Patient goes "manic" with mmj


Well-Known Member
I went the SSRI route for three or four years. Worst time of my life and I'm fortunate to be still here imo. My depression was a result of living with pain, but instead of treating the problem (knee replacement) or the symptoms (pain killers) they decided to get me on anti-depressants. They wouldn't give me anything stronger than T3's because I was a recovering alcoholic? so the pain never went away, they just tried to fuck with my mind so I wouldn't care. In the end I was on 2 SSRI's, an anti-anxiety pill and several others for cholesterol etc. I spent most of my waking hours thinking about suicide. One day I just had enough, flushed about $400 worth of pills and haven't seen a doc or taken a pharmaceutical since. I still fight the depression, but it's manageable now.
It's actually pretty damn dangerous to stop SSRI's cold turkey. But I'm glad you were able to successfully. Grow some opium IMO. The only reason that shit is illegal is because it's not patentable and controllable. God forbid people have cheap medicine. It's not technically illegal to grow the poppies, just harvesting the medicine. But if you're in chronic pain I think there's a case to be made for using opiates at times. I know cannabis can make living with pain a lot more manageable, even if it doesn't always completely relieve the symptoms.

One thing I've found helps is cannabis salves. I don't know how to make them personally, but I have a friend who makes them and they are nice topical relief.