytime they come up with some bullshit about your crop. look my suggestion would be to find a grower, explain your situation and tell him/her that this is all i can afford to help out with nutes, electricity, all the costs associated with growing. i bet you will start seeing meds on a timely manner then. instead of just harrassing some schmuck grower who said sure i'll do this and that just put me down as your grower and then BAAM!! no site of him at all.


New Member
zildjian, you keep trying to get people to grow for free for you and then you get upset everytime they come up with some bullshit about your crop. look my suggestion would be to find a grower, explain your situation and tell him/her that this is all i can afford to help out with nutes, electricity, all the costs associated with growing. i bet you will start seeing meds on a timely manner then. instead of just harrassing some schmuck grower who said sure i'll do this and that just put me down as your grower and then BAAM!! no site of him at all.
Dirk, you sound like a pretty intelligent dude, but you are way off on this one.....Zild is not harassing anyone....he is merely expecting a person to stick to their word. He has already had one bad grower screw him, so don't go kicking him when he is down. He has just had some bad luck dealing with people who do not honor a handshake deal. If they wanted to get expenses paid for, THEY should have told him when negotiating. You are way off on blaming Zild for taking someone at their word......Zild deserves better, and all the dealer had to do is be up front and honest, and Zild could have decided to keep his card with him or not.....but the grower was not honest, and fucked him over.....so stop kicking my friend when he is down. I like you guys in the OMMP world, but YOU ALL need to show a little more compassion for your brothers and sisters!

Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate Dirk's opinion, but he was jumping the gun on this one.


Well-Known Member
Dude first off like haz stated if he agrees to a verbal contract than you are damm right I expect him to stick to that contract. If he changes his mind thats fine, but he needs to at least give me my meds for that cycle, and than give me notice that he wants to change the terms of the agreement. It's not rocket science that is how it should be done, and your damm skippy I have a problem with it. You need to check yourself before you start flapping your gums. Also I would like to add that it wasn't like I was expecting all of the yield for the plants he is allowed to grow in my name. The deal was two a month anything over that I was to give a donation of 175 an oz. Which I thought was more than fair.


Well-Known Member
I like you guys in the OMMP world, but YOU ALL need to show a little more compassion for your brothers and sisters!
i give away, for 100% free, 10% of whatever i accept donations for every harvest in accordance with the jewish law of tzedakah.

i am not very religious, but my wife is, and i take the good and not the other stuff.

The deal was two a month anything over that I was to give a donation of 175 an oz. Which I thought was more than fair.
you want someone to grow you 2 ounces per month for free?

do you have any idea what goes into doing that? laughable.

i am tempted to say that you got what you deserved.

i would never give my SS# to a "nigerian prince". make of that what you will.


New Member
i give away, for 100% free, 10% of whatever i accept donations for every harvest in accordance with the jewish law of tzedakah.

i am not very religious, but my wife is, and i take the good and not the other stuff.

you want someone to grow you 2 ounces per month for free?

do you have any idea what goes into doing that? laughable.

i am tempted to say that you got what you deserved.

i would never give my SS# to a "nigerian prince". make of that what you will.
Uncle Buck, I was not suggesting that you are not a giving person, but you definitely lack in compassion with your statements. You may think it is laughable that Zild would take someone at their word, but that was the deal they made, and Zild stuck to it....did the other guy?

You just proved my point for me by saying he got what he deserved. You have no compassion for Zild, because he took someone at his word that he would come through with what he promised? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU FUCKING PEOPLE!!!!!!! SO THE FUCK WHAT........Just so you know I give FREE meds to my patients EVERY TURN. So Zild not expecting to pay for his meds was not so off.

I am frankly surprised at this coming from Uncle Buck.....he seems to have his head screwed on straight most of the time....I expect more from him.


Active Member
Uncle Buck, I was not suggesting that you are not a giving person, but you definitely lack in compassion with your statements. You may think it is laughable that Zild would take someone at their word, but that was the deal they made, and Zild stuck to it....did the other guy?

You just proved my point for me by saying he got what he deserved. You have no compassion for Zild, because he took someone at his word that he would come through with what he promised? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU FUCKING PEOPLE!!!!!!! SO THE FUCK WHAT........Just so you know I give FREE meds to my patients EVERY TURN. So Zild not expecting to pay for his meds was not so off.

I am frankly surprised at this coming from Uncle Buck.....he seems to have his head screwed on straight most of the time....I expect more from him.
Lets all be honest here. This is more than likely what happened. He wanted this guy to grow his weed for free for him. They agreed on 2 OZ a month with the grower probably believing he would be cropping 2+ pounds every two months. The grower ends up yielding alot less than he thought he would so decided to take the entire crop to people who actually paid for it. Im not saying that was a good thing but its probably what happened


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is WOW to you numbnuts. Seriously? I don't know whether you guys are just busting my balls or are actually serious. You are acting as if it takes thousands of dollars a month to grow, and yes I do know what it takes to grow, I used to grow myself. Truth be told I got popped with 99 of them. If you all went to a barber to get a hair cut, and asked how much it would be. The person quoted you 50.00 bucks. You say sure. Than the Barber cuts on side of your hair, and stops and says " You know on second thought I would like 200.00 to finish the job, or better yet he says this guy over there is going to pay me 300.00 for his hair cut. I think I will go cut his hair instead, you would be a bit pissed as well.

When I first talked to him. I asked him what his terms were. He stated two a month. I said ok. I seriously do not know why I am defending myself to you cum burping bitches. I know of several several patients that have the same kind of deal with their growers. Not everyone is looking to cash in on their patients, and realize that they are able to grow because of their patients. It takes the same amount of electricity to grow 1 as it does say 4 or 5. As for nuts, and water etc... That is not all that of an expense, except for the sewer charge. Like I said he gets the rest of the yield for his troubles. As for the labor, shit I enjoyed that shit, and would donate my time, and labor for free, and would like doing it.

dirk d

Active Member
zildijian you are crossing that line bro! i never threw out derogatory remarks about you. what i am saying is that in this world. there are a lot of flakes, low lifes, ex druggies, ex convicts that will rob/take your crop if you let them. i have met many ommp people. some are very straight up, some are iffy and then you have the f'ing low lifes. any respectable grower is going to know that he cant supply you with 2 oz a month off the bat especially when he can only legally flower out 6 plants in your name.

its going to take at least 3 weeks to clone/root some cuttings for you. then another 3-6 weeks to veg them out and then another 9 weeks to flower those girls. now assuming he doesnt have to pay for rent/space, or water because that shit just rains down, and electricity because well he has to have lights on. then you got nutes which are free so he doesnt have to worry about that. he can just collect some bat shit out of some cave.

then if he's a newer grower he isnt going to have the proper lighting. but does he really need it? there is sunlight outside. and then he probably doesnt have the expense of fans, he can just open a window. and because the plants just grow on their own he doesnt have to maintain or keep a eye on the crop 24/7. there's no chance of any kind of disaster situation happeneing as mj is the most hardy and disease resistant plant in the world.

and in the end of harvest he's going to get 1 lb dry off of every plant. so he should be ok with fronting you 2 oz for 6 months till his crop comes in. all im saying is if you keep pounding your head against a wall and it hurts, its probably not going to get better on the next wall you pound your head on.

and just to let you know i spend 1000's every month and im still about 5-8k away from having my setup.


New Member
Lets all be honest here. This is more than likely what happened. He wanted this guy to grow his weed for free for him. They agreed on 2 OZ a month with the grower probably believing he would be cropping 2+ pounds every two months. The grower ends up yielding alot less than he thought he would so decided to take the entire crop to people who actually paid for it. Im not saying that was a good thing but its probably what happened
Exactly, but not at all Zildjian's fault. Zild's only mistake was taking this guy at his word. I can not find much fault in Zild's actions. This kind of stuff happens a lot more than you people think......another good reason to allow dispensaries in the future.

This is all part of the problem with our current system....if you are a med patient, and DO NOT know a grower, or how to grow yourself, you may have to take the word of a stranger, and take the chance in getting screwed.....everyone should be able to see that this is a problem with the current system. Most people say "grow your own", but the true fact of the matter is that most people have no idea where to start, even if they are an avid smoker. It takes a lot of time to grow fantastic medical marijuana, and most folks are not going to get high quality meds for at least a few harvests on their own.


New Member
zildijian you are crossing that line bro! i never threw out derogatory remarks about you. what i am saying is that in this world. there are a lot of flakes, low lifes, ex druggies, ex convicts that will rob/take your crop if you let them. i have met many ommp people. some are very straight up, some are iffy and then you have the f'ing low lifes. any respectable grower is going to know that he cant supply you with 2 oz a month off the bat especially when he can only legally flower out 6 plants in your name.

its going to take at least 3 weeks to clone/root some cuttings for you. then another 3-6 weeks to veg them out and then another 9 weeks to flower those girls. now assuming he doesnt have to pay for rent/space, or water because that shit just rains down, and electricity because well he has to have lights on. then you got nutes which are free so he doesnt have to worry about that. he can just collect some bat shit out of some cave.

then if he's a newer grower he isnt going to have the proper lighting. but does he really need it? there is sunlight outside. and then he probably doesnt have the expense of fans, he can just open a window. and because the plants just grow on their own he doesnt have to maintain or keep a eye on the crop 24/7. there's no chance of any kind of disaster situation happeneing as mj is the most hardy and disease resistant plant in the world.

and in the end of harvest he's going to get 1 lb dry off of every plant. so he should be ok with fronting you 2 oz for 6 months till his crop comes in. all im saying is if you keep pounding your head against a wall and it hurts, its probably not going to get better on the next wall you pound your head on.

and just to let you know i spend 1000's every month and im still about 5-8k away from having my setup.
Dirk, he already waited 2 months for the flowering to occur, and that is when the grower told him they would be ready. GROWERS FAULT. Zild is an ex-grower, and knows the timeline it takes to grow. He does not have any misconceptions about the process....his grower misled him.

And all this after he had waited for 2-4 months for the first grower to crop out, and then skipped town.

What is most upsetting about this is that Zild is a legitimate medical patient, and has had 2 different growers within the OMMP SCREW him....and kept him waiting for 6 months without ANY MEDS. That is just plain wrong. As a grower, I can tell someone, within 2 weeks, when they will get their meds. If I do not get the harvest I need, then that is MY fault, my patients still get all of their meds. Unfortunately, folks like me, who actually DO WHAT THEY PROMISED, are already growing for the max 4 people that we can grow for. And then we are trying to make up the difference to people like Zild, since his grower sucked.

Zild, I can tell you I have some great hash, ready to go, FREE FREE FREE. And probably some meds to put under that hash.....FREE FREE FREE!

And if anyone continues to ride you about this, put them on the ignore list.....not worth the stress, man.


Active Member
All I have to say is WOW to you numbnuts. Seriously? I don't know whether you guys are just busting my balls or are actually serious. You are acting as if it takes thousands of dollars a month to grow, and yes I do know what it takes to grow, I used to grow myself. Truth be told I got popped with 99 of them. If you all went to a barber to get a hair cut, and asked how much it would be. The person quoted you 50.00 bucks. You say sure. Than the Barber cuts on side of your hair, and stops and says " You know on second thought I would like 200.00 to finish the job, or better yet he says this guy over there is going to pay me 300.00 for his hair cut. I think I will go cut his hair instead, you would be a bit pissed as well.

When I first talked to him. I asked him what his terms were. He stated two a month. I said ok. I seriously do not know why I am defending myself to you cum burping bitches. I know of several several patients that have the same kind of deal with their growers. Not everyone is looking to cash in on their patients, and realize that they are able to grow because of their patients. It takes the same amount of electricity to grow 1 as
it does say 4 or 5. As for nuts, and water etc... That is not all that of an expense, except for the sewer charge. Like I said he gets the rest of the yield for his troubles. As for the labor, shit I enjoyed that shit, and would donate my time, and labor for free, and would like doing it.
I never said it was your fault. But I didn't ever see you saying anything about paying him. Bad analogy!


Well-Known Member
99 plants?

For a personal grow that is ashtma inducing. Wow.
I never stated it was for personal :) This was before OMMP was around mid 90's.

As for dirt, like I said I asked him what HIS terms were, and agreed to it. As for your sarcasim about the life, and cycle about a plant I am well aware about life cycle of a plant. I guess I assumed that even though ( MY ) plants would not be done in this time, it is not that far fetched to assume that there would be some left over from other patients plants after giving them there two for the month.Going by your numbers if he can flower 6 plants for each patient at lets say 2oz per plant ( this is a reasonable expectation ) , and he is giving a patient the yield from one of those plants there would be plenty left over for a new patient. Now remember he is the one that said the amount, and when I could expect it. I think all you peeps chiming in about this are the one that are probably feeling guilty about trying to make a living off of their patients. Remember this is not a job, it's an adventure LOL. You can not expect your patients to be paying your rent, house payment, or car payment etc.. These are costs that you need to obsorb on your own. As far as your costly equipment do you think your patients should be paying for this? This is stuff you are buying and owning. when your patient leaves you do you give them the equipment you bought to grow their meds? I don't think so. What would you do if the neighborhood kid came by your house, and said Hey can I mow your yard for 20.00, and you said yes, than he said to you well I will need 200.00 up front to buy the lawn mower to do it, and kept the lawn mower when he was done. Yea thats what I thought so don't even come to me with the cost of equipment. Child Please!

dirk d

Active Member
look zild, you got screwed im not saying you didn't. you have a right to be upset, i give you that. 2oz a plant is reasonable but if it takes 6 months and you get 12 oz and you're giving 2 oz a month that doesnt leave anything left over. plus if you dont have your grow dialed in chances are good that you wont get 2 oz a plant. and you can't take out true costs of growing which include equipment, rent for space, gas, water, electricity, nutes. so much shit its freakin unbelievable. you should know that if you were growing out 99 plants. what you need is an outdoor grower with less costs. you might have to wait till october/novembe but at least you should get a good amount. ommp is full of flakes and robbers. people should stand behind their agreements but it rarely occurs that way when you're dealing with getting medicine for free. i hear it all the time.

lol thats some funny shit zild. you trying to egg me on lol. look i know your a "big" guy but that shit wont work on me. lol. go find some more schumks to try that shit on. lol.

dirk d

Active Member
Dirk, he already waited 2 months for the flowering to occur, and that is when the grower told him they would be ready. GROWERS FAULT. Zild is an ex-grower, and knows the timeline it takes to grow. He does not have any misconceptions about the process....his grower misled him.

And all this after he had waited for 2-4 months for the first grower to crop out, and then skipped town.

What is most upsetting about this is that Zild is a legitimate medical patient, and has had 2 different growers within the OMMP SCREW him....and kept him waiting for 6 months without ANY MEDS. That is just plain wrong. As a grower, I can tell someone, within 2 weeks, when they will get their meds. If I do not get the harvest I need, then that is MY fault, my patients still get all of their meds. Unfortunately, folks like me, who actually DO WHAT THEY PROMISED, are already growing for the max 4 people that we can grow for. And then we are trying to make up the difference to people like Zild, since his grower sucked.

Zild, I can tell you I have some great hash, ready to go, FREE FREE FREE. And probably some meds to put under that hash.....FREE FREE FREE!

And if anyone continues to ride you about this, put them on the ignore list.....not worth the stress, man.
no one is riding him just giving our opinions. not stress just discussion. if a disussion stresses you out maybe you need to get a bit more mature so that way you can handle an adult conversation.


Active Member
All you cowboy farmers are starting to scare me.

You guys are in one ballpark and I'm down the road 10 miles away.

And i think I like it there...and will stay there.


Active Member
I never stated it was for personal :) This was before OMMP was around mid 90's.

As for dirt, like I said I asked him what HIS terms were, and agreed to it. As for your sarcasim about the life, and cycle about a plant I am well aware about life cycle of a plant. I guess I assumed that even though ( MY ) plants would not be done in this time, it is not that far fetched to assume that there would be some left over from other patients plants after giving them there two for the month.Going by your numbers if he can flower 6 plants for each patient at lets say 2oz per plant ( this is a reasonable expectation ) , and he is giving a patient the yield from one of those plants there would be plenty left over for a new patient. Now remember he is the one that said the amount, and when I could expect it. I think all you peeps chiming in about this are the one that are probably feeling guilty about trying to make a living off of their patients. Remember this is not a job, it's an adventure LOL. You can not expect your patients to be paying your rent, house payment, or car payment etc.. These are costs that you need to obsorb on your own. As far as your costly equipment do you think your patients should be paying for this? This is stuff you are buying and owning. when your patient leaves you do you give them the equipment you bought to grow their meds? I don't think so. What would you do if the neighborhood kid came by your house, and said Hey can I mow your yard for 20.00, and you said yes, than he said to you well I will need 200.00 up front to buy the lawn mower to do it, and kept the lawn mower when he was done. Yea thats what I thought so don't even come to me with the cost of equipment. Child Please!
Fact is, you THINK when I KNOW you're wrong. I've chimed in and am no ones grower but my own. So who would i be exploiting if anyone, myself? lol